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Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 563 The Coolest Third Year Of Brynhildr Academy [Part 1]
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It all started when I met him.

Yes. It all began on the day when I went to the treasury, intending to trade the Merit Points that I won from the Clash of Manors for anything that would be useful to me.

As a Dud, I didn’t really have any use for magical artifacts and the like, so I decided to look for a weapon instead.

It was just that I didn’t know what kind of weapon I would be proficient in. That's why I decided to check out the weapons section, but their prices were beyond the meager 50,000 Merit Points in my possession.

“There’s a funny old man in the Defective Goods section selling shady items for discounted prices,” said a First Year Witch who was several meters away from me.

“Did he have any good items?” a Second-Year Wizard asked back.

“I think everything he was selling is fake,” the Witch replied. “The names of his shady weapons were apparently God Bow of Explosions, Mountain Splitting Sword, and Sea God’s Trident.”

“Yeah, that’s a scam.” The Second-Year Wizard nodded. “How can items with such powerful sounding names be sold for a cheap price? Anyone who falls for such an obvious scam is an idiot.”

I watched as the two students walked away and agreed that what they were talking about was just a scam.

So, as the righteous person that I was, I decided to deal with the Old Man who was scamming the students of the academy.

But the moment I saw him, I thought that he was just a funny old man who was trying his best to make a living.

Because of that, I decided to just give him my Merit Points because he remindedof my Grandpa who had passed away a few years ago.

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As someone who cfrom a Wizarding Family, I was considered a disgrace because I was a Dud. Only my Grandpa took care of me, and because of him, I didn’t learn to hate my family despite being neglected by them.

"Old man, the nis George, and I plan to be the strongest in this academy," I said with a confident smile on his face. "Because of this, I need a weapon that will makelook cool and awesome! Wait, this Axe looks good. It looks deadly, but why isn't there any description for it?"

Since I planned to buy any item from the Defective Goods Section, it didn’t matter what weapon I chose.

I only wanted to give the old man smerit points, so I casually grabbed the item closest to me.

The old man, who had an eyepatch on his eye, looked atwith a smile.

His long hair was already white, and the scould be said with his beard, and yet, he looked very charismatic to my eyes.

‘Yep, this old coot is definitely a scammer,’ I thought as I laughed internally. ‘Did the Headmaster mistake a Bandit for a Professor?’

"You have good eyes, Young Man," the Old Scammer praised with a smile. "This War Axe is called the God of War Axe. According to history, this War Axe has slain over a hundred Gods in the past.”

"Its previous owner, Kratos, decided to donate it to Brynhildr Academy so that it could be wielded by the next God Slayer. The moment I saw you walk into the Treasury, I immediately knew that you were a man of great courage and valor. Even now, I can tell that the God of War Axe is calling out to you.”

I almost laughed out loud after hearing the nonsense the old man was selling. If such a Godly item like the God of War Axe truly existed, it would never be sold in a place like the Defective Good Section of the Academy.

But since the old guy was funny, it would be best if I matched him as well.

"Hahaha! You have good eyes, old man," I replied with a smug expression on my face. "Although I didn't feel anything upon seeing this War Axe, I believe that what you say is the truth.”

Since this old man was going to scam me, I might as well brag a bit since I was about to say goodbye to my hard earned Merit Points.

"Do you know? I am one of the members of Dud Manor who fought in the tournament and won all my matches.” I said in the most charismatic tone that I could muster. “A single slap fromsent all my enemies flying. They didn't even get the chance to say their last words!"

"Amazing!" the Old Scammer replied. "I knew it! This God of War Axe was left here to becyours. It is our best-selling item as well!"

"Um? What best-selling item?" George blinked. "Isn't this one of a kind?"

Old man, if you were going to scam someone, at least make sure to stick to character. You couldn’t possibly say that a Legendary Weapon was your best-selling item, right?

"Ah! I'm sorry." The Old Man tried to correct the mistake he made due to a slip in the tongue. "I mean, this is the Best-

Selling Weapon that I want to sell, but this weapon is very picky. It only allows heroes to touch it. How about you try it?"

With laughter in my heart, I obliged and grabbed the weapon.

I gave it a few practice swings, and a few minutes later, the deal was finalized.

I returned back to the academy, feeling happy that I helped someone in need.

Many months passed since then, and I had undergone a mission to help protect the First and Second Years from the Rogue Wizards and Witches who usually targeted the students of the academy during that tof the Year.

I was in a team of five people, and we did encounter several Rogue Wizards and Witches. Unfortunately, they proved to be too powerful for mere Third Years to defeat.

“Everyone, run away!” I shouted. “I’ll hold them back!”

My party members knew that a Dud likewould be unable to do anything against Wizards and Witches since my magic was faulty at best.

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However, I had to do it because they were the only ones who could call the other Protectors, whose role was to protect the students at this tof the year.

“Playing the hero?” a skinny-looking Wizard, who seemed to be in his mid-thirties, said. “I’ve been watching you since earlier. Is that wand of yours for display purposes only? You’ve tried to cast a spell, but nothing cout of it. Are you perhaps one of those Duds I heard about?”

I didn’t even bother to answer, knowing that doing so would not change anything.

Since I couldn’t use my wand, I desperately rummaged through my storage ring to find anything that I could use as a weapon.

That was when I saw the God of War Axe that I had bought from the Old Scammer long ago.

Left with no other choice, I took it out from my storage ring and held it firmly with both hands.

“An Axe?” The Skinny Wizard laughed. “Look at this boy. He thinks he can scare us with his Axe! Hahaha!”

“What a joker!” another Wizard chimed in. “Duds don’t usually sell for a high price, but he can still be sold as a lumberjack. He even has an Axe for it!”

The five Rogue Wizards laughed at the stbefore making their way to me.

At that time, I already knew that it was impossible forto defeat them, but that didn't matter. My goal was to only delay them for as long as possible.

Even a few seconds was enough to let my teammates distance themselves from these dangerous people.

Just as the Wizards were about to neutralize me, a loud sneeze reached our ears, making us look at the tree branch that was a few meters away from us.

Sitting on top of it was the sold man who had soldthe God of War Axe.

He was smoking from a pipe and blowing out white smoke from his nose and mouth as if he was in his own backyard.

“Fancy meeting you here, George,” the Old Man said with a smile. “How is the future Mighty Warrior doing?”

“Old Man, get out of here!” I shouted. “These thugs are no good. They will definitely break your old bones!”

The old man just laughed atas if he didn’t feel any threat from the Wizards and Witches, whose wands were now pointed in his direction.