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Walker Of The Worlds-Novel

Chapter 515 - A Spot For Negotiation
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Chapter 515 - A Spot For Negotiation

Lin Mu took a look around the area and plotted out what he wanted to do. Overall, there weren’t many things he needed to set up. Just a single isolating formation that lasted long enough so that others would not tread on that area.

And Lin Mu knew the perfect place to set it up as well. In the time Lin Mu had observed Jiao Fang, he had learned of a place that he liked to frequent. In fact, he went there at least thrice in a day.

Lin Mu turned to the east and went to an area where a small lake was located. There were trees around the area and a calm atmosphere was spread. Jiao Fang would come here regularly to cultivate and read things.

Lin Mu reckoned that it was the best place to interact with him as well. While this area was not completely hidden and was visited by a few other disciples as well, Lin Mu didn’t need that long of a time.

Even ten minutes should be enough for him to talk with Jiao Fang, Lin Mu guessed. Having scoped out the area, Lin Mu took out a few things that would help him set up the formation.

Overall, it was a simple formation, and he already had all the things he needed to set it up. It didn’t have high requirements and only needed a bunch of spirit stones and a formation plate.

Lin Mu had plenty of spirit stones and as for the formation plate, he could reuse the old one that he had. He walked to a few spots and buried the spirit stones while drawing some runes in the air with his spirit sense.

After that was done and a perimeter was made, Lin Mu went to the center and buried more spirit stones before making more runes. He then linked them all with the formation plate and the isolating formation.

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Since the formation was inherently harmless, it wouldn’t interact with the other formations that were set up around the sect, plus the people would not detect it as easily either.

"Hmm... this should be enough. Now to only wait for him." Lin Mu said as he went back to Jiao Fang’s residence and went to sit on the roof.

He laid down on his back and looked up at the stars in the sky.

"Hmm... even here the stars are the same. Though the distance has greatly changed..." Lin Mu muttered to himself.

While looking at these stars, Lin Mu felt as if he had seen an illusion for a moment. It showed him countless spheres that had different colors everywhere, but the moment he blinked his eyes, they disappeared.

"Strange..." Lin Mu said as he shook his head.

"Did something happen?" Xukong questioned.

"No... not really. I saw something but I think it’s just because I’m a bit tired, at least mentally." Lin Mu replied.

"Take some rest, then. Wait till Jiao Fang wakes up." Xukong suggested.

"Yeah, I think I’ll do that." Lin Mu said before closing his eyes.

While his eyes were closed, he was not asleep. His spirit sense would still spread around every few minutes, keeping an eye on things. It was midnight currently, thus Lin Mu had plenty of rest by the time morning came.


Lin Mu opened his eyes as he sensed the door of the residence open, Jiao Fang had woken up. He used his spirit sense and observed that Jiao Fang was heading to the lake as he had expected.

"Let’s move," Lin Mu said as he blinked away.

At the lake, Jiao Fang had just found his regular place to sit, which was a large flat rock. There was a tree to the side providing him shade, and the cool wind blew in from the front where the lake was. Overall, it was a good place to meditate.

Lin Mu was now out in the real world and not in the ground. He walked calmly while his spirit sense checked the area. Once he was sure that there was no one there, he took out the formation plate and activated the isolating formation.


A low humming sound was heard as the formation plate glowed faintly and the isolating formation activated. Traces of spirit Qi fluctuations could be sensed, but these kinds of fluctuation were commonplace here in the Tri cauldron peony sect, where cultivators were everywhere.

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Thus there was little chance for anyone to suspect that something was happening or that a formation had been secretly activated. Once this was in place, Lin Mu approached Jiao Fang openly.

The man was sitting cross legged on the rock while his hands were clasped together in a rather unique manner, with his thumbs spread apart and middle fingers touching. Lin Mu had seen this before and knew that it was the signature cultivation method of the Tri Cauldron peony sect, ’The Triple Cauldron refinement technique.’

Jiao Fang of course noticed someone approach him and opened his eyes. Lin Mu noticed how the man had not used his spirit sense despite having it and wondered if this was intentional or if he was just not habituated to using it.

But considering the age and experience of man, he was leaning towards the former.

"Oh? Brother Wu Lian?" Jiao Fang said upon spotting Lin Mu, who was approaching from the path that was lined with small pebbles.

Lin Mu gave the man a little smile before speaking, "greetings brother Jiao Fang."

"Greetings! Greeting! To what do I owe this pleasure today? Don’t tell me you want to cash out on the favor so early? Hahah!" Jiao Fang joked.

"Well... I guess you could kinda say that." Lin Mu replied.

Jiao Fang’s smile stiffened as he had not expected this answer. But he didn’t break his expression for long, and quickly assumed his jovial attitude.

"Of course! Pray, do tell me what I can do for you? Inner court disciple Jiao Fang at your service~" The man said with a relatively wide smile.