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True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 394 Portrait
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In the grand chambers of the royal palace, Velian, the king of Kelleros, stood beside a large table covered in maps and documents.

His eyes were completely absorbed by them as he tried to find any clue about something unusual or someone that managed to hide the fact that they had a dark past.

Naomi, his lover and a skilled assassin stood beside him, her piercing violet eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger, as well as keeping an eye on what Velian was searching for.

Velian, his voice filled with determination, turned to Naomi. "We must find Julius. I will not rest until he is brought to justice for his possible treachery, he might be making things up, even though Julie says he is innocent."

Naomi nodded, her face a mask of cold resolve. "I will help you in any way I can, Master. Together, we will make sure he pays for his crimes."

She had no remorse or thoughts about removing Julius' head from his body because that's what she wanted to do to every person that tried to harm Velian.

The king turned to Sariya, his trusted advisor and head of intelligence alongside Lyra, as well as his mother's best friend. "Sariya, I want you to gather a complete list of all the nobles in our kingdom. We will search every noble land until we find him."

Sariya bowed respectfully. "As you wish, Velian. I will have the list compiled and delivered to you by the end of the day."

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Velian then called for his court artist to join them. A talented painter, he was known for his ability to capture the essence of a person in his portraits.

It wasn't hard for Velian to find all kinds of new talents and give them the chance they deserved, after all, artists were one of the most important people in the world that kept people alive through their imagination and prevented boredom.

"Did you bring that?" Velian asked looking at him to which he just nodded his head.

"Anything for Your Highness, I did it just as you asked me to do,"

Leaving those words, he gave Velian a paper which looked a lot more developed for the age they were in.

"Hoh! So this is what he looks like," Velian muttered and Sariya who was interested in the drawing asked what she was looking at.

Naomi had a slight idea and she was proven right as the man on the drawing was none other than the ex-prime minister of Rapidclaw Kingdom.

"He is the man we are searching for, with this picture, it will be easy for us unless he is a monster that has the ability to change his appearance."

Velian ordered Naomi to distribute the pictures among her members and make sure to notice the reaction of the people that identify him.

"I can believe people I took under my wing personally, but already existing nobles are the most suspicious,"

Naomi took all the advice she gave and reassured Velian that she won't fail him and she quickly left the room.

"Sariya, how is Elda doing?"

"Not too bad, she's doing better than I expected, maybe it's all thanks to you, after all, you're the one that believed in her,"

Sariya said and gave a smile while Velian stood up from his chair.

"Is she still in the academy?" Velian asked as he decides to visit her and see it for herself.

Sariya nodded her head knowing that Elda would be happy to see him visiting her academy, so she convinced Velian to visit her.

Taking her words as granted, Velian walked through the hallway and decided to visit Elda, without making a big scene out of it, as he knew things would get chaotic if people identify him and start flocking around him like birds.

After walking for a few minutes, his head covered by a cloak, Velian stepped through the grand gates of the academy, his eyes widening as he took in the impressive sight before him.

Towering structures of marble and stone stretched towards the end of the walls, adorned with intricate carvings and elegant archways. The academy had flourished since his last visit, a testament to Elda's leadership as its principal.

As he strolled along the path, his regal presence hidden beneath a simple cloak, Velian noticed a group of students chatting nearby.

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Their youthful faces were alight with the excitement of learning and discovery. Curiosity tugged at him, and he approached them with a warm smile.

"Excuse me, young scholars," Velian called out, his voice carrying a touch of authority. "Could you direct me to your principal? I need to meet her,"

The students turned to face him, their eyes narrowing with suspicion as they assessed the stranger before them. They exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of the stranger's intentions.

One of the students, a brave and inquisitive soul, stepped forward cautiously. "And who might you be sir?" she asked, her voice tinged with scepticism.

She didn't want their beloved principal to meet a stranger who might possibly harm her and look at how this person was trying to cover his face, they knew he cannot be believed.

Velian's smile widened as he removed his cloak, revealing his noble attire. "I am Velian Keller, the King of these lands," he announced, his voice resonating with a regal tone. "I have come to see Elda, your principal to discuss a few matters with her."

Recognition dawned in the student's eyes, and they immediately straightened, their initial suspicion giving way to reverence.

One of the students pointed towards the main building, its grandeur standing as a beacon of knowledge and leadership.

"She is in her office, Your Highness," the student said respectfully. "Just follow the path, and you'll find her there."

"Thank you, young ones," Velian replied with gratitude. "I shall make my way to her."

It was awkward for these girls, as Velian was obviously younger than them but they decided to accept it as they manage to meet the dream prince of every girl in the city right now and they knew they would be able to boast about this to the other girls.

The students nodded, a mixture of awe and excitement filling their expressions. As Velian walked away, the weight of his responsibilities as a king momentarily forgotten, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for Elda and the remarkable institution she had cultivated.