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The ultimate husband

Chapter 5774
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At the same time, the surroundingblack armored army riders cried out in rage as well, "How dare you have eyes for treasure that rightfully belongs to the Raksasa forbidden grounds?" “I thinkhe has a death wish!" ‘The roars sounded over endlessly, growing in volume and anger. Yet Janoff didnot seem tobe affected at all ashe stood right there, bis expression nothing but calm Atlast, Tyson returned to his senses as he stared at Janoff coldly. "Janoff Tuan, was, 18? Have you considered the consequences: of your words?" Janoff flashed a half-smile, "It's indeed true, Head Genera, that we are on Raksasa Forbidden Grounds, But have you

forgotten who was it who gave the Ralsasa tribe place to rest i the frst place? was us, the Nine Continent.

Ashe spoke, Janoft pointed a the Sunset.

Bow. "No matter what, the Sunset Bow willbe urs today." Alright, alright Very well." Just then, Tyson's expression shifted as Te stared intently at Janoft and sneered.

"Since you have death wish, ll grant t foryou" Asthe final word rang through theaie, a powerful aura exploded from Tyson as he moved quickas lightning to castablow towards anoft.

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"C'mon, Head General. Using violence so soon?" Sensing the strength Tyson was exploding with, Janoff merely smiled tightly as he remained where he was, Hitting a hand to meet Tyson's blow,

“The next second, a deafening rumble Sounded through theaic as a terrifying ripple of energy washed over the atmosphere. 5 Both Tyson and Janoff swayed from the force, stumbling few steps backwards at the same time.

twas obvious tha neither party had gotten the upper hand from that ast.


Motherfcker! ‘Tyson's expression darkened ashe caught his balance and bis chest thudded in shock. Hehad used a good deal of energy in that blow, yet It had not been enough for him, the greatest Raksasa warrior, o take this man down! Janoff seemed quiet and studious, yet had been hiding so much power; Amidst his rage, Tyson roared, "Listen up, warriors! Take down every last ane of

these intruders, and leave no survivors." ‘Tyson's eye blazed murderously as he soared, his ange climbing by the second Breaking nto the Raksasa forbidden ounds was already unforgivable, and here these people were tryin to claim something from it There was noway.

they would let any of them get out of here.

ave todsy.

Kill ‘The black armored army riders let outa series of howls at the order, brandishing the curved knives in thir hands as they rushed towards the Skyway Assocation members “Fellow brothers!" Janoif's expression grew cold at the sight of the incoming men. "Kill every last one of them if you must. We have to get out hands on the Sunset Bow once again." 5 the words rang through the ar, the

‘hundred of Skyway Association members.

fought back at once asa fer battle broke out between both partie. E When, AL the sight, Bowen and Veron were beside themselves with excitement from here they were hiding, “Ninth lady!" Bowen could not help but say in alow voice, "You sure are smart.

Your guess was completly right— they really started fighting! What should we ao Veron's gaze flashed as she looked at the Sunset Bow on the stone ledge and sad lightly, "We wai ora chance." Indeed, Veron wanted a chance to gt the Sunset Bowas well.

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Yet she knew clearly enough that this was nota good time to strike, oven both partis were fighting twas Important 0 note tha the other Three-legged Golden

Birds hiding in the lava beneath had not.

appeared yet “The battle grew more and more icons.

Swoosh! Just then, Janoff took down evo army riders before him with a single blow before sosring nto the ait and charging owas the Sunset Bow.

“Trying o take the magical bow?" Yet he had barely reached the stone ledge when Tyson let out aloud roar, rushing upwards and blocking Janaft of cirecly as the pair launched nto fierce battle once again.

Jano continued to cast and defect bow ater blow against Tyson, al while saying confidently, "You really are in aver your head, Head General, Can't you se the Sunset Bow's mine or sure? Why are you sostubbor?" “Cut theceap,” Tyson spat coldly. "None

‘of you are getting out of here alive." Ashe spoke, the Three-legged Golden Bird let outa crow as t pounced, its razor-sharp talons gintng i the light.

Neither Janoft nor Tyson could dodge in ime, and a piercing sound rang through the iras scratch marks appeared on both ‘men's bodies The wounds were ongand deep, blood gushing out by the second.