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Untouchable by Marii Solaria

Chapter 128
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Chapter 39 - Rejected "Before hurting others, feel the pain you will inflict on others."-Debasish Mridha Odessa This can't be happening! I'm not a failure! +10% Bonus 00:32 My fingers rubbed gentle circles on my neck to soothe the pain Osiris left as a parting gift. Since Ariel left me, my healing is slower than normal, but that didn't matter.

That slithering bastard tricked me! Osiris promised if I helped him, I'd get what I wanted. Jumping at the chance to help the devil proved to be my undoing because he leftnothing! All I wanted was my Alpha's heart-is that too much to ask for?! Neron's heart was mine from the beginning; it's not fair that a former slave has more rights over it than me! How long have I coveted for that treasure? The prized diamond was unmatched to the hearts of man. Ever since I laid my eyes on the handsheir, my heart knew it belonged to him. Love at first sight, as the humans say. When Neron needed comfort, I bechis confidant. A heart needed mending, and I had the needle and thread. From there, our bond grew from friends to lovers. Beauty is in the beholder's eye.

Neron was the first person to claim and protect my heart. His eyes were only forand we were deeply in love with each other. Goddess, I loved him so much. No other she-wolf could compete with the Alpha's partner! Fury and jealousy raged from those dumb females for days, but I didn't care.

I got what everyone wanted.

Until she cin and ruined everything! Every damn thing was about that pitiful avatar. There's not a damn thing special about her.

Kiya was more of an annoyance when we were younger; always vying for her sister's attention like a mosquito to a lightbulb. I cto Zircon Moon with nothing under the care of my aunt. Goddess rest her soul. The brat was the first to welcme with that bubbly smile, along with that high-pitched voice. Kiya was sweet, but I was drawn to kids my age. That's how Raina and I becfriends-because we shared common interests and were closer in age.

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Along the way, I met Neron. My childlike heart thudded like a drum when he gavethat sweet, boyish smile. He treatedwith kindness-Neron madefeel like I was worth something. My crush on him developed instantly. In our private world, it's justand him. The soon-to-be Alpha and his precious arm- candy next to him.

I had it all figured out. I had to make Neron fall in love with me. Terrified I was, I prayed to the Moon Goddess every night in hopes he'd be my destined mate. We looked beautiful together, so why not? Devastation couldn't describe the hurt when we realized we weren't destined to be. But he made a promise tothat no matter what, I would always be the one for him. And I believed him because I was head over heels for my powerful Alpha. No matter how cruel he was, he'd madefeel important.

Chapter 39-Pejected +10 Bonu Why couldn't I have him for myself? Out of all the she-wolves in the world, I deserve to have his love! Yes, I have Darien, but I want Neron as well!!! I deserve to be loved, don't I? In more ways than one.

00:2 Speaking of mates, a small groan echoed from my bed. Darien is awake. Scrambling off the floor, I hobbled to my bed to see him. I tussle his glistening black hair back with strands sticking up from all ends. Sleepily, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his palm. There is always an element of handsomeness in everything he does. His sultry peppermint scent wafted up to my nose, soothing my palpitating heart.

However, Osiris' warning rings in the back of my head like a siren song. How can he think I'd lose my destined mate? For a devil, he's an idiot. No, I wouldn't lose Darien. He lovestoo much! That's more than enough to keep our bond alive. He's mine, but Neron will always be my number one.

"Darien?" I whisper, brushing my fingers through his soft tresses sweetly. He groans a little more, eyes slowly fluttering open. "Are you okay?" Unexpectedly, my hand was slapped away. Violently. My heart dropped a beat when angry azure burned holes into my skull. Hatred permeated out of his pores, trappingin a heated miasma. Darien kicked the covers off his body before storming towards the door.

"Darien! Baby, what's wrong?" I asked in a panic. "Why are you acting like this?" I tried to grab his hand, but he jerked it away with a yell as if he touched fire.

"Stay the hell away from me!" My mate stormed out of my room in a flurry of unspoken emotions. I had no other choice but to follow him. He can't treatlike I'm nothing! I'm the most important person to him-he can't abandon me! The hallway was ominously quiet. No one else was around or in their room, leaving an air of tension between Darien and me. Running up to his large form, I attempt to take his hands again but got the sresult. "Are you hard of hearing, Odessa?" "No! You know I can't stay away from you. I'm your mate! Don't treatas I'm trash!" "And I'm supposed to let you treatlike trash? Hypocrisy doesn't suit you." His powerful retort shocked me, Chills pooled at my core, freezing every muscle in my body. "Did you think I wasn't aware of your collusions with Osiris? You must think I'm a fool if you thought I didn't have sawareness of what was happening to me." I couldn't say anything. He wasn't supposed to know that! Even if he woke up from my control, he'd forget. everything. How many of Osiris' promises did I foolishly believe? Biting my lip, I summoned the courage to stare him in the eyes. "It's not as bad as you think, babe." "Not as bad? Are you f*cking kidding me, Odessa?!" He bellowed. "You turnedagainst people I love! I beca puppet you didn't think twice of playing with! When the haze finally cleared from my eyes, I saw everything. I understood everything! While you were pining for the heart of another, you strungalong like a useless toy. You usedfor your selfish gain and you never thought once about my feelings, Odessa." The weight of his words crashed onlike the falling pieces of a demolished building. Darien was the wrecking ball, welcoming my obliteration under the debris. Everything fell to ruin. Hurt glittered in his gaze, along with anger, confusion, and betrayal. Times like these are when I wish Ariel were here to advise me, but she abandoned me. Her voice beca memory as the days passed and her presence is non-existent.

+109 Bonus "What's wrong with me?" He suddenly asked, pain interlacing with every syllable. "What can Neron give you 1 couldn't? What made that Alpha so incredible in your eyes you turnedinto your paramour? My love wg026 enough for you to treatwith sdignity?" Nothing cout of my mouth. I merely stared at the ground. Neron is my everything. He has the prestige, attractiveness, courage, and talent to make any female bend to his will. There is a bond between us that cannot compare to the mate bond Darien and I have. That's the one thing Darien lacks-the privilege to be born into power. Power attracts women.

But he's a sweetheart. That's why I kept him around-to appease Ariel and my side of the bond. He can love me, and I can have my Alpha to lovetoo. The ultimate fantasy that every woman strives for; men dedicating their entire lives to you.

Why did this revelation hurt so badly? Darien's pain beat down atlike the ultraviolet rays of the sun, burningalive.

"You poisoned me." Darien scoffs. "Sirius was right all along. You never loved me." "I love you!" I shouted. “How could you doubt me?" "Because people who love each other don't treat each other like shit! They respect each other and are faithfull to each other! And you couldn't even do that!" "I've told you I love you many times, and you believed me-!" "Oh no, you're not putting this shit on me. In case you didn't know, a relationship is 50/50. Love isn't a coat for you to wear whenever the f*ck you feel like it! We were supposed to be there for each other as the Moon. Goddess destined us to be. I gave you my heart, and you danced on it like it was just a gto you. You were my other hall, Odessa...and you hurt me." "I didn't mean to..." "Then why did you treatlike a piece of crap?" “I..." I took in a deep breath, bracing myself for the onslaught of more pain. "You're overreacting. It's difficult letting go of your first love. I tried, but it wasn't easy. If you had a first love, you'd understand." "I had a first love. It was you!" His s rage is unmatched, and it scared me. For my safety, I backed closer to the wall. However, there was an eerie calm as his voice dropped an octave. "But you didn't just hurt me. You also hurt the people I love! Did you care to think about the other people you'd hurt along the way? You don't have the right to f*ck with my heart and walk away as if nothing happened. If I did that to you, you'd have my head. Mate bonds are sacred, but you've proven toyou don't care about it or anyone but yourself!" Darien might as well beatinto a pulp because his words held more force than any punch. My heart swirled and thumped in agony as I felt the bond falter and shrivel like an old copper wire. Does he know how much he's hurting me? Tears cascade down my face like rushing rivers, but there's no dam to stop them.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, bowing my head. "Please, forgive me. I'll do anything!" "There's no forgiving this." He shakes his head. The fear in my body comes alive. “I was always taught to treasure the blessings the Moon Goddess gives, including my mate. However, my parents taughtto never Chapter 29-Rejected +109 Bonu settle for less than what I deserve. We're connected by destiny, but not by our hearts. When you rejectedthe first time, Sirius howled out his pain to the moon. But I was so happy when you took it back. Odessa, 10023 happy with you. I wanted to give you everything." "You stil still can! We can still be together when we move past this. I made a mistake and I'm willing to fix it."

"But you'll always want Neron. You said so yourself: he's your first love, and thus, your first choice. The heart O wants what the heart wants, and yours doesn't want mine. After all the shit you pulled, you think I'd bend to you so easily? You could've madelose everything I worked so hard to get! I'd never do that to you, so why did you do it to me?! Darien rubbed his face to hold back his tears. I can feel his anguish, his pain, and the crushing devastation as he comes to terms I betrayed him through our bond. His rattling sighs echoed in the distance between us, carrying the weight of his broken heart.

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Why do I feel the unspeakable urge to mend it? His pain becmine and I couldn't take it. I wanted to heal him and make him loveagain. I love him...don't I? “I can't do this." He whispers brokenly. “I cannot go through another heartbreak like this." "W-what are you talking about?" I demanded softly. "Don't tellyou're thinking about...”

When Darien pushedagainst the wall in the empty corridor, I knew something horrible was about to happen. Blue om n. Blue flashed togrey in rapid succession with Sirius' presence, the wolf holding as much fury as the human. Hatred dripped from grey and pain dripped from blue, mixing into a concoction that ended everything I'd hope to have. "I, Darien Elijah Miller, reject you, Odessa Lyla Rossi as my mate."

Ruthless stings accumulated into my heart and exploded into volcanic agony. My heart broke into two, knocking the wind out of me. The n world took a tumble as 1 slid onto the ground once again, this time.

clutching at my chest. It hurt so much! Our bond snapped into two! For a moment, regret flashed in Darien's eyes but quickly clouded over with callous indifference. My mate rejected me! No! This wasn't supposed to happen! "Whether or not you accept my rejection, I don't care. May this serve as a lesson for you, Odessa; always treasure the hearts of those who are brave enough to give them to you. Broken trust is a wound that may never heal." He walked away, never looking back.

All I could do is sit as the pain of the rejection rocketed through me. Why am I destined to be alone?! Moon Goddess, why the f*ck you hate me?! You took away my family and now you've taken away the loves of my life! I don't know if Ariel can feel the rejection because she doesn't talk toanymore.

X I'm left alone in an empty hallway to deal with the pain of my loved one leavingagain.

Everything I ever wanted is gone.
