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Chapter 370 Ray’s Mother Making Short Work Of The Tree Spirit
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Chapter 370 Ray’s Mother Making Short Work Of The Tree Spirit

The halberd flashed as the man felt a sharp pain across his shoulder. Looking up to his shoulder, he saw a huge gash that went deep enough that the bones were clearly exposed. The man gritted his teeth and waited for the gash to heal up but after a few breaths worth of time, nothing happened.

Confused, he looked up at and saw Ray's mother smiling at him in an ominous manner, "What did you do, you witch!!" He asked as fear flashed in his eyes.

"Nothing too important, just showing you what I am capable of. You should be grateful that you met me and not my husband or else even standing here would be an issue for you," Ray's mother said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" The man asked in confusion but was met with another slash that opened a huge gash in his other shoulder. The man was confused and was getting hit, his eyes had become droopy as some sort of substance taking effect in his body.

The substance was actually a sort of venom that Ray's mother had laced her halberd with and its effect was to put the enemy in a weak state that lessened their concentration.

"Hmph, you dare cause a damage to my son. I will show you what pain really is," Speaking that, she clasped her hands together as a faint illusory gate appeared behind her, a chunk of her mana was utilized as she chanted,

[Spirit Summoning:- Thunder Spirit],

As soon as she said those words, the gate opened up and a figure encased in lightning appeared. The figure overlapped with her body completely and had merged with her within seconds. Following that, arcs of lightning covered her and her weapon while her eyes were also filled with arcs of lightning that clearly showed her anger.

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Her figure flashed and she carried the man along with her and soon she appeared right above the tree. The man was numb due to the lighting flowing through his body and even though he was numb, he was still able to see everything and he clearly saw himself hanging above the tree and the very next moment, he felt himself falling down towards the tree.

"What is she doing? Is she letting me go?" The man thought, he could see the face of Ray's mother getting farther and farther but as he fell down, he saw something that made him shudder in fear.

In the clouds above Ray's mother, lightning was continuously flashing in an erratic manner. The flashes of lighting, few bolts of thunder were formed and then; Ray's mother raised her arm in the air.

Following that, the bolt of thunder descended. As she curved her hand downwards, the bolt followed like a puppy following the directives of its owner and descended right upon the man.

The man felt his vision blurring as the numbness was replaced by never ending pain and a sharp tingling sensation that made it very clear for the man that his cells were overloaded and to the point that he couldn't do a thing anymore.

"When did I start losing? I clearly remember her being overpowered by me, so when did she get so strong so fast?" It was this thought that consumed the man and he had fallen to the ground and before he knew it, he had fallen above the tree and following it; a couple more bolts of thunder had fallen.

Now, the man and the tree both were electrocuted and following it, the tree's efforts at stopping the descent of Yagdrassil were also halted. After all, no matter how strong the tree was; in front of the power of nature, the tree was still helpless.

As thunder stopped falling, the man's figure turned illusory. After all, being injured to this point without being able to heal itself, the man wasn't able to keep his form intact. The tree pulled its spirit back and the man had soon vanished.

As Ray's mother saw this, her expression change as she calmed down and undid the merge with the lightning spirit. The door appeared behind her once again as the lightning spirit bowed down to her and vanished behind the door. She nodded slightly and flew back to where her son had been.

The tree was temporarily immobilized and that left enough time for the Yagdrassil to descent completely and be done with its job completely. As Ray's mother reached Ray, she saw a boy covered in a bronze sheen standing in front of him, cautiously looking around for enemies while the shield he usually carried with himself was seemingly floating in the air with a small light in the middle of it, floating around carrying the shield.

The light was none other than the pixie that Ray's mother had summoned and right now, the pixie was holding the shield to defend Ray whereas Tim was on the look out for any unseen enemies.

"He really has trustworthy comrades," She muttered and then descended fully, "Thanks for being here with him, where are the others?" Ray's mother asked Tim.

"Mam, they are doing their jobs. Sirius is still trying his best to injure the tree while my sister is rescuing Aella," Answered Tim and right after, he went back to his position and started looking out for enemies.

Tim was a bit relieved that Ray's mother was here now but he didnt know of the extent of her prowess and only assumed that she was strong in attacking the enemy but not in defending and hence, he had taken the whole responsibility upon himself.

On the other hand,

The whole tree was shaking. Not from the huge bolts of thunder that had fallen upon it but from the danger it felt from the Yagdrassil's descent. Right now, the Yagdrassil had descended fully and following its descent, it didn't ask anything from anyone and had solely concentrated its everything on the tree.

As the Yagdrassil's presence enveloped the malevolent tree, its spirit appeared inside the small opening the tree had created within it. This was the same place where Aella and the others were kept and right now, the whole membrane in which Aella was kept had been almost broken through. It was just a few moments away from being turned to dust and Elina was ready with her daggers in hand to safe and help Aella but right as she was smiling in triumph of her successful mission, she saw the man appear in the middle of the space.

"What?" She thought to herself as the devil within her told her the man's identity, "F*ck," she muttered in low voice and hid behind a small wall near her.

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She saw as the man turned around and looked at the membranes around it. It seemed to be inspecting them all in a hurry, a look of fear flashing in his emotionless eyes. Seeing all this, Elina understood what the man wanted to do.

"It seems Ray succeeded and it has now come here to run away," She muttered as she saw the man turning to look in Aella's direction.

"Shit, if he discovers something strange with her, we are done for," She thought and then looked at Aella, only to see her acting like nothing had happened and she was still unconscious.

"Smart girl," she praised her and then turned to act. After all, even if Aella acted unconscious, it wouldn't matter if the man looked closely and realized that the membrane was on the verge of breakdown and that the connections that the tree had formed with Aella's body were now gone.

"Now or never Elina," she said to herself and then walked out of hiding. Silently casting her curses using her body, she appeared in front of the man and looked at him right in the eyes.

"Who are you?" The man immediately noticed Elina and asked, his presence still as high and mighty as ever but behind that presence was a weak and feeble body that the man hid. After all, it had just lost to Ray's mother while the previous battle had greatly drained the whole tree in such a manner that even keeping its consciousness alive was a task, not to mention taking a physical form.

"Your end," Elina screamed as she raised both her daggers in the air and swung them both at the man and right as the daggers left her hands, she pulled out her wand. The wand was a magical treasure she had acquired from her system after killing a thousand monsters and was considered to be a unique artifact.

Channeling her cursed energy through the wand, the air around her turned turbulent as curses were cast one after the other in rapid succession.

Elina released those curses immediately as well and as the curses flew around in the air, the daggers reached the man and he dodged them easily but it wasn't the same for the curses.

Like missiles that had honed in on their target, no matter how much the man dodged, the curses hit their mark and following that, a high pitched scream sounded in the opening while Elina looked at everything in front of her in shock.