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Versatile System Online

Chapter 140 An Injured Sirius
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"Now this is getting interesting," Mag'ladroth thought, munching on some popcorn, he eagerly awaited to see Ray being punished by the Void Beast.

On the other hand,

With the Void Beast enraged and in a berserk state, its body started to change. The change was overall as the whole body of the Void Beast changed at once. Its arms and legs got more buffed up while the small bumps on its head elongated into horns.

Ray looked in fear as the Void Beast transformed into an even more terrifying monster.

"Ugh... What should I do now?" Ray questioned himself, his mind running in full gear as he tried to think of a way to escape the Void Beast.

However, even if Ray had an escape plan, he wouldn't be able to because he had expended all of his energy while the excessive use of his bloodline weapons had caused great damage to his mana pathways.

Therefore, even if he could pump some of his remaining mana, he wouldn't be able to channel it into a spell. Hence, Ray was nothing but a lamb waiting for slaughter. However, it didn't stop Ray from thinking of an escape plan.

While Ray thought to escape his current predicament, his teammates fought valiantly as they finally cleared the eighth floor.

"Huff… Huff… Huff…" Sirius panted in exhaustion as he crushed the floor boss's skull.

"Crrackk… Splatter"

Crushing the head, blood and brain matter spilled all over Sirius but at this point, he didn't care.

Walking forward, Sirius leaned on a wall as he slowly sat down. Sitting on the ground, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. The thing was that Sirius had been fighting actively ever since and the goblin horde had previously overwhelmed everyone. Therefore, to clear the floor, Sirius had to push through his limits and stay in his werewolf form for even longer.

Not to mention all those injuries over his body, it put a big toll on his body.

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On the other hand, Emma and Aliya approached the sleeping Sirius as Emma asked,

"Please check his vitals and heal his injuries,"

"Okay" Aliya nodded as she raised her staff and used a diagnosis spell to check Sirius's condition.

[Healing Embrace:- Diagnosis]

Using the spell, the staff pulsed lightly as a whitish glow appeared on the crystal placed at the top of the staff. Using the staff to touch Sirius's head, the pulses traveled from the staff to Sirius's body.

While doing so, Aliya closed her eyes as a visualized image appeared inside her mind. The image was Sirius's internal body as it showed his full body in great detail.

"His injuries are very serious with multiple muscle tears and bone fractures being the least serious as he had gotten multiple organ ruptures that are causing severe internal bleeding. We need to stop the internal bleeding and heal his internal organs before moving on to the less frightening injuries," Aliya spoke as she observed Sirius's body. While informing Emma of his condition, Aliya's face was pale as cold sweat dripped down her brows.

Right now, Aliya realized how easy she had gotten it, and all that while, when Sirius was fighting against those goblins; he was practically hurting himself even more. Just so he could protect Ray and save the team from being overwhelmed.

Thinking of this, tears welled up in her eyes as she promised herself to heal Sirius to the best of her capabilities.

As for Emma, she also had tears in her eyes as she couldn't believe how far her younger brother had gone, just so he could help everyone else.

Feeling proud of Sirius, Emma crouched down to him and gently caressed his face. Feeling the rough surface, her heart bled as she muttered,

"My dear brother, why do you have to work hard? Why do subject yourself to such intense torture?" she asked him as tears fell to the ground.

"Mom would have been very proud of the man you have grown up to be," She spoke as she caressed his face even more. Controlling her emotions, she wiped her face and turned to Aliya as she asked,

"Can you heal him? Or should we activate the minor teleportation formation and send him back,"

"Don't do that yet. I will try and heal him to the best of my capabilities. However, it will take some time," Aliya answered as she sat beside Sirius and inspected every inch of his body.

Seeing her inspect Sirius with such scrutiny, Emma raised an eyebrow and cleared her throat,

"Ahem… what are you doing with my brother?" She asked, her eyes blazing as she glared at Aliya.

"Does it look like I am doing something? Well, I can't heal him without doing a full inspection, now can I? Also, if you think you can do something, then why don't you come in and heal him? If not, then let me do my work, and don't get your hopes up, I am not into wolves," Aliya retorted angrily as she raised an eyebrow, her expression fierce as it made Emma shut up.

As for Emma, she merely stayed silent as she knew that she had been mistaken and was in the wrong. Therefore, she just sat there silently and watched as Aliya inspected Sirius and started healing him slowly.


The others searched the whole floor as they looked for any hidden treasures or rare herbs that would be of some use.

Not only that, but they also looted the high-level goblins of their weapons and other accessories that might be of use.

They did all this because Ray had previously asked them to as this would allow them to benefit from the dungeon as much as possible and to an extent, Ray's theory was on point as the gains by doing this had been so great that Aella and Tim's System Storages had been filled to the brim with rare and precious ores and other treasures that were hard to find anywhere else.

"This ore will be very useful when forging new weapons," Noah muttered, picking up the ore, he stored it in his spatial storage and sighed,

"Looks like nothing left to explore. Might as well go back and check on Ray's condition. Hopefully, he would have recovered," Noah sighed as he turned around and headed back.

Heading back, he approached Ray he saw him standing in the same pose as before, his body as still as it could be. However, there was something different this time as Noah could feel a different and highly oppressive aura coming from Ray.

Taking a step back, Noah observed his body again but couldn't find anything different,

"Guess he will get back to normal soon," Noah muttered as he backed away and sat down besides a wall to have some rest.

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"After all, we aren't going to the next floor until he wakes up. Without him, we aren't strong enough," Noah thought, his mind still not over the carnage that happened while clearing the floor.

Right now, it was the same with everyone as only they knew how hard it had been for them to clear the floor by slaying the number of goblins they did.

Therefore, everyone had silently agreed to wait until Ray was okay and then clear the next floors under his leadership.

As for Ray,

He was being subjected to immense torture as the Void Beast mercilessly punched, kicked, and flung him around like a ragdoll while Ray couldn't do anything but endure the torture.

After all, Ray was nothing more than a dud as he had consumed all of his energy and was also severely injured from his previous usage of bloodline energy.

"I guess it's enough. The kid has proven himself enough by showing me what he can do. Also, the Void Beast isn't an easy opponent, to kill it or seriously injure it, one must be at least in the middle stages of Magical Realm," Mag'ladroth muttered as he spoke to himself.

This was one of the habits that the Void Dragon had picked up when it roamed the cosmos in loneliness and would be all by himself. Therefore, to evade the torture that silence made him undergo, the Void Dragon started speaking to himself so he could keep his sanity intact.

"Enough!!" Mag'ladroth's voice sounded as the whole plane shook from his authority.

The main purpose of his voice was to stop the Void Beast and it happened as right after the Void Dragon's voice sounded, the Void Beast halted in its tracks and stopped its onslaught against Ray.

"Thankfully," Seeing the Void Beast stop its attacks, Ray sighed in relief as he took a deep breath and after that, he fainted from exhaustion and blood loss.

"Tsk.. Can't even endure a small beating. I wonder if I have made the wrong choice. Well, I can't find someone better than him; so I guess I got to stick with him," Mag'ladroth muttered as it lifted its hand and waved it.

Waving its hand, a greyish light shone as the surroundings changed and turned into a calm and peaceful garden with two chairs and a tea table in the middle.

Then, the Void Dragon walked up to Ray, picked him up, and infused some of his life force into him so he could be healed.

After that, the Void Dragon placed him on one of the chairs and waited for him to wake up so it could tell him about the bloodline and teach him the ways to use it correctly.


A/N:- Hopefully, you all enjoyed reading. Also, bonus chapter will be released in a few hours.