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To Love You Again

Chapter 787 - Found The Place
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Chapter 787 - Found The Place

The burly man was once a veteran warrior before he became one of Ming Zhi Yi's experts. He had gory experiences as well. But this was the first time he witnessed torture that was steadfast, direct, simple but so brutal.

The crying in the room turned into wails then to heartrending howls. However, Assistant Xin never once fainted.

When all of his fingers in his left hand were cut, Linfeng finally stopped.

Linfeng looked at his watch. He spent five minutes just 'talking' to this man. Linfeng's heart was still hanging on a tread. He needed to get back on his team to check their progress.

He looked at Assistant Xin who wanted to faint but couldn't. Linfeng's eyes flashed. He would kill them slowly until he got an answer out of them. He then went to the burly man on the bed. "Are you not going to talk?"

The burly man gulped. The coldness in the man's eyes was spine-chilling like his master. Both were capable of such profound madness.

Suddenly, Linfeng's phone vibrated. He took out his phone and check the notification.

After reading the message, he turned to the burly man again. "I'll come back in thirty minutes. If you don't give me a proper answer. Your eyes will be dug out this time. Think carefully if dying painfully is worth it."

Linfeng then left the room.

The burly man shuddered. Looking at Assistant Xin's severed fingers on the floor, he knew the ruthless man was not lying. His eyes would be really dug out. He was never scared like this even his flesh was extracted from his wounds earlier.

The burly man had tried to commit suicide many times. But Zhou Min injected something on them that made their insides soft before torturing them. Just a mere act of biting their tongue made them lose their strength. They could only speak and howl. And what the man injected to Assistant Xin was probably something that prevented them from fainting.

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In other words, they could not escape this insane torture.

After thirty minutes, Linfeng came again. But his face was darker this time. Whatever he learned from the report, made his mood worsened.

The burly man watched in horror as Linfeng took the knife wordlessly and approached him. His eyes were terrifying cold. "What's your answer?"

The burly man's lips were truly trembling now. He opened and closed them hesitatingly.

Linfeng ruthlessly grabbed his head. The sharp blade of the knife that was still tainted with blood was approaching the burly man's face rapidly. Just when the blade was a few centimeters away from his eyes, the burly man finally speak.

"T-they..they used a helicopter."

"I know they ride a helicopter. But they use several decoys. And only a few of them showed on the radar. You have to tell me the specific place where they hide the people you took."

The reason why Linfeng was still here was because he was waiting for his people's confirmation regarding the several decoys that appeared on the radar. He could not go after them and be led by false information. Guan Xixin was already after the decoys personally. However, confirming each destination of those decoys would take a long time, at a minimum- it would take a day.

What he need was a definite answer. And he needed it fast.

Linfeng hold the knife tightly and once again proceeds, the burly man then yelled, "A-alright! I'lll tell you! But you have to kill me quick afterwards." The burly man knows that once he lost his eyes, this terrifying man would then proceed to cut his hand, feet, and various part of his body.

Assistant Xin who was dizzy due to blood loss glanced at them. "M-me too...I'll give you information...kill me too."

Linfeng finally put down the knife. He took the bloodied Assistant Xin and transferred him into another room.

He crouched down at the same level as him. "Tell me. If the information you give me is wrong, it will be your eyes that will be dug out instead."

Assistant Xin knew that since the information would be revealed at some point, he has to be the one who told them so he could die finally.

"The helicopters are decoys. But some of them have destinations near the hideout. I don't know the exact place. But the real destination is near some unknown mountain."

That is the only information Assistant Xin could give. It was ample information yet enough to give his master some time to exact revenge on the people they took.

In the end, his loyalty won even in the face of this horrible death.

Linfeng could see in Assistant Xin's eyes that he was done giving the information. Asking more would be pointless. He then hold the knife tightly and slashed his neck.

Blood spurted out. Assistant Xin was finally able to close his eyes. Never to be opened again.

Linfeng went out of the room and turned to the other room. His expression never wavered. When he came in, the burly man already decided what information to give before dying. He spoke fast, "I know how many experts left in my master's side. I'll tell you then you have to kill me."

"I don't need it. You have to tell me the place."

The burly man hesitated for a moment. Then settled to the simplest information he could give. "An old mansion."

There are many old mansions in this country. Even if he gave that information, they won't be able to find out easily. Besides, that mansion was not registered anywhere else. Whatever Assitant Xin gave, it would not lead them to the hideout of their master.

The burly man closed his eyes waiting for death. He did not see how Linfeng's eyes glinted from realization to the information he gave to him. The burly man spoke, "I gave you an information as we agreed on, you have to kill me quick-" In a moment, he found a knife stuck on his heart.

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Linfeng took back the knife he embedded on the burly man's chest. A gurgling sound came from the man's mouth.

Linfeng spoke in a cold voice, "An unknown mountain. An old mansion. There's no doubt it is the last Qian mansion."

The burly man who was on the verge of death heard his words. His eyes went wide. He was flabbergasted.

How come this man would know the specific place in just two hints?

Never ever did the burly man imagine that Linfeng was one of the people who targeted Ming Zhi Yi and investigated the man deeply more than the others. Even in the burly man's death, he questioned Linfeng's true identity.

Linfeng looked at the burly man's lifeless body and made a call.

The other answered the phone immediately.

"Look this place for me and see if the satellite picks up any activities of flights in the past twenty-four hours. If you don't find a thing, expand the area and the allotted time."

Gu Zhen, who was helping the investigation answered, "Alright. I'll give you the result in ten minutes."

Linfeng ended the call and called another person.

It took two rings before the other man answered.

"Jang Shin, I found the place. Do you want to come with me?"