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Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 136 The Flesh Eater Of Great Eagle Forest [Part 1]
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Chapter 136 The Flesh Eater Of Great Eagle Forest [Part 1]

Somewhere in the dark forest, a young lady wearing a white nightgown stood in a daze.

Her body glowed faintly as the moonlight shone over her.

Towering in front of her was a monster that was over four meters tall, looking at her with delight, longing, and greed.

However, the most prevalent emotion in its eyes was hunger.

It was as if it couldn’t wait to eat the angelic beauty in front of it and drink her blood, which was filled to the brim with potent magical power.

As the creature extended its hand towards her, the young lady remained unmoving. It was as if she was in a trance, unable to break free from the spell that bound her mind and body.

Just as the long, bony hands were about to touch her, Ethan abruptly opened his eyes, gasping for breath.

A second later, he glanced at his side where the young lady should be sleeping, but only emptiness and a sense of panic greeted him.

“No!” Ethan cried out as he lifted the blankets off the bed, hoping that Luna was still there and merely out of his sight.

Seeing that his worst fear had come true, Ethan stood up from the bed and rushed to the door.

He was supposed to keep vigil and prevent her from being spirited away, but due to the exhaustion he felt that day, he fell asleep before he knew it.

‘Calm down.’

A firm, cold voice rang inside his head.

‘Let me take over for a while. I’m more proficient in magic than you are.’

“Do it!” Ethan replied. “I don’t care what it takes, just make sure you save her!”

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‘You don’t have to tell me twice. Luna belongs to us. I won’t let a monster have his way with her.’


Somewhere in the Great Eagle Forest…

Luna stood in a trance as the Wendigo reached out to her.

Just as the vile hands that had killed countless wizards and witches were about to touch her, she suddenly broke out of her daze and took a few steps back.

Her face was pale, and her breathing was ragged. She tried to scream, but her voice failed her.

The Wendigo chuckled evilly as it took a step forward, its glowing eyes locked onto the angelic beauty’s body, licking the air and savoring the magical energy that she was releasing.

It was a creature of pure evil, who enjoyed the fear, pain, and despair of its victims.

For the Wendigo, these emotions were the spices that made its meal more delicious. It had broken its spell on purpose to allow Luna to break free from its control and make her feel these emotions.

The moment she reached the peak of her despair was the time when the monster would go for the kill and eat her, absorbing her powerful magic that would allow the Wendigo to grow stronger.

One of the Wendigo’s specialties was Magic which affected the mind of its target. It invoked a strong sense of fear inside Luna’s mind, making her temporarily forget that she was a witch who could use magic.

But even if she were to remember, the Wendigo had the ability to nullify her magic with a single stare using the Mind Spell that it had planted inside her consciousness.

Luna, who was overwhelmed with fear, started to run away with all of her might.

The Wendigo chuckled because this was the part that it loved the most. It enjoyed a good hunt by guiding its target to a dead end, leaving them with no place to run.

As Luna ran, the Wendigo would appear in front of her and chuckle, forcing her to change direction.

This continued for several minutes until she found herself surrounded by many trees, leaving her no path.

“No!” Luna shouted. “Stay back! Don’t come near me!”

The young witch pressed her back at the tree behind her, wishing that she could merge with its body.

The vile monster approached her slowly while chuckling evilly, making her feel that all hope was lost.

Suddenly, a bright flash of light illuminated the dark forest.

The Wendigo only had enough time to look in the direction where the light was coming from before something hit its body and sent it flying.

The trident that hit the Wendigo flew high in the air before returning to the hand of its owner.

“Get your filthy hands off my woman.”

A young man with purple eyes that glowed faintly in the darkness gazed steadily at the abomination that had already managed to prop itself up from the ground

The monster’s hateful glare met the young man’s gaze, and a hateful chuckle escaped its lips.

“E-Ethan?” Luna stared at the familiar yet unfamiliar teenage boy who stood not far away from her.

Ethan glanced in her direction, and the purple light in his eyes disappeared, returning to its normal color.

As if freed from some kind of spell, Ethan hurriedly ran towards Luna and hugged her tightly for a few seconds.

The feeling of fear and dread that had gripped his heart after finding that the young lady was no longer by his side when he woke up was unbearable, almost making him scream out in anger and despair.

Fortunately, his other half successfully calmed him down in time, allowing him to travel to the Great Eagle Forest in haste.

“I’m glad you’re safe,” Ethan said before reluctantly pulling back. “But we have to fight him together if we want to stand a chance of returning to the academy alive.”

Luna nodded and summoned her wand. Her mind was now clearer after the Wendigo suffered some injury.

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Today was the night of the full moon, and her magic was strongest during this time of the month.

“Lunae Radium!” Luna chanted as she pointed her wand at the Wendigo.

However, a second later, the young lady cried out in pain as she held her head with both hands, dropping her wand on the ground.

The Wendigo’s dormant spell that it had planted in her consciousness that prevented her from using her magic activated, making her feel as if her head was being split apart from the inside.

Ethan was about to ask Luna what was happening to her, but the voice inside his head told him to focus on the monster they were facing.

‘The Wendigo might have planted some kind of mind spell in her consciousness earlier. She won't be able to break free from its influence anytime soon, so we must buy her time until then. Focus on your opponent and stand your ground!’

Ethan gritted his teeth before pointing his wand at the fiend in front of him.

“Lunae Radium!”

A beam of white light erupted from the tip of his wand and shot towards the monster. However, the latter deftly dodged to the side, preventing the spell from hitting it.

“Lunae Radium!”

“Lunae Radium!”

“Lunae Radium!”

Ethan fired multiple Moon Beams at the same time, hoping for at least one to hit the target.

But the Wendigo was simply too fast and evaded his attacks with ease.

Another eerie chuckle escaped its lips as if making fun of the young Wizard who couldn’t hit his target.

Ethan was unfazed and kept casting the spell over and over again. For him, It didn’t matter if he hit his target or not.

He simply hoped that the radiant rays of light would somehow catch the attention of the Professors of the Academy, allowing them to come to their rescue.