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Versatile System Online

Chapter 352 Noah’s Determination
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Chapter 352 Noah’s Determination

"Alden!" The head nurse appeared above the lord's residence. Her aura flared up as a tense look of worry was evident on her face.

"What happened?" Alden came rushing out. A bit startled by the head nurse's sudden presence and not to mention the look on her face, he knew that something was wrong.

"They are attacking, the tree is making its move," the head nurse spoke, omitting any fact about what Ray and the others had done. After all, it was a fickle partnership they had with the beasts and it would only worsen if the head nurse told them that they were the reason for the earlier attack.

"Okay lets go," Alden calmly replied.

There was no use in panicking and he knew it. He had been preparing for the battle and even if they had been caught off guard, the damage wasn't done yet and as far as he knew, he could still turn the situation in their favor.

With a loud howl into the sky, the lord of the region woke up his packs as soon after, various howls responded to his.

With his eyes glowing a yellowish color, the humans and Warmacks readied their weapons for the incoming beasts.

As they did, the barrier around the periphery of the region flickered. From afar, one would get an impression that the barrier was reaching its limits and would go off any moment now but the head nurse knew better. She herself had put a good amount of her mana into the barrier and knew that the barrier was far from running out of fuel and instead, she felt something else seep into the energy of the barrier.

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"Don't worry, its a modification to the barrier," she replied to the questions pointed at her by Alden as she felt Elina's mana signature seep deep into the barrier.

"Just what is that devilish girl up to now?" She thought but that was all she could do. The battle was upon them and they couldn't leave their place for even a second and hence, she did what Ray had anticipated her to do. To trust in his team and let them do what they were doing while she herself did her job.

By now, the beasts from the core of the forest had reached Alden's territory. The first ones to appear were the weakest of the bunch. The basic tier beasts in the Mortal Realm who had lost all their sense of mind and were just running forward on their instincts and desires.

Their eyes were blood red while their minds were crazed. Each beasts was in an enrage state and thrashed around uncontrollably. Therefore, the beasts were even more of a danger compared to higher tiered beasts.

At least those beasts savored their life and fought with some sense of mind instead of going commando and doing suicidal attacks.

"Everyone! Be careful not to waste too much of your mana or energy. Just dodge and play those mindless critters in your hands. Avoid direct confrontation if necessary," the head nurse's order rang through as everyone nodded and stood in formation.

At the very front of the formation was a group of twenty human tanks along with a small group of Warmacks. The humans having their shields raised in the air, they acted as the repellent while the Warmacks used their wind blades to attack the enemy.

Just behind them was the barrier and further behind them was the rest of human army. With melee fighters at the forefront, they held their weapons and waited for the tanks to give way for the creatures so they could cut through some monster meat and just behind them were the mages and long ranged fighters.

However, this wasn't just the full strength of the humans. Far into the trees stood Noah as he looked around and placed his hands on the ground. His eyes were closed shut as he focused on channeling his spirit energy.

A second passed by and nothing happened as sweat dripped below his forehead. Seconds turned into minutes and soon, five whole minutes went by.

The battle was bloody as the tanks had a hard time containing so many beasts. After all, there was a quality in quantity and when hundreds of beasts attacked at once, even if they were weakest of the bunch; they still had some impact and as time passed by, the impact became stronger and stronger.

Knowing that the situation wasn't improving by much, Noah knew he had to do it now. All this time, he had been trying to find a connection but the tether he had set up before hand was vague and blurry and it was taking him all his concentration just to connect to the tether but that wasn't what he was after.

Connecting to the tether was just a prerequisite. What he was after was a connection to the spirits he had connected to while using the spirit crystals Ray had provided him. The current count was a total of fourty two beasts and Noah knew that they would come in handy during the battle and hence, he had decided to let his beasts help out.

But to do so, he would have to let the beasts enter this plane since they were currently in the spirit plane. After all, Noah was a spirit user and even though he started weak and had relied on mostly different armaments and artifacts such as his spirit needles to channel his powers, when he stepped into the Magical Realm, he gained more power and understanding of the spirits and had learned to make contracts with them and make them a part of his strength.

However, letting so many pass through in such a short amount of time was nothing less than a toll on his reserves of spirit while he also required a stable tether to the spirit world. For that, he had chosen the place where he currently was but given the situation with a battle raging on nearby and the whole forest being ran rampant by different types of energies, it all played a part in increasing his difficulties.

"Come on, open up," he shouted in his mind as he gave in all his spirit energy all at once. His whole body shuddered as he felt a huge part of his reserves get sucked in by the tether. His body fell limp but a smile hung up on his face. He was out of energy but he could feel the tether. It had responded back to his call and was now wide open and from within the tether, he could feel the spirits of the beasts he had contracted with coming through, giving them the order; he sent all the beasts to the battlefield and ordered them to help out the humans and Warmacks.

"I'm gonna take a short break," His task done, Noah muttered weakly; his eyes growing heavy as he fell unconscious on the ground; mentally and physically exhausted by the task he had just did.

"Tsk…Poor kid, such potential but fainting out in the open in the midst of a battle. A beast would surely pick him off," A woman softly muttered from above.

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She had been looking at the whole exchange silently and was very impressed by the kid. And what impressed her even more was how low key the kid had stayed during the whole time she had observed him.

Even fooling her enough that she didn't consider him anyone special but she had kept an eye on him. After all, she had sensed spirit energy within this kid and that meant there was something special about him. She knew how rare spirit energy users were and therefore, observed more and it had led to this moment.

"Guess I will just swoop in take him to safety. I'm sure my son will be happy to know that I saved one of his friends," the woman spoke as she dived in and picked Noah up in a princess carry, carrying him along with her to the main battlefield.

She knew that she had promised her son to help him fighting off that dreaded presence she had felt deep inside the forest but before that, she needed to have a chat with the head nurse.

As the woman carried Noah along the forest, a small yellowish wisp appeared over her shoulder. Flying around the woman, the wisp asked, "Why save such a weak person mistress?" The wishes question seemed rude but if looked at if from her perspective, it wasn't wrong.

Noah was weak and the woman had no responsibility or obligation over him to save his arse but there was one thing the wisp didn't know of and that was emotions.

"Little Helda, how many times have I told you. Don't always look at things in terms of profits and losses. Something are more than that," The woman replied.

"And what is it this time?" The pixie named Helda asked in curiously, flying around the woman with more vigor and excitement.

"Simple, he is a friend of my son and if he died, I'm sure my son would be saddened and would have lost a trustworthy potential commander for his army," the woman replied.

"Ohh!! So he is Ray's friend," the pixie seemed satisfied over that as she hummed lightly and asked, "So it means we are going to meet Ray right now?"

"Yes Helda, we will meet him shortly after and this time I will introduce him to you, don't worry," the woman, or more appropriately Ray's mother spoke with a smile as the pixie excitedly jumped around in happiness. The last time she had seen Ray was fifteen years ago, the time before things went awry.