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Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 567 Now, I Have No Choice But To Kill You
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A month after Ethan inherited Queen Celestia’s Legacy…

“We finally arrived,” smilingly said a handsman whose long green hair seemed to be made from vines. “Now we can finally kill those Firbolgs and their descendants.”

“We didn’t chere to kill them, Harial,” a man with the head of a snake said in an impatient tone. “How many times must I remind you that we didn't chere for that reason? Are you going to jeopardize our mission?”

“You’ve grown timid, Aspis,” Harial sneered. “Did hiding for too long dull your fangs?”

“Shut up, Harial,” Aspis replied coldly. “You already know that if you mess up this mission, you’ll have to deal with Lord Eurig’s wrath. If you still feel like doing what you wish to do, then do it alone. Don’t drag us with you!”

Harial clicked his tongue, but he no longer said anything. Clearly, the Snake Man’s threat worked on him.

“First, we need to gather information,” said a beautiful woman with long black hair and black scales covering a quarter of her face. “Coincidentally, there are four of us and four territories in the Shire Continent. I suggest that we each go to different territories to speed up our mission.”

“That’s a nice suggestion, Samara,” declared a man with two small white horns protruding from his head. “I like cold places, so I’ll go to Northshire. I’m sure I’ll feel at hthere.”

“Yeah, only you can go there, Fannar,” Aspis commented. “I hate cold places.”

“That’s because you’re a snake,” Harial said in disdain. “But I guess I’ll go to Westshire. It's been a while since I ate an elf. I’m sure I’ll have my fun there.”

“I’ll go to Eastshire,” Samara stated. “Dealing with humans is my specialty.”

“Then I guess I’ll go to Southshire.” Aspis nodded. “Remember, our goal here is to find the traces of the Artifact that Lord Eurig is looking for. Hunting the Firbolgs and their descendants is not our mission. But if you really wish to kill a few of them, make sure that you won’t leave any traces behind.

“If their community becomes suspicious, and they start to actively look for us, then we will not be able to move freely. Harial, I’m warning you.”

“Shut up, snake.” Harial sneered. “You don’t get to orderaround.”

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After saying those words, the handsman with long green hair walked away without even bothering to look back.

“We will all meet up in Grandshire after two months,” Aspis announced. “Make sure to arrive on time. I don’t like waiting.”

Samara and Fannar nodded their heads in understanding before they left for their chosen territories.

Mingling with the locals wasn't hard for them. Among the Fomorians, they were the most suitable individuals for information gathering.

This was also why they were sent to the Shire Continent to look for the Legendary Artifact of the Firbolgs, which had the power to break the seals that were placed on sof their most powerful companions.


During Samara's one-month stay in Eastshire, she had searched high and low for the Artifact that they were supposed to retrieve in the Shire Continent.

Throughout the past month, she had gathered a lot of rumors and information that was spreading across Eastshire, which amused her.

She found out that one of the Colossi, whom the Fomorians were looking for, had appeared in Westshire, and she was none other than Queen Celestia.

Because of this, she cacross the information about Ethan and how he was being targeted and prosecuted by the nobles simply because he had inherited Queen Celestia’s Legacy.

‘He must be killed at all cost,’ Samara thought as she arrived in one of the major cities of Eastshire. ‘But first, I will need to gather temporary allies in order to pull that off.’

Right now, she was in Starvar City, which was under the control of the Asta Family. Oscar was a Marquess who served directly under the King, and their family had lived in the city for hundreds of years.

Even though their prestige had dwindled a bit after losing two Prodigies, it was a fact that they were one of the most prominent families in Eastshire.

Samara had decided to meet with Oscar because she believed that as long as he was given a chance to kill Ethan, he would definitely do it.

Of course, she didn't have any normal means to contact him, so she had decided to infiltrate their residence once she was certain that Oscar was within its premises.

Samara originally intended to head to Limeburgh Town, believing that there was a high chance that the Artifact that she was looking for was hidden somewhere in the Great Eagle Forest.

However, remembering how the Water Fairy Queen had beca thorn in their side in the past, she also wanted to get rid of Ethan. With this intention, she wanted to know more about him and the power he used to fight.

Samara had every intention to nip him in the bud before it was too late.

And in order to do that, she would need the help of the Asta Family, whom she believed to be scheming Ethan’s downfall.

‘The enemy of your enemy is a friend,’ Samara mused as she gazed at the grand residence that overlooked the entire city. ‘I just hope he doesn’t disappoint me.’

The beautiful woman was very good at detecting the presence of strong people.

Anyone within her one-mile radius wouldn’t be able to escape her detection.

Truth be told, she was surprised to find out that there were four people with strong magical power within the Asta Family.

However, she believed that the strongest of the four was the person she was looking for.

After confirming that her target was indeed inside the residence, Samara didn’t hesitate to initiate contact with Oscar.

She found him sitting inside his office, reading sletters. Just as she thought that she was able to enter the room undetected, the Patriarch of the Asta Family sighed and lowered the letter from his hand.

“Who are you? And why are you sneaking inside somebody else’s house?” Oscar asked.

His left hand was holding the scabbard of his sword, ready to pull out his weapon at a moment’s notice.

“I didn’t chere to fight, Oscar Asta.” Samara no longer hid herself and appeared before him. “I chere with a proposal for you.”

“And that is?” Oscar inquired, not lowering his guard in the slightest.

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“I want to kill Ethan Gremory,” Samara stated. “You want him dead too, don't you?”

“So?” Oscar arched an eyebrow.

“Then we should work together,” Samara said in a voice tinged with temptation. “As long as you are able to get him to leave the academy, I will handle the rest.”

“I see.” Oscar smiled. “That sounds like a good plan.”

Without any warning, Oscar unsheathed his blade and severed Samara’s neck, taking the latter by surprise.

The beautiful woman’s head rolled on the floor for a few seconds before coming to a complete stop.

“You’re more decisive than I thought,” Samara’s severed head said with a smile. “Why did you attack me? Didn’t you hate Ethan?”

“Oh, I do hate him,” Oscar replied. “But my hate for your kind is greater than my hate for the kid.”

“Oh, you knew?”

“How can I possibly not know? You Fomorians have always liked others doing the dirty work for you. What makes you think that you can barge in my residence and make a deal with me?”

Samara’s headless body grabbed her head on the ground and placed it back to where it rightfully belonged.

“A pity,” Samara commented. “The two of us could have bectemporary allies if you had just agreed to my proposal. Now, I have no choice but to kill you.”

Oscar sneered. “We’ll see who's going to die, Fomorian.”

“Who else? It will be none other than you.” Samara gave the old man a disdainful look.

A moment later, a loud explosion erupted inside Oscar’s office.

The two powerhouses didn’t hesitate to unleash their killing blows at each other, turning their surroundings into a hellish landscape.