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The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 534: Deal
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Arcued loudly whistled before he laughed and said, "Hahaha, I knew it!"

Lady Fu, the staff lady, and Ingeal's son and daughter were dumbfounded.

"Father's spell failed? How! he is just at orderic catastrophe stage!" Hings uttered with disbelief written on his face.

On the other hand, Tiana, Avelia, and others cheered as they laughed.

Ingeal took a deep breath as he formed a weak smile, "Very interesting, young man. It's been a long time since I suffered a loss like this."

Lady Fu still couldn't believe as she uttered, "Mr. Ingeal, your spell failed? This..."

Ingeal laughed out loud before looking at Athan with a deep smile, "Who are you, young man? Wait, Athan?"-Ingeal remembered something as he raised his eyebrows-, "Athan Void? The recently rising to fame and the only one titled Runic Maestro?" Ingeal shook his head with a wry smile at the end.

"I should have realized this sooner, Hahaha," Ingeal laughed loudly.

Hings and Feina also looked at Athan with surprise, 'So he is the one...'

"If you had realized it was me, then would you still have accepted that condition?" Athan asked with a smile.

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"Why not? Hahaha," Ingeal grinned, "Your talent with Runic Artist is high, but it has nothing to do with your strength. But now, it seems that there's more to your power than you are showing on the surface. Anyway, let's talk about the important matter first."

Lady Fu got over her shock before she also got excited a bit and said with a smile, "Athan, I want to buy one Neo-Vortex flower. These flowers are very rare, and there have only been two discoveries of them here so far.

"They are plants from upper-Chaosverse, but as this Midgard continent is between upper and lower Chaosverse, one might find them in Special-grade chaos phenoment dimensions here. The previous Neo-Flower was auctioned at the biggest auction of Midgard continent for two million high-grade chaos stone."

Shaking his head, Ingeal said wryly, "And you found two of them; this is heaven-defying luck."

Tiana, Sen, and others were shocked to hear about the true price of these flowers and looked at Ingeal with bad eyes. He wanted to get two of them for four-hundred thousand high-grade chaos stones! Damn, what a con-man.

Athan internally shook his head as he hated the word "luck" due to his experience. But he was not going to tell them that it was not due to luck that he got such valuable items. Hehe, he just told Primo to pick up the stones with higher levels of powers and energies.

"What's their base price in upper-Chaosverse?" Athan asked.

"Hmmm, their base price in upper-Chaosverse is ten tier-1 ken stones. But we can't pay you with ken stones. So...If we go by the value ratio between tier-1 ken stones and high-grade chaos stones at upper-Chaosverse, then one ken stone is equal to one hundred thousand high-grade chaos stones."

Athan was surprised, "Oh? That's a big ratio gap."-Athan then smiled and said, "So according to that ratio, the price of one Neo-Vortex flower is one million high-grade chaos stones?"

"Indeed, but since they are very rare to come by, they are sold at a higher price in an auction which is the same for all such rare items." Lady Fu said.

"Alright, then my price is one and a half million high-grade chaos stones for one flower and...I am going to sell only one right now." Athan uttered with a faint smile.

Ingeal grinned and nodded, "Alright. But it seems Lady Fu over there also wants to buy one."

"Then you both can compete," Athan spoke with a plain smile.

Hearing that, Lady Fu creased her brows. Her wealth can't match that of Ingeal's wealth, so if they competed, Ingeal would definitely win.

'But I absolutely need one flower to reach the peak of the Evagon-realm early. Because once Dean Lenix is called back to upper-Chaosverse, I will lose my protection,' Lady Fu anxiously thought, 'Should I tell Athan about my situation? Let's hope he becomes willing to sell me one flower hearing about it.'

Thinking about that, Lady Fu hurriedly told Athan about her whole situation.

Athan raised his eyebrows after hearing about Lady Fu's situation and internally smiled as he changed his plan.

'Lady Fu, just compete with Ingeal and bring the price to two million chaos-stones before giving up. As for your situation, I have a solution for you.'

Lady Fu heard Athan's sound transmission, and although she doesn't know what Athan's solution to her problem was, she had no other choice but to go with what he said. After all, the flowers are his.

"Let's compete, Mr. Ingeal," Lady Fu took a deep breath before saying indifferently, "You know about my situation and my need for this flower as well."

"Indeed," Ingeal said with a smile.

"Then I'll keep it short and simple, I am not as wealthy as you, but I can fork out two million high-grade chaos stones right now. If you have more than that, then....sigh, it's yours," Lady Fu finished speaking with a deep sigh.

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Ingeal looked at Athan deeply as he asked, "Young man, what are you planning to do with the second Neo-Vortex flower?"

Athan grinned and said, "It's none of your business what I will do with it...But, I'll tell you since you generously gave us four hundred thousand chaos-stones for free,"-Pausing, Athan cracked his finger with a smile-, "I am going to give this flower to Dean Lenix."

"Give? or sell?" Ingeal asked with doubt.

"Give," Athan replied with a faint smile.

Ingeal fell into deep thought and nodded, "Alright, I'll become a fool and blindly trust you. Two million plus one high-grade chaos stones for one flower, deal?"

Speechless, Athan nodded, "Alright."

Both of them finished the transaction as Athan gave him one flower while he received a storage pouch containing two million plus one high-grade chaos stones.

"Humph, don't look at me as if I'm cheapskate just because I only added one high-grade chaos stone," Ingeal snorted, "You all already conned me of my four-hundred thousand high-grade chaos stones."


"Not wrong, Hahaha..."

Athan smiled while Arcued, Theo, and others couldn't help but laugh.

On the other hand, Hings and Feina felt upset. But they knew that Neo-Vortex flowers were hard to come by. They can make wealth easily again, but the flower won't appear so often.