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Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 84 84 A suggestion of deals
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Chapter 84 84 A suggestion of deals

[Lucy's POV: ]

Nes looked at the majestic, pretty-looking black lion with a sad, worried look and simply nodded at his master.

He was still sleeping, unbeknownst to all that was going on around him. But, his master, the branch manager knew his familiar well and also wished to accompany him a little longer.

They were a family, had a bond few had in this world, and more than that, they were friends.

An old lion was still a lion, a fact true for both of them, and they both looked cool together, so, not even El said anything when Nes just walked up to the sleeping lion, crouched down, and placed her hand on his mane.

[ "She's going to use her unique skill now." ]

[ "Yes… that bitch. Giving away her own life force to others as if it were mere Mana." ]

[ "Well, she can also recover it naturally with time so, it's at least alright, no?" ]

[ "Is it better to see her slowly die in front of your own eyes or is an already dying cat more important to you?" ]

She looked me in the eye while asking that question, and, the bitter smile on my face was enough of an answer she needed.

'Of course, seeing her use that skill is no good, but, we couldn't stop her either. It was her inner nature to help those she finds in need of her help, and stopping her would be the same as telling her to not do something she would have naturally done.'

She knew where she should help and where she should not and since we were her friends and she could tell we were here for some important work, she believed helping an old creature here would ultimately be helpful to us.

That was the reason El didn't stop her either.

She didn't give a swimming fuck about this rare lion, she didn't like how cool he looked from the start anyway but, if her lovely Nes was doing it with her own will, she had no need to stop her as her friend.

'She still worried about her and since I considered this to be a good thing, her unpleasant look was pretty understandable.'


"Stay still for a moment mister lion."

The lion had woken up from his slumber at her touch but when he looked at her gentle face, felt her unique touch, and understood her intentions, he glanced at his friend and master.

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Sir Kevin just nodded at him and perhaps told him to trust her for this time through their familiar link.

'And, he nodded lightly after that. Looking at our Nes with a curious gaze.'

Nes had gotten her permission from him with this, so, she closed her eyes, channeled her unique 'dust' power, and called out to the most unique of her innate skills.

'[Blessing of the essence]. Not her zero skill, but surely a skill that makes her who she is: The purest character in the game.'

She can share her own life force with someone and help them heal themselves naturally, and what's more, she could also regenerate that lost life force.

Not many beings in the entire Worldline could do it, and those who could actually do it, were mostly people who resided in the higher realms or were enlightened ones who had achieved the transcendence.

She was special for three reasons actually. The first was her purity, the second her unique powers and origins, and the third was her dark future that mostly either destroyed her completely or the world she resided in.

'However, this little girl was part of our group. She was our friend, not family yet, but certainly an inseparable friend. The world could go destroy itself if it wanted but she was gonna live with us.'

El would make sure of that from her side, and I also needed someone to call me brother other than my dumb devilish witch.

Sooo… Nes used her skill, a unique pink light flowed out from her hand and covered the lion like a cocoon covering a transforming creature, and, when it finished and she stood up, the cocoon disintegrated, revealing the black lion that looked visibly different from just a moment ago.


"Oh lord…"

The lion had almost regressed back a few years with that and, there was a special link between a familiar and master so Sir Kevin must have also felt the increased vitality of his friend. Both of them were surprised but, there was a smile on their faces and they looked at each other.

'And then… they hugged each other.'

A warm scene of a lion bigger than the person bigger than us hugging each other unfolded before our eyes and, El was commenting some nonsense as she looked at them so, her aside, some thanking and stuff happened and Sir Kevin asked Nes for anything she wanted for which, she answered she would be happy if he helps us with whatever we needed.

'And by us, yes she meant us.'

So, thanks to her, we were now sitting before the six of them on this long table, looking at each other with many unique expressions.

"I would like to thank you all for the great favor you have done for me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

He was more than seventy years old but he looked just like a grizzly middle-aged uncle with a solid physique and an attractive face.

[ "Hehehe. We have a DILF, a pretty MILF, a loli bitch, an oldie grandpa, a hot knight, and a horny bastard noble here~! We can practically make po-" ]

"There is no need to thank all of us, Sir Kevin. It all thanks to Nes and you have already thanked her enough from what I think."

"Hahaha, that is humble coming from someone as special as you Mister Lucifer."

He was laughing now, and his lion was on the other side of the room, looking at himself in the mirror like some old person that had suddenly lost the wrinkles on his forehead.

"There is no need to call me mister or anything. The two of us have just become adults a few weeks ago so we are still too young to be called respectfully by someone as great as you all.

Besides, Nes and even Eva are far younger than you all. Addressing us like you usually do with any new adventurer would be the best, right?"

There was a momentarily surprised reaction on all six of their faces, and they were looking at each other, mostly at the three people who worked with magic, and all three were nodding in agreement.

And then, after a few of these glances among each other, the oldest 'person' here, Sir June, the manager of the magic department, spoke up with a nod.

"What he says is the truth, I can say. And still, the power I feel from you all is nothing that a 'normal' adventurer would ever possess.

What's more, the 'incomplete' status windows I see from this pretty young miss who healed Ken is unbelievable in itself but, what I see in the status window of the lady with that unbelievable weapon is even more unprecedented.

And then there are the two of you even I cannot measure the strengths of…

You are young, certainly. You might be human too, perhaps. But, the only way I can justify that unique aura you have, is by considering you are more than you have lived, am I right?"

He was indirectly asking if we were something like a returnee, or survivors from a dimensional gate, or even perhaps a reincarnation.

'The people who appear more than what they are lived for' is a common phrase used for those unbelievably special people who somehow knew more than what someone at their age should, or were far more powerful than anyone their age would.

The reason for that kind of strength or knowledge might be some kind of unique skills, some fortuitous encounters, or even something like a unique background and past life. But, whatever it was, there was no reason for anyone to confirm anyone's suspicions like this.

"Haha, we certainly have had a tough life, Sir June. However, asking a silly question like that is certainly not something you should do on our first meeting like this, right?"

I answered politely but all six of them could sense the weird feeling I was causing with my authority as a 'knight'.

And since all six of them also possessed knight rank authority, they were sensitive to even the slightest of it. So, when they figured out what this feeling was and looked at my normal warm smile, they all couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

"A boy that can use Aura better than some <S> ranks that we know, a genius mage that presented to us what the world will soon be shocked to know, a girl who can cause miracles, and a lady who is extraordinary even after presenting herself as the most normal of them all.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Hahaha. And the brother-sister duo are even 'knights' of the system. Meaning they somehow managed to gather a million Oz at the very least and surpass level hundred at that kind of young age.

Hahaha~. I would have thought the ultimate nature is playing tricks on all of us at the same time today, but that's not the case.

You all are certainly real and you do possess all the powers that we have seen until now. Hahaha.

Which only brings us to one last thing…"

Suddenly, all six of them stopped laughing and looked at us, mostly me, with a serious gaze while fully showing their authority.

"Who are you and what do you want from the association?"

Finally, he was getting straight to the point.

[ "Ugh. Finally!" ]

That was El, and since they were showing their authority as knights, why in the world's name would she stay still as she had been until now anymore?

"Hahaha! Nice~! Finally!"

She was laughing, and that smile was the one she only had when she was truly excited.

The authority she had just shown, the one we obtained with an unreal 96% rate of accuracy, was not something half of them could endure on their own, and after I showed mine as well, all six of them were overpowered, felt a sudden oppression, and retracted the influence of their authorities.

"We only have a single goal here, gentlemen and ladies."

They thought that they had seen everything we could do until now, but this sudden oppressive feeling, something one would only feel from someone with greater authority than them within the system, came as the greatest surprise of all time for them.

"We just want to discuss some deals that would be profitable for both of our sides, therefore, we wish you would be willing to listen to us"

We also retracted the influence of our authority, and, though Nes wasn't affected by it at all, and was instead confused about what had just happened here, Eva was not in her best condition after experiencing that momentary weird oppression from those six people anymore.

She would feel a little headache for a bit, but there was thankfully nothing to worry about.

She would be fine, so, El and I continued smiling at them, and the other party that had heard about a ridiculous thing like a deal from some children that would be profitable for their entire unfathomable association, couldn't help their reluctance in this situation.

One would just laugh or frown after hearing such a thing however, they had already seen what we were capable of. So…

"What are these deals…?"


The crocodile had taken the bait, the great sea serpent beside me was smirking, and I also had a smile on my face.

Association had a few things even they might not know the true value of. So, wasn't it just better for the one who knew of the true value of a good item to have it instead of some ignorant fools who might never even know the value of their own possessions?