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The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 181: Dark Demon's new skills
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After completing all the preparations for refining, Dark started the refining of [Lust III].

The refining of deadly sin series magic cards was actually relatively simple.

After all, its essence was the refining of emotional cards.

Dark was very familiar with it and completed the refining in one go. He quickly used 10 points of [Lust] to refine a gold-pink magic card.

But he still needed to test the card to determine whether this magic card had been successfully refined, and the quality of the card etc.


"Time to work."

Dark injected a bit of magic energy into the sorting card to call back his familiar spirit. Soon, DemiDevimon, who was wandering outside, flew back.

"Dear master, check out what I brought."

With the arrival of DemiDevimon, a strong aroma of meat suddenly filled the room.

Dark turned around and looked at it, dumbfounded.

This guy had brought a roasted turkey out of nowhere!

Unfortunately, even if it brought perfectly cooked meat, its work wasn't going to change.

DemiDevimon seemed to feel the strange atmosphere, its flapping wings suddenly froze, and its eyes turned to the pink magic card in Dark's hand.

"Are you serious, master?"


It had been a while since the last experiment, and it seemed that DemiDevimon had been obsessed with picking flowers and had gradually forgotten about the experiment.

Dark felt compelled to make it recall the feeling of being dominated.

"Meow meow~"


"Vee vee~"

The sounds of cat grass, cow grass and fox grass sounded at the right time.

DemiDevimon turned its head sharply and gave them a stern look, but when it turned back, it was full of flattery.

"Ah, master, hasn't this pink one already been experimented with?"

Dark; "It's a new category. Put the turkey aside for now, come here."

DemiDevimon: "Ooookay..."



In fact, DemiDevimon had become accustomed to the identity of the "guinea pig", it was just an instinctive reaction.

After it put the turkey aside, it flew to the lab table and lay down like salmon waiting to be sliced.

Dark kneaded on its chin (abdomen), then clasped the new magic card with his index and middle fingers, and swiped in front of him, activating the Normal Summoning Spell.

"In the name of Dark Demon, magic summoning!"

In an instant.

The whole bedroom was filled with pink light.

"Meow meow~"

"Moo, moo~"

"Vee, vee~"

Even the cries of cat grass, cow grass, and fox grass became soft.

And DemiDevimon, the main casting target, began to frantically absorb the surrounding pink light after the skull pattern on its forehead was replaced by the deadly sin emblem symbolizing [Lust].

A huge emblem emerged from the top of its head and slowly rotated in the air.

DemiDevimon, under the light of the emblem, had a drastic change in the essence of its life.

As the luminous body hidden in the strong light grew cat ears and a cat tail, Dark knew that this [Lust Ⅲ] was successfully refined!

The evolution of DemiDevimon was still Black Gatomon, but it was obvious that this Gatomon was more rational.

Immediately afterwards, Dark was pushed over by Black Gatomon!


"As the difference in effects is significant, I will refer the previous [Lust Ⅲ] temporarily as [Lust Ⅲ·Moon] to distinguish it."

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After glancing at Black Gatomon who was facing the wall to reflect on its behavior, Dark wrote the word "controllable" in his notebook.

Apart from being controllable, this Black Gatomon was no different from the Black Gatomon that evolved with [Lust Ⅲ·Moon].

Even the ultimate was Cat Punch and Dangerous Love.

The duration of evolution was seventeen minutes, which was close to the standard value of fifteen minutes.

"Okay, stop being angry, let's eat the turkey you brought."

Dark put down the notebook, reached for Black Gatomon's armpits, and lifted it up.

The next thing that needed to be recorded was the CD of [Lust III].

It just happened that he could finish eating that roast turkey before continuing.


In just fifty-six minutes, the CD of [Lust III] had already ended.

It was even shorter than the fifty-nine-minute CD of [Pride Ⅰ].

This meant that the quality of this [Lust III] was quite good.

According to Dark's analysis, the effect duration of fifteen minutes and the cooldown time of sixty minutes should be the standard values of a deadly sin series magic card.

Overall, it wasn't bad.

But tonight's main experiment had just begun.

Dark took out [Phantom Magic Beast: Eevee] from the card pouch!

He had conjectured the difference between [Lust Ⅲ·Moon] and [Lust Ⅲ] before, and believed that the new [Lust Ⅲ] might allow [Phantom Magic Beast: Eevee] to evolve into [Phantom Magic Beast: Sylveon]!

And now, it was time to test the conjecture!


"The exciting part is coming!"

DemiDevimon, who was sitting on the table, held a greasy turkey thigh in its raised claws, and the corner of its mouth curled up into a gloating smile.

It loved to see other magical spirits being experimented on!


(What are you looking at?)

Eevee-chan, who had just been summoned, tilted its head and looked at DemiDevimon with an innocent look on its face.

DemiDevimon: "Look at how you will be played."

Eevee sauce: "Vee Vee!"

DemiDevimon: "Uh..."

Eevee-chan ignored DemiDevimon and rubbed Dark's fingers happily.

(Evolution is such a great thing, but why are there always idiots who don't understand?)

"Magic summoning!"

Dark activated [Lust III].

The light released by [Lust III] was absorbed by the emblem of [Lust].

Eevee-chan raised its head slightly, and the [Lust] emblem on its forehead released a charming halo.

Shrouded by a pink halo, Eevee had completed its evolution.

Eevee → Sylveon!

"As I expected, it's Sylveon!"

The fact that the conjecture was verified made Dark a little excited.

Aside from the color of the ribbon, this Sylveon was hardly any different from the [Sylveon] that was a four-star magical spirit card.

But if he looked at the appearance, the difference between the two was huge!

Dark injected his magic energy into [Phantom Magic Beast: Sylveon] and got feedback.


[Card name: Phantom Magic Beast (Sylveon)]

[Type: Spirit card]

[Level: ✪✪✪✪]

[Race: Bird & Beast-type]

[Attribute: Fairy-type]

[Magic energy: 1900]

[Attack: 1700]


[Ultimate: Pixilate, Hyper Voice, Hyper Beam]


It could be seen that the stats of [Phantom Magic Beast: Sylveon] and [Sylveon] were exactly the same, but there was a difference in the ultimates.

There were still three ultimates, which meant this was an orange card.

Among them, [Pixilate] was a hidden feature derived from Sylveon, which was completely different from the effect of [Cute Charm].

[Pixilate: Pixilate causes all Normal-type moves used by the magical spirit to become Fairy-type and receive a 20% power boost. ]

This meant that any ultimate with normal attributes could exert 1.2 times the power when used by [Phantom Magic Beast: Sylveon]!

And its next two ultimates were the ultimates of normal attributes!

[Hyper Voice: the user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the power to inflict damage.]

[Hyper Beam: An extremely powerful attack. The attacker becomes so tired that it has to rest the next turn.]

The power of [Hyper Voice] was 90 and it would be 108 after the boost.

The power of [Moonblast] was only 95.

As for [Hyper Beam], it was a super ultimate with a power of 150!

With the bonus of [Pixilate], the power of [Hyper Beam] would be as high as 180!

What was the concept of 180?

It was almost twice as much as [Moonblast]!

There was no doubt that this was a super strong offensive magical spirit!

As for the flaw of being unable to move in the next round?

Its enemy might not even be able to survive until the next round.


After thinking it carefully, Dark suddenly had an idea and summoned [Sylveon] as well.


Holding two Sylveons, Dark enjoyed the feelings of hugging fluffy animals left and right.

Except for being almost dismembered by them, it was great.


The next day, Saturday.

Dark first went to Traveller Street to buy a new card pouch, replenished some necessary experimental supplies, and then went to the [Kitties Flower and Tree Shop] to check out the latest products before returning to the dormitory.

Afternoon, he took the book and went to Professor Claire's dormitory to continue learning the prerequisite knowledge of [Zoo] magic card refining.

Although Claire was curious regarding the refining technique of his magical spirit cards, she didn't ask too much.

For a magister, any kind of original refining method was extremely valuable, let alone this core secret method that could improve the intelligence level of a magical spirit!

Claire felt obligated to help him keep this secret no matter whether she saw herself as Saint Marian's professor or as Dark's teacher.

Fortunately, the war was over, and there were fewer crazy magisters who were desperate to improve their combat power.

In addition, Dark's identity was noble enough, so there was no need to worry too much about being targeted.

"Say Dark, is Aunty nice to you?" Claire asked with her face resting in her palm.

Dark: "Aunt Claire, you're too close to me."

Claire murmured; "I can get even closer."

Dark: "Mhm?"

Claire: "It's nothing. You should know that we, the lineage of Sage of beasts, have a relationship with the Spiritual Magister lineage, and Spiritual Bond Summoning is also a compulsory course for us."

Dark: "Of course I know that. In fact, the reason why I want to refine [Zoo] is because I want to develop a bond with my magical spirits."

Claire nodded. "You already said that. But I have to remind you one thing."

Dark: "Mhm?"

Claire said solemnly: "Intelligence level 3.0 is a dividing line. The magical spirit at this stage has both a complete thinking ability and is pure enough that it is relatively easy to establish a bond with them."

Dark: "Mhm."

Claire: "But the human heart is complicated. So is the magical spirit. Once their intelligence level exceeds 3.0, it will take an equal amount of effort to build a bond with them."

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In other words, for magisters, it could not be said that it was always better that the magical spirit had a very high intelligence level.

So since ancient times, Spiritual Magisters had been pursuing the magical spirits with intelligence level 3.0, not 4.0, 5.0...

Dark gasped in surprise.

It was the first time he heard such a statement.

This was not good news for his Spiritual Magister path.

→ Who knows how high the intelligence level of his magical spirits is!

Claire added: "But don't worry too much. The higher the intelligence level, the higher the freedom of the magical spirit. As long as you successfully build a bond, they will bring you unimaginable surprises."

Dark: "Like?"

Claire said blankly: "Like crawling out of the magic card and pinching your nose when you don't want to wake up."

Dark: "Pfft!"


The time to concentrate on studying was never enough.

Finally, Dark returned to the dormitory at night and extracted a drop of [Pride] for storage.

After that, he took a leave on Sunday night, and extracted the last drop of [deadly sin] this month, which was also [Pride]!

Including the originally stored 1 point, he now had a full 4 points!

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Dark prepared all the experimental materials to start making a new [Pride II]!

It had been a long time since the first production of [Pride II]. The finished product from the first refining could be said to be defective.

Neither the production method nor the materials used were good enough.

There were only two grades of blank magic cards for mass sales on the market, 10 credit ones and 50 credit ones.

The higher grade ones were very expensive items and they would only be sold individually.

The first [Pride II] was the 10-credit magic card, which was the biggest reason for its lack of quality.

This time, Dark was using a 50-credit magic card.

The new [Pride II] produced from this could be seen to be different just by looking at the color of the card.

It took Dark 3 points of [Pride] for the card, leaving 1 point.

After that, he conducted a control experiment with these two [Pride II].

The first was on DemiDevimon.

It turned out to be no different, except that its chin was raised a little higher.

Dark thought for a while, and could only pin his hope on [Phantom Magic Beast: Eevee].

Old [Pride II]: Duration 13 minutes, CD 180 minutes.

New [Pride II]: Duration 18 minutes, CD 55 minutes.


After fully recording the experimental data in this regard, Dark summoned [Phantom Magic Beast: Eevee].

Eevee-chan was more reasonable than DemiDevimon, and endured Dark's [Pride] infusion without any rejection!

The little Eevee with the [Pride] emblem appeared on its forehead crawled down from Dark's lap and jumped to the windowsill, leaving only its back to Dark and stared at the night scene outside the window with Fox Grass.

Dark directly picked up the magic card of [Phantom Magic Beast: Eevee] and checked the data.

[Card name: Phantom Magic Beast]

[Type: spirit card]

[Level: ✪✪]

[Race: Bird & Beast-type]

[Attribute: normal]

[Magic energy: 500]

[Attack: 700]


[Ultimate: Copycat, Baby-Doll Eyes, Helping Hand]


It turned from a purple card to an orange card!

This was undoubtedly a big leap for Eevee-chan!

And the newly learned skill was [Helping hand]!

[Helping Hand: Clapping hands, cheering up an ally, and helping the ally to get into the fighting state. Boosts the power of the recipient's moves by 50%. ]

Eevee-chan actually turned into a cheerleader!