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Winning Her Heart back (Emelie and William)

Chapter 386
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Chapter 386 This is Blacknall The meeting did not take place through a phone call. The Allens wanted to set up a face-to-face meeting through Bryan.

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Ashley suppested that she not attend it. "If you insist on suing them, then it's best not to have any interaction with them before court is in session." Emelie smiled dryly. "They know I won't meet them. That's why they asked Mr. Swanson to be the middleman." She wasn't worried about them trying to findopenings in her statements. She had been lead secretary for a few years and she was very familiar with verbal tricks.

That was why Emetic agreed to the meeting. Ashley would be there with her. She was also the one who selected Lovelight to be the meeting place.

Before they entered the club, Ashley received a call from the police station. Her face darkened after the call. "The Allens have posted bad for Elena" "On what grounds?" Emelle's expression turned bitter. There was enough proof that Elena was the one that set her up. How could she be allowed to post bail? "Because they produced a medical report stating that Elena has severe depression, proving that the holding cell is not good for her wellbeing. That's why the police agreed with the bail and placed her under house arrest.” Depression, was it? They didn't post bail before or after they met. It was a show of force from the Allens just before the meeting. Emelie raised her head and gave Lovelight's logo a look before she walked into the chib.

Jeremiah and Lindsey were already waiting in the private room. They didn't bother standing up to greet Emelie and Ashley. Instead, hatred burned in Lindsey's eyes when she looked at Emelle She blamed Emelle for causing her beloved daughter to go through all that Emelie had just sat down when Lindsay said in an arrogant tone, "Let's get straight to the point, Ms. Hoven, How much money do you want for a settlement? Once she signed the settlement agreement, Elena could ask for a lighter sentence.

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on rent. We can offer you 500 thousand." Emelie leaned back into the chair and asked across the cound table, "How much are you willing to pay for the settlement? Jeremiah calmly said, "I heard that when you first joined Swanson Corporation, you stayed in a hotel so you could save on goo thousand again, huh? Emelle couldn't help but smile. However, it was not one of joy. It was one of spite, Daphine's 500 thousand dollars was enough to bribe scaretaker to kill her mother. The Allens 500 thousand dollars was enough to erase all the worries that she had back then. She didn't refuse and simply said, "Thanks to your daughter framing me, I was locked up for a whole day and it almost puton record" Lindsey roared at her, “Elena has already been inside the detention center for three whole days!" "She deserves it for framing me," Emelie sneered, causing Lindsey to almost slam the table and stand up in rage.

Jeremiah raised his voice and said, "One million dollars!" Emelie's expression didn't change. "She faked her suicide, shaped public opinion against me, and then leaked my personal information. This directly causedto receive a malicious package." "Two million dollars!" Emelie's smile widened. "If it was not for the two people she hired not being able to stand the interrogation of the police, I would have been sentenced to imprisonment for a minimum of three to ten years." "Three million dollars," Jeremiah said as he straightened his back, using the table as a support. He stared right at Emelie. "Three million dollars is enough, so don't push it" Emelie continued and stated a fact this time. You were willing to spend 50 milion dollars to bribe William, but all I get is three million dollars." "Are you saying you want 50 million dollars?" Jeremiah asked as he narrowed his eyes. "Your lawyer is here. What you're doing right now is blackmaill Ashley glanced at Emelle only to see the latter slowly say, "Oh, I see. I'll tell you this once and only once. I won't settle even if you're willing to give50 million dollars."

Jeremiah was stunned for a few seconds and could not maintain his composure as he stood up. "You" sure as he won't sign a settlement agreement? Then why are we even negotiating? Are you taking us for a ride?" "I only asked about your offer from the very beginning and then stated what Elena had done to me. I never said that I would settle, did?" Jeremiah was a reputable man in the business world and had the presence to match, but Emelie had met many people in her life who were from all walks of life. She wasn't intimidated at all

She simply gave him a calm glance and said, "Mr. Allen, I believe that this might be a good opportunity form Elena. This will teach her she can't do whatever she wants just because someone has her back, at the very least" Ashley noticed something.

Ashley could tell from her speech that she was letting out her anger on Elena. The anger that she couldton Daphne who William was protecting despite her wrongdoings She couldn't do anything to Daphne, but that didn't mean she had to spare Elena Chapter 337 Lock My Way