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Void Evolution System

Chapter 147: Supreme Fairy Paradise [1]
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A few thousand kilometers away from the Celestial Star Palace, there was an area that looked like a natural heaven.

There was no visible human interference in the area, and even beasts that were ever-present within nature were absent. It was a pure ecosystem of thriving plant life.

The trees reached for the heavens, being tens of kilometers in height, their foliage blocking out almost all sunlight that tried to pass through.

Yet even with the lack of sunlight, the plant life below them thrived. Lush green grass taller than the average human covered the jungle-like terrain, vines swung from tree to tree, connecting the entire ecosystem, and beautiful flowers bloomed in every direction, painting the ground in a myriad of colors.

Within this unblemished environment, many green and white motes of light could be seen. But if one was close enough to make out their features, they'd find bodies that were oddly humanoid.

The only difference was that these creatures had crystalline wings on their backs that fluttered with their every motion. They danced and frolicked in the air without a care in the world. And naturally, all these creatures were female.

As they danced and played, some of these creatures migrated through a certain area within the jungle, the air around them shimmering as they did so. It was as if they passed into another world.

And indeed, the changing of the scenery around them attested to this fact. Rather than the continuation of the beautiful jungle that should have been there, they entered an area filled with large fertile plains and beautiful architecture.

These buildings spanned for many kilometers, painting the sight of a beautiful city that was even bigger than the Star City that resided in the Celestial Star Sect.

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The buildings in this city looked as if they were made of the most polished glass and marble, giving the illusion of complete transparency. Yet, oddly enough, no matter how hard one tried they wouldn't be able to see into these buildings.

And at the very end of this expansive city stood a palace that didn't lose out in the slightest to the one on Star Mountain. And while that palace gave off a mystical aura that enhanced its profundity, this one was more ethereal and lofty.

Lining the streets of this city, one could see women of all different origins. They chatted happily and enjoyed the safety of their home while going about their daily lives. Just like the ranks of those fairy-like creatures, there were no men among them.

This was the Supreme Fairy Paradise. It was a haven for women who wanted to be surrounded by their own, away from the struggles that plagued a patriarchal society.

This sect was actually one of the leading powers in abolishing that system, with women gaining great power that stands equal to those men at the top.

The Supreme Fairy Paradise actually had a very cordial relationship with the Celestial Star Palace, with both having a woman at their head and advocating for power to be given to those who earned it, regardless of gender.

At this point in the Cloud Plane's history, women didn't suffer as much when it came to this sort of problem, as many capable women have risen through the ranks and proven their qualifications, but in the grand scheme, there were still many problems to be solved.

The number of fairies and jade beauties among the ranks of the Supreme Fairy Paradise wasn't small at all. After all, beauty didn't come accompanied by status.

Those whose background couldn't protect them from those young masters of larger clans always migrated towards places like this sect, gaining them protection as well as a place to gain strength for themselves.

Personal strength always mattered more than background, and this was the main goal of most who joined this sect.

Of course, being a major sect, not everyone within it was there for such noble reasons. Some were simply progressing their own selfish agendas, as was the norm in the Cloud Plane.

Within one of the beautiful crystalline buildings in the city, two women could be seen holding conversation.

They both had looks that rivaled the top beauties in the sect, yet they had only recently joined. One had blue hair and matching eyes, while the other had pink hair and ruby eyes.

Their features were defined through many years of training, and the muscle they had built through combat only served to heighten their natural beauty.

The disciple examination for the Supreme Fairy Paradise took place in another random location, with those who passed being teleported to the sect afterward via artifact.

Its contents weren't anything special, almost mirroring that of the Celestial Star Palace with only a few changes. It was natural considering the relationship the two sects had.

As for Rose and Elena, they were easily able to pass. Especially when they worked together, not many of the new cultivators entertaining the sect stood a chance.

"We've been here for a few weeks already, but we haven't done anything eventful. I was really hoping I could advance to 3rd class soon." Elena said with a sigh.

"You can't be blamed for this, though. The sect elders have been using this time to observe the newest batch of disciples and choose who they wish to foster." Rose comforted.

"That's true…I heard it's not just our sect that's doing this. There must be something big coming around the horizon."

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"Right, there's also that secret realm entrance that is supposed to take place. There must be some sort of event after that which requires a lot of talented people."

Unlike the Celestial Star Palace who kept their motives hidden, the Supreme Fairy Paradise was quite open with their disciples about the elders' decisions and discussions.

Naturally, there was a reason for this. As the name implies, the sect was much more secluded from worldly affairs compared to the other 4 great sects.

The women in the sect rarely left its confines, and although there were certain rules in place enforcing this, it was mainly due to their own decisions.

"How about we take a mission, then?" Rose suddenly suggested.

Elena fell into thought. Missions here worked in a similar way to those in the Celestial Star Palace, and they were some of the only opportunities the women of the sect had to leave its premises.

"Yeah, a mission would be best right now. However, we know nothing about the world yet. Let's just take some mid-level missions for beast hunting so I can catch up to you guys."

Rose nodded. This was her goal as well. She had been viewing Elena as a rival since their first battle before infiltrating Niflheim, but they were never truly able to compete.

This was because Elena hadn't reached Rose's level yet. No matter how hard she tried, in a serious competition, she wouldn't stand a chance.

It was simply the difference in league that a class change brought. Although it wasn't too defined between 2nd and 3rd class, it was still a qualitative change.

Making this decision, the girls promptly left their residence and headed for the mission hall.