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The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 418: The Vossen Household's Arrival
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Shortly after, everyone shifted their attention to Vaan with respect and amazement, only to see his jaw drop with a similar look of astonishment.

Evidently, Vaan didn't expect Astoria to produce such a powerful magical attack from the mana utilization method either.

Or rather, he didn't think that far when he devised the mana utilization method. Thus, he was surprised by the result like everyone else.

"I supposed this accidental discovery was quite the pleasant surprise," Vaan smiled wryly and said, "With this mana utilization method, witches will be able to cast spells above their rank."

Some of the greatest discoveries were made by accidents.

"Please teach us the mana utilization method, too, Sir Vahn," Solana and the others stared at Vaan with bright eyes, full of eagerness and excitement, especially Silvaria and Cyrena.

They both looked like hungry wolves as they eyed his nether region, ready to do anything to learn the mana utilization method.

Although they seemed a little too eager, it also seemed like an excuse.

After all, Vaan was a desirable man, not to mention the night activities with his regular dual-practice partners had been stimulating them.

"We'll get to that soon," Vaan replied.

Afterward, he requested Astoria's assistance after taking out an empty memory crystal and teaching her its general function.

Half an hour later, Astoria learned how to use the memory crystals. She recorded the mana utilization method in detail before passing a memory crystal to every person in the group.

As such, Solana and the others equally received the opportunity to learn the mana utilization method.

Nevertheless, Vaan handed over another two hundred empty memory crystals for Astoria to continue recording the mana utilization method.

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They needed many witches to learn and master the method as soon as possible so they could boost their military force.

"I'll get this done as soon as I can," Astoria promised earnestly.

"Thank you, Headmaster Astoria. We'll be relying on you for this," Solana thanked her on behalf of everyone before she suddenly reminded with a serious look, "But don't forget to fix that hole in the wall."

"I won't, Lady Solana," Astoria replied with a wry look.

Shortly after, Solana and the others dispersed to study the content of their memory crystal.

At the same time, Vaan took the teleporter to Redpine City to check on Helia's progress regarding the meeting arrangement with the border lords.

A few miles away from Sunpeak Town, a group of magic airships crossed into the region's airspace, carrying hundreds of Peak-stage Senior Witches and dozens of Peak-level Aura Grandmasters.

Sunpeak Town could be seen just in the distance.

"Wow! Is that really Sunpeak Town?! It looks nothing like the last time I was there!" Linetta exclaimed with amazement as she leaned over the edge of the airship's railing.

In her memory, Sunpeak Town was just a run-down small town with nothing worth mentioning. But now, it was much larger after several expansions and possessed multiple tall structures.

Sunpeak Town had transformed into a bustling city.

Nevertheless, Linetta didn't care too much about Sunpeak Town's changes; she only cared about meeting the person in it.

"Be careful, or you'll fall off the airship. Also, it'll be very dangerous from here on. So you need to follow my instructions—" Arabelle Vossen didn't finish warning her granddaughter before Linetta suddenly took off.

"I'm going ahead, grandmother!" Linetta informed after she suddenly jumped off the magic airship, giving Arabelle a small heart attack.

"You—!" Arabelle's face paled as she watched Linetta plunge toward the ground.

But just as she was about to jump over the railing to save her granddaughter, she witnessed Linetta summoning a black spear from her Magic Domain before flying on top of it.

Linetta rode on her black spear like she was skiing on a snowboard; she made loops in the air before leaning forward, increasing her speed.


Linetta left Arabelle and their group behind after applying Earth Acceleration to her black spear, racing to Sunpeak Town.

"Quickly give chase! We must catch up to her!" Arabelle barked, ordering her subordinates to increase the speed of the magic airship.

She was anxious due to the unknown situation in Sunpeak Town.

Nevertheless, Arabelle quickly closed the distance on Linetta in no time due to the magic airship's superior speed.

She immediately jumped off and caught Linetta in mid-air.

"I got you now, you little brat!" Arabelle roared exasperatedly before reprimanding her, "Didn't I warn you about Sunpeak Town's dangers?! Are my words just farts to you, young lady?! No matter how excited you are to see that little bastard, you need to consider your safety first!"

"But grandmother, take a look around you. Does this look like a chaotic and dangerous town to you?" Linetta argued after noticing the bustling and lively atmosphere in Sunpeak Town. "It's way too orderly, don't you think?"

Arabelle was surprised when she realized her granddaughter was right.

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Considering many rogue wanderers from the capital had reached the town ahead of them, it was very strange not to see a single conflict breaking out in Sunpeak Town.

For a moment, Arabelle wondered if everyone was bewitched by some powerful large-scale illusion spell that made them behave.

However, she didn't sense any active large-scale spell when she entered the town.

No matter how Arabelle wracked her brain, she couldn't figure out why some of the capital's most notorious witches wore seemingly genuine and humble smiles as they engaged in trades with the locals.

As such, she figured it would be best to ask them for the answers herself.

After the Vossen Household's personal troops caught up, they followed closely behind Arabelle and Linetta.

"Hm? Can I help you with something, Lady Arabelle?" a Peak-stage Senior Witch enquired with a friendly smile, seemingly unconcerned despite being surrounded by the Vossen Household's troops.

"Olga, the Blackhearted Trader, what mischief are you up to now?" Arabelle asked with narrowed eyes.

"M-Mischief?" Olga's face paled before she barked angrily, "There's no mischief here, and don't you dare slander me, Lady Arabelle!"

"No mischief? Well, that's a surprise. Usually, if you're not openly causing trouble or in dispute with someone, then you must be secretly up to no good," Arabelle indifferently mentioned before asking, "What changed, hm?"

"Hah, if you want to court death, then be my guest and go cause some trouble in this town. However, I, Olga, won't be joining you. I'm not tired of living yet," Olga firmly stated before impatiently adding, "Now, if you will excuse me, I have businesses to attend to."

Arabelle signaled her troops to make way for Olga to leave. Even so, she was even more confused by Olga's behavior and responses; it really did seem like the work of a bewitchment spell.

After all, how can a person change so much in such little time after visiting Sunpeak Town?

"Maybe we should talk to someone more willing to answer our questions, like the kind-looking locals over there or the local lord, grandmother," Linetta suggested.

"Also, I think it's in our best interest to heed Olga's words and not cause any trouble for now."

"Alright, we'll ask the locals first, then visit the local lord to learn more about this town's situation," Arabelle agreed with a nod.