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The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 727: Followers Arrive Like Thunder
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"Insolence! Who is the stupid vampire controlling the bats to mess up our ranks?! Are you trying to rebel?!?" a Commander-rank Pureblood Vampire roared furiously.

In his mind, only a vampire could control the bats. Only high-ranking vampires had such abilities. As such, the possibility of other races controlling the bats did not cross his mind.

There must be a traitor in their ranks.

"Arghh!! Find that rat for me!" the Commander-rank Pureblood Vampire furiously demanded.

However, the vampires around him had no idea where to begin their search.

Looking around the perimeters of the flying formation was one thing, but searching inside it was pure suicide. They would be torn to shreds before they could pass the wind wall.

Chaos quickly swallowed the vampire army as commanding vampires gave mixed orders. One wanted to press the attack on the humans, while the other wanted to locate the vampire traitor despite there being none.

Suddenly, the vampire army found themselves at a great disadvantage.

With the imperial army putting pressure on their vanguard and Vaan cutting off their path of retreat with his black tornado of flying creatures, the vampire army was trapped and had nowhere to go.

At the same time, the imperial army noticed the opportunity to suppress the vampires.

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"Now is the time to show off the pride and might of the imperial army's warriors, Vanguards! Push these blood-sucking fiends back to where they come from!" an imperial commander roared with his sword drawn.


With a unified grunt, the shield-bearers in the vanguard gathered their strength and forced a step forward, shoving the cramped vampires back a step.

However, their power move did not come from their strength alone. They had their comrades behind them, supporting them.

If not for the support from the rear soldiers, the defensive line created by their shield-bearers would have already been toppled and broken with the vampires' first charge.

"Good!" the imperial commander exclaimed after seeing the first successful step forward. Then, he shouted, "Gather your strength and push again! We must show these blood-sucking fiends who own these lands—!"

Just as the imperial commander spoke, the ground rumbled with numerous heavy footsteps.

In that instant, joy quickly filled the hearts of every imperial soldier. They thought imperial reinforcements were arriving, and much quicker than they anticipated.


"Let us go, Martial Brothers and Sisters! The proud supporters of Sir Pendragon mustn't be left behind! Let us lend a hand to our imperial brothers!"

Berucha's trembling and excited voice resounded in the distance as he lagged behind a large group of martial warriors from the Black Mountain.

Despite leading the martial group, Berucha simply lacked the ability to keep up with most of them. In fact, he only had the martial qualifications to be a grunt soldier if he wanted to participate in such a war.

Nevertheless, the Black Mountain's martial warriors still followed Berucha under his inciting words.

It didn't matter who led them. What mattered was who and what they represented.

"Hahaha! Lord Pendragon has already cut into the vampire army with his mysterious flying formation and messed up their already disorderly ranks! How can this Old Man possibly miss out on the chance to bathe in some of his glory?!" a Transcendent Elder loudly guffawed as he rushed ahead of the group.

The Transcendent Elder's overwhelming presence immediately attracted the attention of the imperial army ahead and the brave spectators in the area.

"Holy shit! Isn't that the Old Ancestor of the Brightglory Family? I thought he vowed never to leave the Black Mountain until he advanced to Mid-stage Transcendent? Did he succeed?" One of the brave spectators exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Bahahaha! Old Brightglory, I'm not letting you steal the thunder from me!" another Transcendent Elder heartily laughed as he tried to overtake the Brightglory Family's Old Ancestor.

His aura was even stronger than the Brightglory Family's Old Ancestor's.

"O-Old General! It's the retired Old General from thirty years ago! He also decided to leave the Black Mountain?" another brave spectator exclaimed with disbelief before muttering, "Am I hallucinating? I can't believe these old monsters actually left the Black Mountain together!"

"Hehe, when disaster strikes, humanity unites to resist it! I'm glad to be a proud citizen of this empire!"

While the distant spectators were awed by the emergence of the elderly martial warriors, Old Brightglory, Old General, and several other Transcendent Elders caught up to the imperial army and dived right into vampires' ranks fearlessly.

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The group of Transcendent Elders immediately dominated the battlefield with their superior brute strength before clashing with Transcendent-rank Pureblood Vampires.

Meanwhile, the imperial army blankly made way for the rest of the martial group to pass through after they took notice of their group. The martial group's sudden arrival didn't alarm them.

However, they were definitely bewildered.

As Berucha's group passed through the imperial army's rear, their momentum didn't slow despite the crowded rows of soldiers ahead. They were like an unstoppable stampede.

The martial warriors all jumped on the shoulders of the imperial soldiers with light footwork before leaping over their heads, diving straight into the vampire army like fearless madmen.

"Kill!" a Peak-level Rank 4 Martial Warrior roared as he joined the bloodbath.


The martial group slaughtered their way into the ranks of vampires with reckless abandonment and frenzied excitement.

Their thunderous momentum and blood lust even instill fear in some vampires.

"Haa… Haa…" Berucha huffed and puffed as he caught his breath after catching up to the imperial army. Then, he greeted, "Hello, imperial brothers… Thanks for letting us through. Haa… We are here to help… Haa…"

"Thanks… Your group's arrival is most timely. We appreciate all the help we can get. However, I have to ask… Who the fuck are you guys?" the imperial commander asked, bewildered by Berucha's group.

Although the imperial commander could tell Berucha's group came from Black Mountain, it was odd to see them move as one.

Such a united movement suggested they were all part of some unknown group.

"Who are we?" Berucha grinned before patting his chest, confidently announcing, "We are Sir Pendragon's proud followers!"