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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 252
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Chapter 252 Control Yourself

Josephine kept shaking her head. That man… He wasn’t Lewis at all.

However, he gripped his chin without respecting her wishes and leaned down to capture her lips with

his own.

The young woman could only grit her teeth while attempting to turn her head away to avoid that kiss. At

the same time, she was crying desperately.

Her bound hands were already chaffed, thanks to the tight bonds. Specks of blood seeped out of the

chaffings, soon staining the tie. Josephine’s fingers dug into her palms in despair, her knuckles already

whitening from the excessive force.

Lewis kissed her lips before moving to the tips of her ears. After that, he slid down to her neck.

Josephine could only stare up at the ceiling, completely engulfed by despair at this point. Hot tears kept

sliding into her hairline from the corners of her eyes. Even so, she continued to struggle against Lewis,

even though it was futile. As a result, the bedsheets were kicked into a messy heap.

She didn’t want to look at the face which was hovering above her head. That man, the one who wore

Lewis’ face, was doing improper and bad things to her. The young woman was afraid that if she were to

look at him, she might mistake him for the real Lewis who was doing those things to her.

However, Lewis refused to grant her wish. Instead, he gripped her chin yet again and forced her to look

at his face.

“Can you see me clearly now? Am I the person you’re looking for?”

By then, Josephine’s eyes were already red and puffy from all the crying. Tears continued to roll down

her temples, thus wetting the roots and locks of her head even more. Her hair tie was already lost

during the struggle, so her long hair was messily splayed across the white bedsheets.

It was a beautiful sight to behold if one were to ignore the disgust and anger in her eyes.

Lewis chuckled at that moment. The laughter bubbling from the depths of his throat was filled with

anger, yet there was also a sense of self-deprecation.

Had Josephine insisted on looking for other people, he could always kill them in the blink of

an eye.

However, she was looking for a younger version of Lewis Alvarez before he had turned 20 years old.

How on earth could Lewis track down his younger self?

His eyes grew colder as he grabbed a nearby pillow and covered Josephine’s eyes to block out the

damned emotions swirling within.

A strong sense of asphyxiation overcame Josephine immediately. Soon, waves of dizziness followed.

Eventually, she gave up on struggling.

Ultimately, she embraced the darkness that swallowed up her vision and consciousness.

When Dr. Halliday came to Styx Mansion, he made sure to bring his own luggage. This time, he

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planned to stay in the mansion.

He felt that he would die from exhaustion if he were to continue traveling to Styx Mansion at this rate.

As the doctor checked Josephine’s vitals, he couldn’t help but sneak glances at Lewis, who was

smoking nearby.

Wisps of smoke had already filled the room by then. Dr. Halliday felt like gagging when he smelled the

smoke despite being so far away from Lewis.

However, he didn’t dare to comment on it. He could see that Lewis was in an extremely irritable mood

right now. If he were to speak up, he would definitely become the latter’s next


Once Lewis was done with his cigarette, he shot a look in Dr. Halliday’s direction. The latter

immediately averted his gaze as a result.

A while later, Dr. Halliday finally tucked Josephine under the covers properly before approaching Lewis

with a simper on his face.

“Mr. Alvarez.”


The doctor let out a light cough before stating in a slightly embarrassed tone, “Um, please control

yourself. Miss Vance hasn’t fully recovered yet. She hasn’t recovered from the cold she caught a few

days ago.”

Lewis just glanced at him stonily without saying anything.

Suddenly, Dr. Halliday didn’t know what else to say.


Stunned, the doctor uttered, “Huh?”

At first, the man maintained his poker face as he gracefully traced the ashtray’s edges. The next thing

the doctor knew, Lewis suddenly grabbed the glass on the table and hurled it at the former.


“Get lost!”

Dr. Halliday quickly raised an arm to block his face, resulting in the glass smashing into his arm before

falling to the ground. It shattered loudly into countless shards upon impact. Now, the floor was

completely littered with those shards.

The poor doctor quickly stumbled out of the room, not caring about the pain that flared from his arm.

He was afraid that Lewis might rush out of the room and attack him once again if he were to run too

slowly, so he ended up losing his footing when he rushed down the stairs. As a result, he stumbled and

fell down the stairs.

“Oh, dear! Dr. Halliday, what happened to you?”

Mrs. Larson quickly rushed over to help him. up.

Dr. Halliday managed to get up on his feet, his knees still trembling in pain and fright. He rubbed his

waist before doing the same thing to his injured arm. Then, he waved as casually as he could to the

concerned housekeeper. “I’m alright,” he replied, still feeling fear coursing through his veins.

He decided to drop Mrs. Larson a word of advice out of the kindness of his heart. “You and the others

should be careful during the next two days. Remember, you mustn’t piss Mr. Alvarez off. He might end

up killing someone for real.”

The housekeeper’s complexion became pale as she stared at Dr. Halliday in shock. “T-That can’t be

true, right?”

As the pair conversed with each other, Lewis could be seen walking down the stairs. Just the sight of

that man was frightening enough for them to clamp up and stay quiet before scooting to a secluded

corner hastily.

Lewis was now wearing a neat and proper suit. He seemed normal, as though he wasn’t the one who

got mad at Dr. Halliday earlier.

The expression on his face was impassive, as usual. The man walked down the stairs while gazing

steadily up ahead. After that, he walked out of the main door. Everyone could hear the sounds of a car

beeping a few minutes later.

It was then Dr. Halliday finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly grabbed a tube of medicinal ointment and asked Mrs. Larson to help apply it to his injuries.

Once the latter caught sight of the blossoming flecks of blue and black bruises on his arm, she finally

believed his warning.

Lewis was an incredibly frightening individual who was willing to resort to violence to establish


The rest of the injuries Dr. Halliday sustained was caused by the trip down the stairs. None of

them were as severe as the ones on his arm.

Lewis never returned to Styx Mansion for the next three days. He didn’t even inquire about Josephine’s

condition as well.


As for the young woman, she was also unconscious for three days. When she finally woke she could

feel intense pain racking her entire body. She tried to get out of bed multiple times but never

succeeded, not even once.

Dr. Halliday popped into her room for a routine check-up. He let out an audible sigh of relief when he

saw a conscious Josephine staring back at him.

“Thank goodness, Miss Vance. You’re finally awake.” The doctor started conducting a quick check-up

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on her immediately.

Josephine tilted her head while gazing at the doctor in confusion.

Once he was done checking on her, he shot her another look that was filled with mixed feelings. “Do

you still remember what happened to you, Miss Vance?”

Having heard his question, Josephine looked dazed momentarily. The pain flaring from various parts of

her body kept reminding her of the things she had gone through.

A moment later, bits and pieces of her memories came flooding into her mind. Slowly but surely, they

started forming an incomplete scene.

Soon, Josephine widened her eyes.

When Dr. Halliday noticed her reaction, he had a feeling that she must have remembered something.

Hence, he fished out a notebook and started jotting some notes down.

“It seems that your condition is starting to stabilize. I knew it. You’re still so young, so it’s impossible for

your condition to deteriorate so quickly.”

As James said before, the memories that Josephine had forgotten back then were all memories of pain

that were rooted deeply within her mind. That was why whenever her illness acted. up, she would

choose to forget about them.

Now, the young woman’s latest memories were of the ones she had when she was 18 years old.

Before that, all of her memories were good and untainted. That was why she subconsciously didn’t

want to forget about them.

Meanwhile, Josephine had no idea what the doctor was talking about.

However, since the doctor had known her for a very long time, he could detect what she was trying to

say based on the emotions swirling in her eyes.

He continued, “Still, you have to be careful. It’s possible that your illness might worsen at any given

moment, not to mention there’s always the possibility of complications acting up all of a sudden. Some

of those complications include cognitive and memory impairment. These issues still exist in your case.”

After rambling all about Josephine’s illness, Dr. Halliday looked down to see the former gazing at him in


“You don’t understand me, do you?”

The young woman nodded in response. She had no idea what the doctor was talking about; the talk of

illnesses and the process of worsening all sounded like gibberish to her.

Dr. Halliday sighed heavily. “It’s fine. I’ll go grab your medicine for you.”

He went to the kitchen and poured the herbal concoction he had just prepared into a bowl. However, he

seemed to have thought of something, as he took out his phone and called Lewis’ number


More than a dozen seconds later, the call was finally answered.

“Speak.” Lewis’ voice was the same as before-emotionless.

“Mr. Alvarez, I’m calling to inform you that Miss Vance has regained her consciousness.”