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Villain Retirement-Novel

Chapter 426: The Prince Who Dreamed
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Chapter 426: The Prince Who Dreamed

"Are you taking note of all of this, Dr. Vella?"

"Should… I be?"

Princess Vella, who was one of the evaniels that were currently surrounding Aerith and Gary, could not help but watch what was happening with her eyes and ears peeled open.

As soon as they detected Aerith's flight signature, they knew she would be coming for her son. And as members of the Higher Race, since they were here, they were obligated to observe the events that are about to transpire— it was in the Code of the Higher Races.

After all, themarians are the most powerful race in the entire universe, anything they do could make an impact not only here, but in the neighboring systems.

"Check on the one that's said to be Princess Aerith's clone," Vera whispered as she looked at Silvie from afar.

"I… I know it is illegal to clone one of the Higher Races," Dr. Vella slightly stuttered, "...But Princess Aerith seems to be aware of this."

"Hm," Vera nodded, "Still…

…this needs to be sent to the Higher Council."

Vera stared at Silvie for a few more seconds, before finally turning her focus back to Aerith and Gary.

A Themarian and their half-breed children— Vera wished she could say she was surprised that this was happening, but no.

Although male and female themarians could only pass their seed or give birth once in a thousand years, there have been many in their history of a collection of half-breed children.

And sadly, from all the stories and news she has read and heard… it more often than not results in the sight in front of her right now.

The half-breed child, crumbling from the pressure of being born to a god.

One of their children's books was also about it. A story about a child that dreamed of following the giants, only to be stomped by them in the end,

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'The Prince Who Dreamed'.


"I'm a fucking joke."

Gary didn't really know what he was feeling anymore.

There was rage, sadness, disappointment, dismay— all of them racing to see which comes on top.

But then at the same time, he still felt empty… drowning to the point where he couldn't even see anything anymore.

"The moment you gave birth to me and I didn't have your powers and abilities, I became your big fucking joke, mother…"

But it didn't matter. He didn't need to see… from now on, to where he was going— he didn't need to see.

"But no one… no one is gonna laugh at me now. Not after this."


Aerith could not help but widen her eyes as she saw Gary move with a speed she has not seen in him before; his palm, now suddenly only an inch away from hitting her cheek.

Aerith, however, did not even try to avoid or move a single muscle as she just let Gary's palm hit her cheek; her body, slightly tilting to the side as she did so.

Everything around them was blown away in a ripple— even the very ground they stood on was shaved off like it was snow as the sheer force of Gary's slap was enough to thunder through the entire region.

"...You're right, Gary," Aerith then let out a breath as she stood straight, "You've grown strong."

"Oh…" Gary chuckled, "You haven't seen anything yet… Megawoman."

Gary's eyes then suddenly turned red as he too straightened his body. And then, all of a sudden, for the first time in his life…

…his feet very slowly left the ground.

"Ha…" Gary's chuckles soon turned into a burst of laughter as looked at the growing distance between him and the ground,

"See!? I am not just a super anymore. I am growing stronger as we speak. I could feel my flesh wrestling with each other. I… I've become Mega…

…so stay the fuck out of my way if you don't want to get hurt!" Gary roared as he stretched his hand towards Aerith…

…but that was just it— contrary to his expectations, he didn't leave his position in the air for even a millimeter.



"!!!" A few moments later, however, his eyes slightly turned wide as he suddenly shot straight towards Aerith. He didn't take heed to his, however, as he immediately started striking her several times on the head as the two of them left a growing crevice through the city.

"Just go to sleep, Gary."

And then, with a small sigh, Aerith grabbed both of Gary's wrists before proceeding to slam her head onto his, causing him to almost somersault in the air before he violently landed on the ground,

"Sleep, it's alright."


And before he could speak, Aerith stomped his head several times without stopping.

But of course, Aerith was still checking Gary's heart rate as she did so— and as soon as the beating of his heart calmed down, she instantly stopped her foot from stomping further.

"..." She then looked at Gary for a few seconds, before once again grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him away.

"I am taking you with me, Gary. I think… it's time for some mother and son talk."

Aerith's feet slowly left the ground as she looked to the skies. But then… she suddenly found herself not being able to fly further— almost as if she was holding some sort of anchor that was permanently pinned to the planet.


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And soon, a whisper of a chuckle echoed in the air— the tone, almost ominously visceral.

"Nothing," Gary then started to talk even as he remained unmoving in Aerith's grip, "I didn't even feel what you did, Megawoman."

"..." Aerith could really only furrow her eyebrows as she once again tried to pull Gary up— as she did so, however, the ground beneath him also started to crease.

"I am learning to respect you now, Megawoman…" Gary whispered, "All this power, all this strength. You could have made the people of Earth kneel before you, but never once did you do so."


"But I am different from you, mother…" Gary then soon moved; the hungry smile on his face was clear for everyone to see as he slowly stood up,

"There is no going back for me. I will make Riley kneel before me… and then next will be the people that allowed him to just walk free. And no one will be able to stop me, not even you, Megawoman…

…I am the Monarch. And I have finally found my purpose in this world. The death of— !!!"

And before Gary could finish his words, a silhouette very slowly floated down from the skies.

None of them realized he was already there, but he was.

Dark, desolate… inevitable— a presence everyone on Earth was familiar with.

And very soon, the skies themselves turned dark.

"Riley," Aerith's eyebrows furrowed even further as she stared at this dark silhouette, "Please, don't fan the flames. Y—"

Gary suddenly pulled Aerith's hand, before spinning his body and throwing her straight to the skies.

"Heh," Gary then let out a smirk as he watched Darkday very slowly landing on his feet in front of him,

"Dark fucking day…

…always the fucking show off."

"Gary Gary…

…always the clown."