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Villain of my own novel

Chapter 123 122. Loss.
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"Let's train a bit." Isha mumbled and dashed towards Core after pulling out the Ice Blood Katana from her inventory.

Isha appeared next to Core and unsheathed her katana and slashed, employing mana in it before slashing horizontally, black coloured mana slowly climbed to the tip of the katana and a black arc was shot out after the slash was completed.


The black arc passed through the necks of the remaining 20 vampires, which would have made it easier for Core and Henry to kill them, but the heads didn't roll off, instead freezing in place as their entire body slowly began to freeze while the remains of the black arc began to devour the vampires starting from their neck. When Core and Henry noticed that the vampires' necks had frozen, they halted their onslaught and stared at Isha and the vampires back and forth.

"... Eshwar taught you that?" Core couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked.

"Mhm~" Isha nodded her head with a bright smile.

'He did.... But not in this life; if he asks after seeing this, it will be easier to talk to him; if he begins to ignore, I can simply kidnap him; now that I have awakened my divinity thanks to him, I will definitely kidnap him to at least test my strength.... Though I doubt he would offer any resistance.' Isha inwardly thought and grinned.

"Divine Pulse." Isha murmured, and golden ripples appeared from her feet, which she was certain would not be visible to beings lacking divinity.

'I should change its colour after I gain a bit more control over it....' Isha thought as she slightly furrowed her brows.

"Tsk." Isha clicked her tongue in annoyance, when she still couldn't find the hooded person's life force. That person was a variable she kept an eye on; she was getting a very uneasy feeling from that person, similar to how she felt in front of 'him.'

'A total of 18 life forces, excluding mine.....a vampire and his indefinite soldiers wouldn't have any, of course, they're called undead for a reason.' Isha counted and snorted at herself, inwardly.

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".... Should we kill that 'NPC' or train?" Isha asked Core.

"Pfft, what do you pfft, want to do?" Core asked while holding back her laughter.

"Well, if it was up to me, I'd rather train first and kill him after I don't want to anymore." Isha answered with a straight face while Core and Henry where chuckling.

"Pfft, hahaha, let's do that then." Core said amid her laughter.

"Okay~" Isha said joyfully and walked towards the blood soldiers.

"Che." The NPC clicked his tongue who knows why and glared at the shadow solider that was blocking his katana every time he moved.

"How annoying." He mumbled and glanced at the crowd where Quinn and the others stood.

"Hehe." He grinned at them, they instinctively took a step back, but....

SHING (5x)

Blood spikes protruded from the NPC's leg and moved towards the crowd in an instant, killing everyone except Quinn, Isha knew it before it even started, she just didn't care, but Quinn, Core, Henry, Arngrim, and Louie didn't notice it until it happened because Core and the others were focusing on the vampire soldiers while Quinn stood in a daze as it happened, and somehow the suspicious person was killed as well.

SPLASH (12x)

Their bodies fell on the blood puddle and within a matter of seconds, their bodies were devoid of blood, they had turned into 'mummies' and their bodies turned pale green.

'That.... I wasn't even able to sense that person even after I used my divinity, a simple blood spike killed him? No, no, something is wrong here.....' Isha was thinking, but snapped out of her reverie when she heard the NPC speak.

"Blood Sea." He mumbled.


All of the blood on the ground began to ripple before spinning around the NPC's feet as if a whirlpool had formed out of nowhere; he raised and slammed his right leg to the ground, causing some of the blood to float in mid-air while snipping; slowly, all of the blood rose up, forming a massive vortex around the NPC.

'Like a domain...' Isha thought while staring at the phenomenon take place, if he completed that technique everybody will be drawn into a domain where the NPC will be in control of, she knew that it will be hard to come out of it, but wasn't in the least bit worried about it.

"Hmm... Should we stop? Or go in?" Arngrim mumbled.

"Aye, he is working so hard, it'll be rude to refuse the invitation." Louie mumbled.

"Correct." Core nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's go, it's not like it's first time or anything." Henry said.

"You guys have been in a 'Incomplete domain?'" Isha asked in surprise with her brows raised.

"Of course...." Core replied and glanced at Isha with a mischievous grin.

".... We experienced it because of 'Your Boyfriend.'" Core grinned from ear to ear while dancing her brows up and down.

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"Really? Mhmn~" Isha answered while keeping her best poker face, but her rosy cheeks gave her away.

'I'm still not used to the 'boyfriend' thing even though I love him! That too, for two lives!!! Uuwaaa!' Isha screamed inwardly while trying her best to hold back from flushing bright red.

The vortex expanded into a massive blood sphere that completely engulfed the NPC, then burst outwardly and drew everybody... the remaining six into it.

The floor had turned into blood, which rippled with each step they took, while everything else was completely white; the end was not visible, but at the end both red and white touched, it was ominously beautiful to look at with only the rippling sounds; air bubbles appeared from beneath the blood sea, and slowly dead bodies floated up.

'Its still incomplete....' Isha thought and as if the 'incomplete domain' heard her.....


Cracks appeared and a black crack opened mid-air on the pure white space, a bright red moon shone behind the crack, it had many cracks on it from which it was bleeding bright red blood, which seeped out of the crack like a blood fall into the 'Incomplete Domain' known as 'Blood Sea' created by the NPC.

"Bloody recovery." The hoarse voice of NPC rang out from the front to Isha, but everyone else was looking in their own respective directions.



"Uck!!??" Quinn's trembling voice filled with agony was heard from Isha's right, she immediately snapped her head in Quinn's direction and saw him with a hand impaling through his heart, Quinn was looking down at his heart and saw a hand piercing from behind, he simply stared at the hand before raising his head to stare at Isha with a slight smile on his face, when she saw him like that, a strange pang appeared on her heart and the entire world fell silent in front of her, gradually darkening even more; it had only recently gained some dull colours after meeting Eshwar, but that, too, had vanished and darkened even further with each passing second.

"Quinnnnnn!!!" Louie roared in anguish, Isha looked at him with a straight face, Louie, Henry, Core, and Arngrim dashed towards Quinn without a care in the world while Isha couldn't move while her mind imprinted that face, Quinn's smiling face with blood flowing from his mouth was still in front of her eyes.

Quinn's body had already slumped down lifelessly on the blood sea, slowly blending with the floating bodies, and the hooded figure simply stood staring at Isha, nothing visible on him, he looked like one of her shadow soldiers.


Another crack started to appear on Isha's right with ten steps away from Quinn's body, 8 fingers could be seen as the crack slowly being tore apart and a figure stood in the dark with white hair that shone brightly, bright orange iris with vertical black slits shining violently while the entire body seemed black, causing the mana in the air to screech.
