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The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 725: The Vampire Army Arrives
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<Your proficiency with the Fourth Dimensional Sense increased>

<Your proficiency with the Fourth Dimensional Sense increased>

<Your proficiency with the Fourth Dimensional Sense increased>

<Your understanding of the Vampiric Demon Bat's language increased>

<Your understanding of the Red Wyvern Clan's language increased>

<Your understanding of Black Crows increased>

<Your understanding of Thunder Eagles increased>

<Your understanding of Storm Falcons increased>

While staying in the eye of the black tornado of flying creatures, Vaan continued receiving countless system notifications. The flying creatures attempted to communicate with him.

They cawed, shrieked, screeched, and squawked for his attention, but the language barrier made it impossible for them to understand each other.

Without spiritual wisdom like the Red Wyvern Ancestor, their native beast language would remain unsophisticated and structured. They relied on more than just the basic power of speech to communicate, such as body gestures.

Nevertheless, their intentions became increasingly clear to Vaan as he was ever learning. It was only a matter of time before he completely understood them.

Although the flying creatures didn't understand why they were attracted to his aura, they found it soothing to be around him, like how spirits enjoyed staying in environments that aligned with their elemental nature.


Perhaps the soothing warmth was closer to that of a child returning to their mother's embrace.

The Lord of Boundless Seas and Skies earned his divine title after he created countless seas and skies across Chaos and nurtured many more sky and sea-based life forms over many chaos cycles.

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Even though the Lord of Boundless Seas and Skies wasn't the origin of all sky and sea-based life, he was not different from one due to his accumulated karma. As such, his aura extended to even sky and sea-based life forms he didn't create and nurture.

In another location, the Red Wyvern Ancestor swooped down from the sky and landed next to the recovering emperor after finishing a difficult battle.

"Varan Boy, what on earth is that black storm? Do you have an idea? Several members of the younger generation in my clan have ignored my commands, and all joined that unknown formation," the Red Wyvern Ancestor mentioned.

"You ask me, but who do I ask?" Emperor Varan helplessly replied while his wounds were getting dressed and wrapped in bandages. He glanced at the distant black tornado and added, "I don't know what's happening, but for now, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing."

The large swarm of bats was the main source of problems behind civilian casualties. As such, whatever attracted the bats had also saved a lot of lives.

"I see. Even you don't know…" the Red Wyvern Ancestor fell silent for a moment before saying, "Even I am tempted to fly over there. It feels like I am being summoned, and I don't have any guard or reservation towards this feeling either…"

"It's rather concerning," the Red Wyvern Ancestor added with a frown.

Emperor Varan was surprised to hear the Red Wyvern Ancestor wanted to join the flying formation.

What kind of power could produce such an effect that even Demigods weren't immune to it?

"Perhaps the Red Dragon might know something," Emperor Varan thought.

The Red Wyvern Ancestor couldn't help but agree. If anyone knew something, it would be the Red Dragon Clan.

Nevertheless, the flying formation wasn't their most pressing concern.

"What are your plans, Varan Boy?" the Red Wyvern Ancestor inquired.

Emperor Varan pondered for a moment before saying, "For the time being, evacuating all the citizens from the affected area and setting up a line of defense are our main objectives."

"Based on my understanding, we've only been hit with Great Devil Abaddon's scouting parties. I'd hate to imagine what would happen once he descends on our world with his main force," Emperor Varan said with a sigh.

"Most likely, the imperial capital will fall under their control," the Red Wyvern Ancestor casually said.

"Right," Emperor Varan solemnly acknowledged before saying, "However, we will still resist them with all we have, even if it kills us. We can't give Great Devil Abaddon a chance to establish his foothold in our world."

"His descent will plague this world in an endless dark cloud of death and fear," Emperor Varan stated with a heavy expression.

"In that case, I suggest you reach out to the Red Dragon Clan and plea for help with your full sincerity," the Red Wyvern Ancestor suggested.

"I have already pledged my allegiance to Young Lord Kuvat, so I am not in a position to ask for anything that may not benefit Young Lord Kuvat and his clan. However, you are in a different position from me; only you can ask them for help. Perhaps, in this world, only their god has the power to help us overcome this disaster."

"However, if they can't send any more help, you can only request help from the other countries on this continent, though I doubt they can do much," the Red Wyvern Ancestor honestly thought.

"I have also thought of that, Wyvern Ancestor. However, the Red Dragons are all locked in fierce battles right now. It's difficult to find a chance to talk to them," Emperor Varan sighed.

In fact, it was only thanks to the Red Dragons' help that they could resist the vampires until now. Asking them for more help was rather shameless.

Even so, Emperor Varan had no other choice.

"As for the other countries… Forget it," Emperor Varan shook his head and said, "They won't help us. Humans are selfish beings. Once the word spreads, they will be too busy setting up blockades to contain the threat in our empire."

"I'll be plenty happy if they don't try to stab us in the back during these trying times," Emperor Varan added, strongly distrusting other countries.


Kuvat's sudden voice surprised the Red Wyvern Ancestor and Emperor Varan as his majestic body descended the area.

"Young Lord Kuvat!" the Red Wyvern Ancestor humbly greeted.

Kuvat acknowledged him before turning to Emperor Varan. With a domineering flair, he asked, "The Red Dragon Clan can help, but what is the Great Ratholos Empire willing to offer for our full help?"

"Oh?" Emperor Varan was startled momentarily before seriously replying, "Rather than what we can offer, what does the Red Dragon Clan want from us, Venerable Dragon?"

"Our god seeks to unite the divided human countries under his rule to combat Gehenna's threat. What do you think our god wants from you?" Kuvat calmly replied back.

Emperor Varan immediately fell silent.

He was about to make the most important decision in his life and possibly betray the trust of his ancestors.

However, the Great Ratholos Empire's current predicament didn't give them the luxury to negotiate. Stubbornness in keeping their pride and independence would only result in countless more deaths.

Furthermore, they had no right to negotiate, especially not in front of Kuvat, who had already gained the allegiance of their guardian beast.

Generally speaking, a third to half of the Great Ratholos Empire was already under the Red Dragon Clan's control.

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"I am willing to represent the entire Great Ratholos Empire and swear our allegiance to your god if your Red Dragon Clan is willing to help us tide over this disaster, Venerable Dragon," Emperor Varan decisively declared before suddenly, "However, since you speak for your god, does that mean your god intends to intervene personally?"

When Kuvat heard this question, he immediately laughed and said, "Our god is already helping you. Who do you think is currently stopping the bats from feasting on your people?"


Emperor Varan and the Red Wyvern Ancestor glanced at the black tornado in the distance before staring at each other with dismay.

'That was the power of Kuvat's god? Just how strong was that being?' – They both wondered.

In their mind, the Red Dragon Clan's god became an even more unfathomable being. They started to see some hope in what they thought was a hopeless situation.

"Is there a chance I can speak with your god, Venerable Dragon?" Emperor Varan humbly inquired.

"Feel free to speak your mind, Emperor. Our god is entirely aware of our conversation," Kuvat calmly stated before adding, "Otherwise, how would I dare to represent our god and speak on his behalf?"

"Our god sees and hears all," Kuvat proudly boasted.

Although Emperor Varan really wanted to confirm how much of that was true, he didn't want to appear disrespectful or doubtful.

After all, his empire was at the mercy of the Red Dragon Clan.

Whether his empire could continue to exist or be left to rot in ruins could all be decided with a single word for the dragon god.

Just as Emperor Varan opened his mouth, an imperial messenger hastily scrambled over in horror.

"Your Majesty, it's terrible! Vampires are emerging from the crimson light domain in large numbers! There are far too many of them! I don't think our defensive lines will hold for long!" the imperial messenger reported.

"What?!" Emperor Varan immediately turned grave as he barked, "What are the exact numbers and their strength?!"

The imperial messenger opened his mouth, but he couldn't reply. He was sent to alert the emperor the moment the vampire army emerged.

How could he know their exact numbers and strength?

However, not long after, another imperial messenger rushed over to report the latest news.

"Y-Your Majesty, a ten-thousand-strong army of vampires has emerged from the crimson light domain and launched an attack on our defensive line! Based on the preliminary clash, they are not as strong as the first vampire group!"

"However, they are tearing through our soldiers with great momentum! Commander Kandu is desperately requesting expert aid to resist them!"