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Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 541 You Like To Turn Everyone Into Ice Statues, Right?
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‘Do these foolish humans really think that they can win against me?’ I laughed internally. In my long life as an Ice Dragon, it had been a while since I last saw such stupidity.

“Enough talk,” Nicole said. “Let’s fight. Or are you saying that you’re afraid to fight two Humans on your own? If you feel disadvantaged, feel free to ask for help. Ethan and I don't mind if you ask two more Dragons to help you fight.”

‘Ah! Such audacity! Humans have truly becarrogant after living a peaceful life for so long,’ I thought. ‘Well, I guess my lunch today will be Human meat. This girl is probably a Witch, so her meat and blood are surely rich in Magic Powers. Hah, such a delicacy, and it was handed toon a silver platter.’

I glanced at my brethren and asked them not to interfere in the battle. As their leader, I couldn’t possibly show any weakness.

Since I was just fighting two Human children, I don’t see any need for outside help. I alone was enough, and this would also be a good lesson for the others to never mingle with Humans again.

“Since you want to die so badly, then cat me!” I roared, spreading my wings to unleash my Dragon’s Fear and bloodlust.

But to my surprise, the two Humans didn’t have much reaction to my display of power, makingarch an eyebrow.

“Ethan, I’ve decided,” Nicole stated. “I’ll fight him alone.”

“Are you sure?” Ethan inquired. “That’s still an Ice Dragon, you know?”

“Yes. The power insideis feeling vengeful today as if it wanted to squash a bug. It will be a shif I don’t accept its will since this is a very rare occasion.

“Okay. But if I think you are in trouble, I will help you.”


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I couldn’t help but snort in contempt after hearing the arrogance in the little girl’s voice.

Did she really think that she alone could beat me, an Elder Dragon,and the leader of the Ice Dragons?

How delusional!

Without another word, I flew high in the sky, for we were a race who fought in this manner.

A minute later, countless icicles flew in my direction, making the disdain I felt toward the Human grow even more.

Using Ice Spells against an Ice Dragon?

‘Such stupidity,’ I mused as I conjured bigger and more powerful icicles, which I rained down in her direction.

But instead of backing down, she matched my barrage with her own, all of which were Ice Spells. To my surprise, her icicles and my own negated each other, shattering into countless shards.

At first, I thought that it was just a fluke, but after several exchanges, I cto a realisation that her icicles were as strong as mine despite them being smaller than the ones I conjured.

Feeling that this couldn’t go on any longer, I decided to finally get serious and unleashed a Dragon’s Breath, which would turn her into a frozen statue.

However, instead of evading my attack, the Human girl stood completely still as the colour of her eyes changed to blood red.

“Glacies Agrum.”

A tornado of ice and snow enveloped her body and gradually extended outward.

The moment my Dragon Breath and the Ice Tornado clashed, my attack was completely dispelled, making my eyes widen in shock.

“Impossible!” I couldn’t help but blurt out. I was confident that even the strongest of Witches would not be able to easily dispel the breath attack of an Elder Dragon like me.

But that was the least of my worries.

The once small tornado had already transformed into a giant tornado, dragginginto its core.

I tried to fly away, but the force of its pull was too much for me. In the end, I was dragged inside of it, unable to break free.

When I cback to my senses, I found myself in a world of snow and ice, which was very different from my hat the peaks of the mountains of Khaled Bor.

The cold never botheredin the past. But, this time, it was different.

The coldness was simply too much, even for an Ice Dragon like me. I was even shivering despite my strong resistance to cold temperatures.

One surprise led to another as I found my feet slowly being enveloped in a sheet of ice.

Due to panic, I immediately flapped my wings and flew upward, breaking the ice that had tried to ensnarefrom the ground.

“Is this the best that you can do, Darran?”

A question filled with ridicule and contempt reached my ears, makingscan the surroundings to search for the owner of the voice.

“Over here, you overgrown lizard.”

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I hastily raised my head and looked at the pink-haired girl, who was hovering dozens of metres above me.

The first thing that caught my attention was not her beauty, but the six pairs of crystal-like angelic wings behind her back, makingsubconsciously shudder.

“You pride yourself for being the strongest Ice Dragon?” Nicole asked in a tone filled with mockery and contempt. “And yet, you can’t even handle this much cold? How pathetic can you be?”

At that time, I knew with every fibre of my being that the one talking towasn’t the girl named Nicole.


It was a being whose power remindedof the ancient stories from when the Primordials, Progenitors, and the Colossi still walked the land in great numbers.

“W-Who are you?” I asked. My body shuddered subconsciously, not because of the cold, but due to the contemptuous look that was being given toby the being above me.

“Baradiel,” the beautiful angel said as she pointed a finger in my direction. “You like to turn everyone into ice statues, right? How about I turn you into one so that you can have a taste of your own medicine?”

“D-Don’t!” I stuttered before I could even think of a proper reply to her words.

“Too late,” Baradiel said as the tip of her finger glowed with power.

“Absolute Zero.”

That was the last thing I heard before I found myself frozen in a block of ice and falling toward the ground, with my mind filled with despair and regret.

There were sbeings in this world that mustn’t be offended no matter what.

I just happened to have bad luck and met one of the beings who liked turning everyone whom she disliked into a block of ice.

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