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Villain Retirement-Novel

Chapter 421: Purpose
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Chapter 421: Purpose

"What do you think of the humans so far?"


"Your honest opinion, Dr. Vella."

Vera, as well as the evaniel scientist, Dr. Vella, were still inside the Academy and still sitting in one of the classes in hopes to learn more about their future allies.

The students were ordered not to stare at them; but of course, it was inevitable that most of them would.

The evaniels did not seem to mind, however, as they were already used to this kind of scenario from the other planets they visited.

"Well… without a doubt, they are the most interesting of the new races."

And while Dr. Vella was still very much engrossed with the lecture, she still answered the princess' queries,

"Their abilities seem to be random, in both type and host. If anything, it's… a lottery."

"...Go on," Vera leaned closer to Dr. Vella.

"By all accounts, this is the kind of world where the fate of their people is decided the moment they unlock their… superpowers," Dr. Vella adjusted her glasses as she finally removed her eyes away from the lecture,

"But their social structure and interaction seem to be only minimally affected by that. Based on their general history, the normal humans and the supers have always co-existed— even before Megawoman. Sure, most hide their powers, but there really is not that much of discrimination from either side…

…well, not until recently, that is. But that's just a select group of radicals— the majority still very much co-exist with everyone. And no one is pointing fingers and blaming th—"

"What do you think of Riley Ross?"

And right when Dr. Vella was getting heated up with her reports, the princess grabbed her arm to ask another question— probably the question she wanted to ask in the first place.

"Riley… is a very colorful individual," Dr. Vella could really only sigh; still, Riley Ross was a wonderful topic on his own, "Certainly the most powerful amongst the humans. But, I don't really think we can categorize him anymore with them— the humans themselves are treating him as not one of them."

"...Go on," Vera said as she placed her hand on her chin.

"...There is also something wrong with him mentally."

"...What do you mean?"

"Oh, I just read from his profile and I asked around," Dr. Vella once again adjusted her glasses, "He has some sort of mental disability, I forgot the name. I need to research more about it if—"

"What about you, what do you think about him?"

Dr. Vella's words were once again interrupted right when she was getting heated up as the princess suddenly turned her head away to the other side— towards Admiral Varen.

"Highly dangerous," Varen quickly answered without any hesitation, "If a themarian is saying someone is dangerous, then that means something. We should avoid him as advised."

"Hm, I don't know about that," Vera seemed to ignore both her confidants' words as she shrugged her shoulders, "I've already sent a proposal to mother. It should be arriving to her soon."


"I think the humans are the ones I have been looking for all this time, Admiral Varen," Vera closed her eyes as she nodded, "Imagine, an evaniel child running around with the ability of… a super. We would progress dramatically not only as a people but as a civilization. The stagnant era we find ourselves in would finally end."

"...What are you saying, princess?"

"I am going to marry Riley Ross."

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"...Their customs are completely different from ours," Dr. Vella shook her head, "And technically, he is not royalty or even a part of the government here. He has no reason to marry you."

"Well, not yet," a small smile started to grow on Vera's face, "But I think I know of a way to get closer to him now. I have discovered it…

…his one and only weakness.


"Hello, is this the Baby Crew I keep hearing about, Ms. Hannah?"

"The fuck you want?"

Hannah and some of the members of the Baby Crew plus Golden Fox were currently in one of the many shelters the Academy has— used as a refuge for the people that were still seeking help from what the House of Super did.

And since the crimes committed by supervillains were at an all-time low; most of the heroes have just been using their time to help those who need it, and the Baby Crew was not an exemption from this.

The crew stopped and started to gather, however, as the princess of the alien nation that visited their planet suddenly approached Hannah.

"I am afraid we did not get the chance to properly introduce ourselves earlier. How did the talk with your brother go?"

"None of your business, shouldn't you be somewhere else?"

Vera was all smiles. Hannah, on the other hand, was just waving her hands and gesturing to the princess to leave.

"No," Vera shook her head, "I am right where I should be."

"Are you here to help?" Silvie stepped forward, "We could really use it."

"..." Vera just looked at her from head to toe; her eyes, slightly widening as she did so, "Why do you look like Princess Aerith?"

"I d—"

"What do you want?" Hannah stepped in between the two; subtly covering Silvie's face from the princess.

"I was actually hoping I get to talk with you, Ms. Hannah."


"I believe you and I have lived the same years, according to your calendar," Vera said before letting out a short but deep breath, "If there is someone I can learn from about the customs of this world, I believe it would be from you. I think we—"

"You're hot."

And before Vera could finish her words, Bella suddenly joined in on the conversation.

"Is there any chance you like… females?"

"...I'm afraid not."

"Oh," Bella could really only sigh as she walked away, "There goes my interest."



"Your friends are quite interesting. I want to get the time to know them."

"Then know them," Hannah then let out a small scoff as she handed some kind of computer tablet to the princess,

"Go help around here. Ask everyone to see if there's anything they need. I'm sure you know how to use a tablet, right?"


Vera could really only stare at Hannah for a few seconds, before once again letting out a small smile,


"Should we kill her?"

A distance away from the shelter, hiding somewhere in the shadows of the trees of the Academy, were Riley and Tomoe; their eyes, just watching the shelter from afar.

"She's planning something, she's targeting your sister for a reason," Tomoe whispered; her eyes, glancing at Riley from time to time,

"She probably wants something from you, master Riley."

"You are right. She has expressed her wish of wanting to marry me, Nightqueen."

"We really should kill her, then," Tomoe's eyes started to squint, "She's suspicious."

"I think so too."

"Master? Have you thought of something? Do you think she's somewhat involved with their commander's death?"

"Perhaps," Riley only shrugged; his eyes, not leaving the shelter.



"I've heard from my sources that Empress has allowed more evaniels to land on Earth, do you think—"

"It doesn't concern us, Nightqueen."

"...Of course, master Riley," Tomoe nodded, before once again letting out a small sigh, "What about Gary, master Riley? How do you want to handle him?"

"Aerith's son?"

"...Yes," Tomoe slightly raised an eyebrow as she heard how Riley addressed Gary, "I… believe his hatred for you grows by the second. He hasn't been with the Baby Crew ever since you beat him up in front of the Korean Shaved Ice store."


"Katrina also said he is no longer talking to any of them and is not answering any of their calls," Tomoe sighed, "Golden Fox is filling in his position. I think… he is depressed, master Riley. I am afraid it is only a matter of time before he does something he will regret."

"Oh, I believe Gary Gray is right where he needs to be, Nightqueen."


"A villain."

"A… villain?" Tomoe blinked a couple of times as she leaned closer to Riley.

"He is on the potential villain list," Riley nodded, "So far, the Academy's evaluation has held true. You joined me, a retired villain. Most of the graduates on the Potential Villain list have also turned to villainy…

…it is only a matter of time before Gary joins them."


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"Are we… not doing anything, then?" Tomoe muttered, "He… is still Hannah's friend "

"Is he, though?" Riley breathed out, "He has not been with them for weeks, you said so yourself. And…

…do you not think it is better this way, Nightqueen?"

"...Master Riley?" Tomoe then turned to look at Riley, only to see him smiling from ear to ear.

"Aerith thinks she is done with Earth. But what if her son turns evil? Would she think it is her responsibility to stop him?"

"..." Tomoe could not really say anything as she just looked at… Riley's slightly trembling smile.

"This will make for a good scenario, Nightqueen. Everyone eventually serves their purpose… Gary is about to take his."

"...May I ask what that is? His purpose?"

"Darkday's one final gift to Megawoman," Riley's shoulder started to tremble as a small chuckle whispered in the air, "The death of her son…

…by her own hands."

"What… did you do, master Riley?" Tomoe took in a small gulp as she looked back and forth between Riley and the shelter.

"Something I have been doing from the start, Tomoe," Riley then turned to face Tomoe; the smile on his face wider than before,

"Trying to find the most beautiful death."


Somewhere in the undergrounds of the Academy, in one of the training halls, Gary was there.

His entire body, drenched in sweat.

"...Shut up."

He seemed to be talking to someone, but no one besides him was there.

"I said shut the fuck up!"

"You're weak, son of Megawoman."

All of a sudden, however, a voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Abandoned by your mother, abandoned by your friends, abandoned by the woman you love. You are weak, son of Megawoman."

"Shut up!"

"Maybe you're not her son after all? But what does that make you, then? Anything special about you centers on the fact that you are Megawoman's son."

"That… that's not true."

"Without that, you're just a B-lister superhero— The mascot of the Baby Crew."

"You… you're not real," Gary covered his ears as the voice became louder and louder.

"Why are you even here when Silvie already exists? She is stronger than you, faster than you… better than you."

"She… she's my friend!"

"No, Gary Gray— she is everything that you can never be. Monarch... what a joke."

"Shut up…"

"Poor, poor Gary… even your girlfriend was stronger than—"

"I said shut up!" Gary then roared as he seemingly punched the air; his fist, however, stopped as it hit something…

…Riley Ross's smiling face.