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Valkyrie Domination

Chapter 470: Waste of places
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Chapter 470

"Is this kid crazy? He has been injured so badly that he will continue to fight."

"Does he want to fight and die on this ring?"

"Gu Nandu will not send him out, do you think he can continue the battle?"

The crowd was shocked.

Wang Qiming's body was scarred and there was almost no place intact. According to normal circumstances, he was unable to fight again.

However, he just insisted on being on the ring, never surrendering or falling.

"Wang Qiming."

Zhao Lingshan also stared at the scene in front of her in amazement, feeling excited.

She had clearly seen before, how Wang Qiming was defeated again and again in order not to lose, and then stood up.

That kind of tenacious will gave her a deep shock.

"Damn boy, do you really think I can't kill you?"

Opposite, Zhu Huai was so angry that his forehead burst into blue veins, almost crazy.

He was also quite embarrassed, there were a few knife marks on his robe, and his body was full of scars.

From the beginning of the game, he has the absolute upper hand, but this kid is almost like the killed Xiaoqiang. No matter how hard he suppresses him, he can insist on it, even after several times he injured the opponent. , Was actually injured by the opponent.

Zhu Huai was frightened and angry.

"Boy, I don't believe it, how long can you hold on."

With a roar, Zhu Huai made a full shot.


Suddenly, the thunderous situation on the ring.

Wang Qiming backed up frequently, adding a few more wounds to his body.

However, he stood still, gritting his teeth and fighting back.

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The look in his eyes, like a ghost coming out of hell, was shocking.

"I came from a humble background. I have worked ten times as hard as an ordinary person and tried my best to get here. Nowadays, I only have one game to get the opportunity to pass on. Why do I just fall here?"

Wang Qiming roared inwardly. Because of his injury, his mind was in chaos, and his whole person was almost in a coma, but he clenched his teeth.

No one knows how much hardship he suffered and how many sins he suffered from the background of the poor, so he has come this far with difficulty.

Even if he died, he was unwilling to give up.

Even if there is only one last breath, he will stand and fight until he is exhausted, until the last bit of strength is exhausted.

"Damn it, lose me!"

Zhu Huai roared and attacked more fiercely.

The long-term battle and the trauma made him more and more impatient.

He can't defeat even a disciple from the Five Nations, so how can he gain a foothold in the Dawei Dynasty in the future?

Boom boom boom!

The monstrous fist power, like a tsunami, swept across and swallowed Wang Qiming.

"No more."

Under the violent waves, Wang Qiming felt like catkins drifting, unable to hold on.

But he didn't want to just fall down.

"War, war, war!"

At the last moment, Wang Qiming burned his true power, desperately, roared and rushed forward.

Fight to the death.


The dark blade light, like the sharp blade of the demon god, suddenly soared into the sky. The fierce look and terrifying evil spirit shocked everyone's heart and made Zhu Huai's heart tremble.


The two forces collided, an astonishing impact swept across the world and made a loud noise in the arena.

Amid the loud noise, Wang Qiming and Zhu Huai vomited blood at the same time and flew out.


"Who won?"

"Is it Zhu Huai?"

Everyone raised their heads one after another, staring attentively.


He heard a series of coughs, and immediately on the ring, Wang Qiming stood up swayingly. He was covered with blood, with a saber in his right hand, and the blood dripped drop by drop.

However, his eyes were shining as never before, and he finally stood up with difficulty under the gaze of everyone.

"What, this kid turned out to stand up?"

"Zhu Huai lost?"

"how can that be?"

The crowd's eyes widened, they couldn't believe their eyes.


Shrouded in white light, Zhu Huai was directly teleported out, while Wang Qiming returned to the square.

After shaking his body, Qin Chen immediately appeared beside Wang Qiming and helped him up.

"Less dust!"

With a grin, Wang Qiming looked at Qin Chen with a pure and clear smile.

He won.

With a will far beyond ordinary people, with his own blood, he stood firmly on the ring.

And such a battle also shocked all the people of the five countries.

What kind of spirit is this that made Wang Qiming prefer to fight for his life instead of fighting. Didn't he know that if he just made a negligence, he would die?

"Do not talk."

Qin Chen immediately took out the healing pill from his body and gave it to Wang Qiming.

Wang Qiming's injuries are extremely serious, and if he is not treated in time, he may be in danger of his life.

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Since then, the three duels ended.

There are already three players who have successfully entered the top 12, namely Hua Tiandu, Meng Xingjue and Wang Qiming.

"Trash, even a teenager from the Five Nations can't beat it, so Zhu Huai is really a trash."

"A place was wasted for nothing."

"If it were me, how could it delay the battle for so long and give that kid a chance to comeback?"

Some of the geniuses of the Dawei Dynasty were all dissatisfied and looked ugly.

In discussion.


Six white lights fell, covering the six people again, and appeared on the ring at the same time.

"Hey, this round is interesting."

"We are the three geniuses of Xuanzhou against the three geniuses of the Five Nations."

"Haha, this round should be stable."

"Situ Sheng and Long Cheng both have the strength to impact Tianjiao, and although Zhao Tian is a little bit worse, he also has the strength of a top genius. It shouldn't be a problem to defeat a genius from the Five Nations."

Discussion came from outside the ancient southern capital.

"Huh? Zhao Lingshan is in danger!"

Qin Chen frowned.

In these three games, the black-robed youths of the Guixian faction played against a strong man named Long Cheng from the Dawei Dynasty, and Liang Guoyu played against a man named Zhao Tian, ​​while Zhao Lingshan met with a simple appearance. , But the extremely restrained Situ Sheng.

"If you meet other players, Lingshan may not have no chance to win, but this Situ wins..."

Qin Chen sighed slightly.

From his eyes, it is natural to see that among the three geniuses of the Dawei Dynasty, this Situ Shengxiu is obviously the strongest, even above Lin Kong and Zhu Huai.

It is impossible to win.

In fact, Zhao Lingshan is too young after all, and her congenital conditions are a bit worse. If she is given another two or three years, it will be completely different.

But now, it's too early.

"In these three rounds, it should be the black robe youth of the Guixian faction, Yu Wenfeng, and Na Situ Sheng who won. If Lingshan meets Yu Wenfeng’s opponent Zhao Tian, ​​there may be a first-line winning rate. As for Na Long Cheng, Although the cultivation base is not weak, it is a pity that he encountered him and could only be ravaged." Qin Chen shook his head.