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Villain of my own novel

Chapter 135 134. Cursed (5).
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"Pl-please he-help me get o-out o-of here."

-'Don't tell me, that child is that guy's.....' Quinn stared at the kid as his brows furrowed at her.

Then he suddenly remembered the feeling he got when he saw his pathetic pig-like son and a feeling of 'despise' crept up from his heart and a feeling of 'disgust' merged with it and he was unable to hold it in and the sight of a 'weak' kid made him feel 'superior' and all the pent-up emotions oozed out against the poor skinny kid and abruptly Quinn Walker, who is 81 years old.....


He spat right next to the kid, as if he wanted to spit in the kid's face, the kid slightly trembled and took a step back, but she didn't avert her gaze, which got Quinn even more agitated, it was like a bully having a laugh while the weak resisted.

'Human!!' The Eye became 'angry' at the actions of the 'Quinn' for the first time ever, and the same anger that the Eye thought it had numbed rose from the Eye's very existence, which it was constantly striving to define.


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The pitch-black space around the Eye trembled as if it were alive, many cracks appeared in the space that oozed thick dark purple hue and caused everything in the pitch-black space to break apart while a thick black hue oozed out of the Eye's mannequin-like body outlined with a thin layer of dark purple hue displaying a horrifying Devil-like figure behind the Eye, a fanged mouth formed and was wide open with a set of slits which were splitting apart as if glued together with goo and formed a pair of pitch black abyss-like sclera and bright orange iris with vertical black slits as if the iris had been split from the middle as if to make way for the abyss-like sclera.

The hue that had formed behind the Eye leaned forward and merged with the horrifying mannequin-like being, and the dark purple pulses rippling across the Eye's body came to a halt and began to beat in a heart-like rhythmic beat.

BA-BUMP (6x)

The heartbeat-like dark purple pulses rippled on the mannequin body as the pitch-black hue merged, though the mannequin body's colour didn't change the aura around the Eye certainly did. Now, the Eye leaned forward towards the 'Earth' which looked like a reference globe in front of it and glared at the world.

Meanwhile, on Earth, the ground trembled slightly, and when the vibrations were read by humans using their technology, they were shocked to discover that the incident had occurred with no forewarnings. The Eye didn't notice anything because it was feeling 'angry' at 'Quinn' and that feeling was strong enough to make it want to wipe out the existence of 'Quinn' from the face of the world.

"How dare you disgusting thing have galls to speak to me!" Quinn Walker roared in disgust.

'You dare!' the Eye continued to glare at the world while the 'rage' it felt grew more by the second.

"I-I am sorry sir, pl-please he-help me ge-get out of he-here." The child knelt in front of Quinn and begged, tears streaming from her eyes as she trembled. The child begged, her forehead touching the ground, but the feeling of 'disgust' seemed to grow as the feeling of 'superiority' fuelled his actions.

"Tsk, how dare..." Quinn roared at the pleading child, but was cut off by an ominous feeling that sent shivers down to his core

-"Human!" the Eye roared with the newly formed mouth and the pitch-black space shivered like a puppy in rain.

-'W-What?' Quinn shuddered in fear; he didn't know what had happened, but the fear brought him back to his senses, and as he returned his gaze to the child kneeling in desperation, fear crept up from the corner of his heart.

"Tsk." Quinn clicked his tongue and floated towards the mansion's gate.

-'It's too late to apologise...' Quinn thought.

'How dare...' The Eye was seething in rage when suddenly the kid who was kneeling stared at the figure of Quinn who was floating away and dashed towards him. tumbling.

"S-sir! Pl-please!" The kid pleaded Quinn as she rushed towards him and tugged his left leg desperately and continued to beg.

"Please, please, help me." She pleaded as tears streamed down her face and clung to his leg like it was her last lifeline, her knees still touching the ground, causing the skin on her knees and toes to bleed profusely as she was dragged.

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'.....' The Eye stared at the scene and its newly grown brows trembled as if it was trying to hold back tears and clenched its fanged teeth in rage.

"Oi, leg go!" The guards near the gate rushed towards Quinn, roughly grabbed the kid, and threw the kid behind their backs after freeing her from Quinn, who ignored them without batting an eye and floated out.

'Human! You shall be killed by my hands!' The Eye declared.


A hour after in the world of the living.

The Eye calmed down from the feeling of rage and started to think back on its actions, there were many things that happened in a short amount of time and many things that the Eye never imagined would happen, but it still gained understanding of a few things.

First was that, the Eye wanted that human child, it didn't know what it was feeling but its 'desire' which it treasured seemed to yearn for that human child and his greed for power increased because it needed a body to interfere with the world of the living, the Eye had yet to realize it had somehow interfered with earth unknowingly.

Second was, It had developed facial features that would appear when it needed them and disappear when they were no longer required, the Eye simply kept those because they were new and it didn't require them at all as its senses were much stronger than those, not that they interfered with any of the Eye's senses in any way.

Third was the feeling of 'rage,' though it had yet to feel that feeling again, the Eye was not disappointed in the least and was feeling an entirely new feeling about that human child, and that feeling was 'curiosity.'

Meanwhile, Quinn returned to the 'Switch' academy and contacted some of the people he had remained in contact with during his time in the 'camp,' inviting them to go on a hunt in Sector One like they used to, he had contacted five people and four out of five agreed because the last one was preoccupied with his new-born grandchildren.