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True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 403 Beastkin Ambassador
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Velian, clad in his pristine white attire, approached the imposing door, guarded by Juno and Delviny. With a warm smile, he acknowledged their diligent watch and commended their unwavering commitment to their duties.

"Thank you, Juno and Delviny. Once this meeting concludes, I insist that both of you take a well-deserved break and enjoy a satisfying meal," Velian graciously announced, his eyes reflecting his appreciation.

The two girls exchanged glances, their faces lighting up with gratitude before they opened the door in a synchronized motion.

They weren't worried about Velian's safety, as Naomi had already placed more than ten assassins around the room, so they would be able to protect him in case of an emergency.

Daphnia, Velian's mother, followed closely behind him as they entered the grand meeting room.

She didn't show her weakness to others unlike when she is with her beloved son, so she had a face of a queen, that refused to let anyone manipulate her son for their own benefit.

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Velian's elegant demeanour was evident as his gaze swept across the assembled ambassadors representing various races. The room buzzed with anticipation and the air was thick with diplomatic tension.

Among the dignitaries present, Velian's attention was instantly drawn to the Elven ambassador, Elysia. Her graceful presence and regal aura captured his interest, though his thoughts were momentarily interrupted as his gaze shifted towards the beastkin ambassador, a figure with whom he had a strained relationship.

They haven't met with each other, but Velian knew these people might have some kind of a past with what Juno went through, but for now, he decided to wait and see without creating more problems in these hard times.

As Velian surveyed the room, his mind brimming with anticipation, he prepared himself for the delicate negotiations that lay ahead. The atmosphere crackled with unspoken challenges and hidden agendas, setting the stage for a diplomatic confrontation that would shape the course of their shared future.

"Let the games begin," Velian murmured under his breath, determination etched across his face for whatever they are going bring against him.

The grand hall echoed with anticipation as the ambassadors from various races gathered, each representing their own unique civilization. Velian, adorned in regal attire, sat at the head of the table, exuding an air of authority that befitted the ruler of the human nation.

His golden eyes sparkled with determination, fully aware of the daunting threat that loomed before them.

As the discussions commenced, Elyisa, the elven ambassador, stepped forward, radiating grace and elegance.

She bowed respectfully before Velian, acknowledging his role as the saviour of their world. Her voice carried a melodic tone as she began recounting the horrors her people faced.

"Your Majesty," Elyisa began, her voice resonating with a sense of urgency.

"Our lands have been ravaged by these malevolent demons, creatures of darkness that strike without mercy. We have suffered great losses, and our magic alone cannot quell their onslaught."

Her words hung in the air, a solemn reminder of the dire circumstances they faced. One by one, the ambassadors shared their own accounts of the demonic incursions, their lands scarred and their people yearning for respite. It was evident that unity was their only hope.

None of them knew more information about these demons like Velian, but they knew sooner or later things would be so bad. Unless they form an alliance that could help each other in hard times.

Velian stayed silent the whole time listening to the words of the others, but not once he took his eyes out of the crowd showing that he was ignoring them.

However, just as the gravity of the situation began to settle upon the council, a deep growl emanated from the corner of the room.

The Beastkin ambassador, a towering figure with rippling muscles and a crown of mane that looked more royal than anything, rose abruptly from his seat. His voice, rough and commanding, cut through the tension like a thunderclap.

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"You!" the Beastkin bellowed, his finger accusatorily pointing at Velian. "You sit there, a weak little kid, while we waste precious time in negotiations. I expected a leader worthy of the title, a man of strength, and yet here you are!"

His words were pointing at what he was looking, for because beastkin always valued strength more than anything and for the muscular man in front of Velian, it looked like he was being insulted by all these useless exchanges.

Velian remained calm, his youthful visage concealing a fierce determination that belied his apparent fragility. He locked eyes with the Beastkin, unwavering in the face of the challenge hurled his way.

"I understand your concerns, Ambassador," Velian replied, his voice laced with conviction.

"But strength comes in many forms, and it is not always measured by mere physicality. My duty as the ruler of the human nation is to protect my people, and I assure you, I am more than capable of facing this threat head-on."

Everyone looked at Velian as he said those words because they could understand how he stayed calm in front of that huge pressure.

"You're more than welcome to return back to your country because you're the one who's here to ask help from me, not the opposite,"

The hall fell into a heavy silence as the words hung in the air. The ambassadors exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of scepticism and curiosity. Even the Beastkin ambassador seemed taken aback by Velian's unwavering confidence.

"You sure have a huge mouth for a human kid? Why don't I teach you a lesson with these huge arms of mine?" He said and flexed his muscles and the elven ambassador had no idea of stopping because she was also interested to see how powerful Velian is.


"Idiot! Look at your neck. You are already dead if I give my order," Velian said and pointed at the ambassador, as everyone looked at what happened only to see a woman holding a knife near his neck.

"Naomi, give him a little cut as a memory," Velian said and got up from his seat and walked up to him.