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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 781 - The Lord And The Seeress II
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Lory flew away, her black feathers falling like flowers in autumn, Zhao Li Xin could feel something that would never be the same for Lory. Zhao Li Xin shut his eyes in agony as he grieving for her cruel past, he understands now why Lory always had loneliness in her eyes, the unspoken pained whenever she was immersed in her thought.

No matter how much Zhao Li Xin had spoiled her and be there for her something remain the same. The memory of the past lingers and it became a part of her, it follows her wherever she goes.


Suddenly there were light footsteps approaching, soon a silver-haired woman appeared, the woman walked at a slow pace while her long white dress fluttered with every step she made, Zhao Li Xin opens his eyes to see whose coming, he recognized the woman as Arthea the  Seeress,  a woman who can predict the future as well as the women who took a big role in Lory's past.

Zhao Li Xin didn't know whether he should feel grateful or hate Arthea, on the one hand, she helped Lory fulfill her wish she also warned Lory beforehand but on the other hand she had known all along what would happen to Lory and her Brother since she can predict the future but she never interfered, she just stood there, watching Lory fall to her demise.

The woman had long straight silver hair that reached almost to her knees, she had sparkling gray eyes and pale skin like Lory perhaps even paler, although Arthea looked like a fourteen or fifteen years old girl, however, her eyes didn't reflect the innocent and gullible of a young girl, on the contrary, she got the unfathomable expression, mysterious and distant like an elder who had witnessed too much in their life.

Arthea knelt in front of the broken wand, her hand hovering over the broken wand with gloomy eyes "Trinity is broken…..just like her" Arthea mumbled to herself then she rose from the cold ground and sighed heavily "Lorient never noticed that ancient weapon like she had could absorb their master's feelings after some time and not only that is also able to absorbed it master memories" Arthea turned around she clasped her hands on her stomach as she stares sharply at Zhao Li Xin and their gaze collided. 

"Don't you think this is amazing... Zhao Li Xin?" Arthea smiled innocently at Zhao Li Xin just like a young girl.

Zhao Li Xin eyes bulged widely he thought he heard wrong "You...you can see me?" his jaw dropped, previous experiences taught him that he couldn't interact with anything and anyone inside Lory's dream he couldn't even move, the same way they couldn't hear or see him as if he were a ghost, therefore, he expected the same this time as well, however, not only Arthea could see him and talk to him but she also knew his name.

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"You know my name?" Zhao Li Xin furrowed his brows suspiciously.

Arthea tilted her head she didn't mind Zhao Li Xin's suspicion"I have known you for a long time, Zhao Li Xin" she smiled warmly as if they were two best friends who didn't meet for a long time.

Zhao Li Xin didn't notice Arthea's strangeness because he was still overwhelmed by Arthea's unexpected answer "How...Why?"

"Of course for some reason, if you're wondering how I did it… well, it was my gift… or cursed depending on how you look at it" Arthea shrugged nonchalantly "But honestly it wasn't me who dragged you here...not entirely at least, you can say I'm just..came along" Arthea grinned who knows if she joking or not. 

Her casual attitude annoys Zhao Li Xin quite a bit yet Arthea thinks Zhao Li Xin is amusing.

"I know you will ask 'Who' don't worry I'll explain it to you later and if you ask why… well, it's because you have a big role in this play, maybe even bigger than Lory," Arthea feel conflicted, she didn't know if this a good thing or not.

"Lory?" Zhao Li Xin's eyes flashed instantly but she still couldn't believe Arthea's words easily, Zhao Li Xin knew the woman actually knew more than she showed but for some reason, she didn't want to tell him or Lory everything, even though he didn't feel any malice from Arthea alas he still can't trust Arthea. 

"Say what you want to say Seeress there is no used played puzzled with me, I know you need me for a reason if not you wouldn't 'Came along' don't you"

"Smart, you are very smart" she praised Zhao Li Xin sincerely, but then she blows her cheeks in annoyance "Why all first king descendants very smart, this is exasperating Hmph!" 

Ignoring her weird childish act, Zhao Li Xin who already collected himself asked Arthea calmly "first thing first, Why you or anyone make me witness Lory's past?"

Arthea props her chin with her hands "For me, it was for motivation, understanding…warning" she emphasizes the last word.

"Warning about what?" Zhao Li Xin asked again.

"So the past will not be repeated," Arthea said.

"You think I will let Lory got hurt" Zhao Li Xin stifle a chuckle, assuring Lory well being is his purpose in his life so there's no way he would let her get hurt.

Arthea shook her head as she smiles bitterly "Lucicent exist to protect the world and all the creatures that live in it for Lory it doesn't matter whether it's the old world or the new world in the end wherever the people she loves was there then that place will be her world - her home then if the world she lives in begins to crumble she will feel compelled to save everyone and anyone in that world regardless the risked,  I guess you know how Lory is"

"You mean Lory would die to save this world, my world?" Zhao Li Xin's expression instantly darkened as charcoal fury blazed within him like fire touching gasoline. 

'It's not worth it!' he screams to himself, what's the point of saving the world if Lory has to die, is the world still worth living if his beloved daughter is no longer around? 

"I will not let that happen" He was trembling from anger.

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Arthea took a deep breath, feeling ironic and melancholic at the same time. "You know who else said the same thing as you?" Arthea gave mirthless smile "Lorenna, Marcus….Lucas they all said the same thing and so Marcus and Lorenna died for her but in the end, Lory still couldn't escape her fate, whether she was devoured by Lazarus, or because someone else's eventually Lory was meant to die, the prophecy remains 'the sun and the moon can't exist together' even after Lorenna sent her to another world the prophecy remains the same, one way or another Lory will die….eventualy"

Zhao Li Xin's heart clenched by dread as fear paralyzed him, Zhao Li Xin clenched his fists to stop his trembling hands Zhao Li Xin hissed coldly "Over my dead body!" 

"Be careful what you wish for..." Arthea calmly smile " It's a small chance but there is still hope, like a small fire in the middle of a snowstorm this little hope is the only thing Lorena and Marcus are fighting to die for, the only hope to break prophecy and save their beloved daughter"

Arthea turned around and raised her right hand, and the broken staff flew into the air. One by one the broken staff shone in white light as Arthea waved her hand, the shards flew and disappeared in bright white light.

Zhao Li Xin narrowed his eyes to the dazzling light at the same time he felt the bright light felt familiar, "You're the one who sent the Trinity fragments into my world, don't you?" he knows the answer but he asks anyway. 

"Yes, I followed the wishes of King Marcus..."Arthea said in a gentle voice "The seven fragments will reach your world in different times, they fall to different places, and reside in different things, some become sacred trees, crystals, weapons, and they all sleep, dreaming, and waiting for their true master to wake them from their slumber and make them whole again." 

"So the hope, is the Trinity staff?" Zhao Li Xin asked for reassurance.

"Trinity is a start…" Arthea looked away "But it's not enough"

Anger and anxiety pulsed in his veins, Zhao Li Xin shouted impatiently, "What more does it take to save Lory, once and for all" 

"You" Arthea softly said.

Zhao Li Xin was only surprised for a second before he sighs in relief "I should be the one who kills Lazarus right?" he had prepared for the most important battle in his life, and he would give everything to win.

For some reason, Arthea stare at Zhao Li Xin with an inexplicable expression that is hard to read, "The savior and destroyer of the world, What you become, what decision you make will change everything"