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Wooing My Ex-Wife by Mr. Adeel

Chapter 476
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Chapter 476 A Double Agent

Clocking Craig’s detached expression, Karl sighed. Without saying anything further, he obediently left to do as


During lunch at noon, the atmosphere at the dining table in the Newton residence was exceedingly


Sensing that Craig was in a bad mood and seemed to be preoccupied with his thoughts, neither Jasmine nor Lucas

dared make a peep. They both kept their heads lowered and stuffed food into their mouths.

Only the sounds of cutlery against crockery remained in the huge dining room.

Craig’s expression was as black as thunder. Unbidden, the other person imprisoned on the top floor of the house

flashed across his mind.

Jennifer has already learned of the Newton family’s secret, so allowing her to stay by Cedrick’s side poses a

tremendous risk at the end of the day. Argh! How I wish I could kill her right away!

A clang rang out as he slammed his fork onto the table with a grim look on his face.

The sudden sound had both Jasmine and Lucas jump in fright. They did not even dare chew the food in their


Lucas was inherently cowardly and had no mind of his own. When he saw that Craig was no longer eating, he put

down his fork resolutely and swallowed the last bite of food in his mouth before sitting there quietly.

Likewise, Jasmine was too scared to continue eating. Following suit, she placed her fork down and turned to Craig.

“What’s the matter with you, Craig?” Her voice turned tentative, and she ventured, “Is this because… Jennifer had

been taken away?”

Craig lifted his eyes and stared at her intently. All of a sudden, an idea occurred to him.

“Since Gwendolyn claimed that her crystal earrings went missing, go and return them to her. If you like them, I’ll

gift you a similar set in the future.”

Not daring to demur, Jasmine could only relent in displeasure, “Got it.”

Subsequently, Craig continued, “She used you to take Jennifer away, so she probably harbors some guilt toward

you. Visit the Jenson residence often these few days.”

At that, Jasmine was wholly bewildered.

“Huh? But didn’t you just instruct me to stay away from her last night?“,

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“That was then. Jennifer is there now, and we can’t ascertain her safety. Use this excuse to go over often and look

in on her. Can you do it?”

Words eluded Jasmine.

Is he asking me to be a double agent? If he were to learn that I willingly helped to facilitate the matter of Jennifer

being taken away, would he skin me alive in his fury?

Her heart jolted, and she hung her head low. In truth, she did not want Jennifer to return at all.

“Gwendolyn and Jennifer are best friends, so Gwendolyn never hurt her, Craig. Besides, didn’t you say that Jennifer

is gravely ill? Isn’t it perfect that Gwendolyn took her away for treatment? We can save ourselves the hassle.”


A loud, resounding noise split the air.

In his towering rage, Craig smashed the porcelain bowl before him to the ground, resulting in shards flying


Both Lucas and Jasmine trembled in terror.

The latter was so terrified that her eyes brimmed with tears, and she bit her lower lip in aggrieve. Curling into

herself, she apologized, “Don’t be angry, Craig. I was wrong.”

It was only then that Craig’s expression eased slightly. “While you hold no affection for Jennifer, she’s still your

biological sister. As her sister, shouldn’t you go and visit her now that she’s not only gravely ill but also contracted

some mental issues?”

“Yeah. I’ll go and visit her in the afternoon after I finish eating in a while.”

“Be careful. I’ll arrange for two well–trained bodyguards to escort you.”

Jasmine was startled for a bit, but she did not think much of it. “Okay, got it.”

In no time, Craig’s expression softened significantly.

The housekeeper then brought a new set of tableware over and placed everything neatly before the man.

Craig picked up the fork, the look on his face back to its usual casualness. “The food has daydreaming and continue



cold. Stop

Only then did Lucas and Jasmine dare to resume eating, keeping their heads lowered as they did so. Some time

passed before Craig asked, “Are you busy at the office recently, Lucas?”

Jerking his head up in surprise, Lucas was just about to answer in the affirmative when Craig blithely continued, “If

you aren’t busy, I’ll have my subordinates find a vacant position at the Federal Bureau of Investigation for you.”

“Craig, I…”

I’m so weak that I start panting after standing for half an hour in the military posture. How could I possibly be able

to bear the torture of going on missions and running around every day?

Inwardly, he griped incessantly, wondering whether his brother was deliberately taking his anger out on


Alas, Craig did not even spare him a single look. Instead, he added in a deep voice, “Try to handle things at the

office remotely as much as possible henceforth. Make frequent trips to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and gain

a foothold there as soon as possible.”

With pain written all over his face, Lucas weakly queried, “Can I decline, Craig?”




Over the moon, Lucas was just about to turn Craig down firmly when the latter continued, “But if I’ll think that

you’re purposefully being lazy and unambitious. The cane meant for Jasmine last night ended up unused, so why

don’t you go to the ancestral hall and take fifty strikes so that the family rules can play their role, and you can also

donate some blood?”

In a flash, Lucas‘ face drained of all color. Expending much difficulty, he flashed his brother a smile. “Never mind,

then. I’m not that strong, and that might kill me. I choose to go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

Craig nonchalantly took some food, his voice amicable. “There’s no need to force yourself. You can consider it

further. I’m not coercing you.”

“No, it’s okay. I’m very sure of my decision, Craig. I fervently hope to hone myself at the Federal Bureau of

Investigation. I’ll never disappoint you and shall do my best to perform well to gain a foothold there as soon as


He had a determined look in his eyes, and he sounded beyond serious.

At that, Craig was finally satisfied. A smile curved his lips, and his gaze turned gentle once more. “Great. Eat first.”

Lucas‘ hand that held the fork trembled uncontrollably. Despite the tableful of food, he had no appetite at the

thought of the agonizing days awaiting him.

Nonetheless, he had no choice but to continue taking some food and eating a few bites in front of Craig. His hands

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were shaking overly much, and the fear within him lingered. Even after trying for an eternity, he still could not take

the meatball on the plate.

Glimpsing the sidelong gaze Craig cast his way, he promptly flinched. “I’m sorry, Craig.”

Craig remained silent. He reached out and took a meatball before placing it into Lucas‘ bowl steadily.

“Thank you, Craig.”

After murmuring an airy acknowledgment, Craig continued eating.

Thereafter, no one else at the dining table spoke.

Different thoughts played in the minds of all three of them.

The entire meal was downright depressing for Jasmine and Lucas. They almost suffocated.

On the contrary, Craig was in a much better mood.

He then went back to his study to handle work matters.

No sooner had he sat down than Karl knocked on the study door. “Mr. Craig, the team leader of Team Seven of the

Federal Bureau of Investigation personally called and said Mr. Jenson would like to see you. He asked that you

change into your military uniform and arrive at the Federal Bureau of Investigation within half an hour. If you’re

late, you’ll be punished and issued a warning letter.”

Half an hour? That much of a rush? What exactly is Cedrick trying to do?

Shooting to his feet from the chair, Craig immediately returned to his room and changed. Then, he quickly went

downstairs and sped toward the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Throughout the drive, he kept an eye on the watch on his wrist that had the countdown timer turned on.

In the last few seconds, he arrived at Cedrick’s office right on the dot.

Right then, Cedrick was reclining against the chair leisurely, dressed regally in military uniform. He emanated an icy

aura, appearing as imperious as ever.

Toying with a cigarette between his long and slender fingers, he sniffed at it occasionally.

Yet, he dared not smoke, afraid that Gwendolyn would smell it on him when he went home and chastise him for not

considering the twins. If that happened, he would be lectured again.

Craig stood by the door and stared at the man from afar. With steady steps, he strode over to the empty space in

front of the desk. Placing his hands at his back, he straightened to his full height.

He stood there at parade rest, his posture flawless.

“Do you have any special instructions for me when you’ve already suspended all my duties at the bureau, Mr.
