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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 750 - Jealousy
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Yang Xi Ying's irritation flared up again as she recalled Gu Lian Fu's face, "She married my sixteen-year-old half-sister!"

Lory gasped in surprise, suddenly she felt the urged to give Gu Lian Fu a big round of applause just as she thought he wouldn't do anything crazier, he just raised the bar again, the man never stopped to surprise her, Lory felt like he was watching a movie sequel and the plot is thickened. Even Girsha's attention was perked up with the unbelievable news.


"That man, Become my brother-in-law, can you believe that?!" Anger welled up on her chest.

"It must feel weird to you…" she pities yang Xi Ying situation, even though Yang Xi Ying has no feelings for Gu Lian Fu but this situation must have made him feel uneasy not to mention Li Mo Zhen.

Yang Xi Ying shook her head lightly as she rubbed her hands on the warm teacup. "Actually I don't really care, it's not like we still live in Yang Manor but it turns out that the last few days my sister and Gu Lian Fu have been living in Yang Manor, because of my sister pregnancy I accidentally ran into Gu Lian Fu in the garden. When I was out walking I wanted to avoid it at first but the man insisted on talking to me when I refused his offer, my step sister caught us and then she accused me of seducing her husband, ME!" Yang Xi Ying pointed his finger at himself with a frustrated expression. 

"Haven't they seen my husband, how handsome and wonderful my husband is, who would be crazy enough to seduce a lousy guy like that 'Gu' man when I have a man like Brother Li beside me, ridiculous!" Yang Xi Ying snorted in disgust.

'Sixteen and pregnant, with a man who once fell in love with her half-sister' Lory, sighed inwardly, it sounds like a title for a soap opera. Lory seriously wanted to ask Gu Lian Fu what was he thinking?

"I guess you weren't alone when you met him, were you?" Lory knows that noblewomen always follow at least one personal servant wherever they go. 

"Yes, I had two maids with me at that time, because Yang Manor was not a peaceful place so I tended to be vigilant all the time, but still my sister accused me of seducing her husband, oh, please…." Yang Xi Ying laughed derisively. 

"Right, I remember you told me that your father had a few concubines." Lory nodded as she understanding the situation. 

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"Yes, it's a classic struggle in the harem…. Nothing new. Yang Xi Ying shrugged indifferently. He felt lucky that Li Mo Zhen didn't have a concubine or a bed warmer so she could avoid harem tussle. However, if one day Li Mo Zhen wanted to take a concubine then Yang Xi Ying without a doubt would ask for a divorce. Yang Xi Ying was influenced a lot by Lory especially in terms of women's independence, Yang Xi Ying didn't want to live like her mother who was crying in her own courtyard waiting for a man who didn't come.

She doesn't want to be a vengeful and jealous woman, nor does she want to live in a house where she can't lose her guard, Lory once said to her 'Even though you can't choose who you love, but you can choose who you want to live with' if one day Li Mo Zhen disappoints her don't blame her for leaving him. As an independent woman who owns her own business, as well as the support of the iron empress and the Hei Shen sect, she doesn't believe she can't live on her own. 

Lory and Yang Xi Ying didn't know that at that moment Li Mo Zhen and Zhao Li Xin's faces turned pale when they overheard their wife's conversation.

Lory leaned her cheek against her fist as she imagined the situation in Yang Manor "Does Li Mo Zhen know about this?" Lory believes Li Mo Zhen should know how Gu Lian Fu feels about Yang Xi Ying. 

"En, he was also shocked." Yang Xi Ying nodded, then continued, "But he doesn't know today's problem with my sister, I'm sure he will be upset when he finds out about this." Yang Xi Ying feels her head aching when she imagines Li Mo Zhen's anger. 

"Yes, it sounds really complicated to me…" Lory took a sip of her tea, she didn't understand what Yang Xi Ying's father was thinking. 

"And for me too!" Yang Xi Ying shouted angrily,  could anyone imagine how awkward the situation in Yang Manor was, she was already starting to regret her decision to go home.

Lory could understand her feelings, and she was worried that Gu Lian Fu still had feelings for Yang Xi Ying and irritated Li Mo Zhen, "Do you want to stay here, tell them that you helped me prepare for my wedding because I don't have any family or friends…" she helps Yang Xi Ying to find an excuse.

Yang Xi Ying widened her eyes with joy, Lory is right, she can use Lory and Zhao Li Xin's name to suppress her father, Yang Xi Ying's expression immediately beamed, "You are right, I need to help prepare for your wedding!" she chuckled happily. 

"Right…." Lory raised her teacup.

"The wedding dress still needs adjustments, and I heard that you want a unique veil unlike normal veils, we need to prepare the design, oh yes, we haven't decided where to hold the wedding, and how many people to invite, we have to prepare the invitations, whose are we going to invite? oh my, so many things to do! "she suddenly felt anxious and excited at the same time. 

"Surely ..." Lory muttered as she took a quiet sip of her tea. 

Yang Xi Ying suddenly clap her hand, she looks at lory with a determined look "Don't worry, I'll make sure everything is perfect for our wedding!" she was very excited.

Lory tilted her head, 'Our?'

Okay, I'll see Dad tomorrow and move out soon! she quickly put the teacup on the table and got up from her chair, "This is great, I don't need to see  those two annoying people again!" she exclaimed excitedly, "I'm leaving now, good night Lory!" she waved at Lory and left in a hurry before Lory could say 'Goodbye'

And just like that Yang Xi Ying left her manor the same way he entered by jumping over a wall like a thief. It seems that Yang Xi Ying forgot that her manor has a front door, Lory narrowed her eyes, "Isn't she weird, or is it just me?" Lory asked Girsha. 

[No, you're right, she's weird…] The bird agreed.


"Married? Long Ming?" 

There was a man sitting on a luxurious chair, his beautiful long brows furrowed and he narrowed his monolid eyes expressing his doubts, the man was wearing a luxurious bright purple robe and along his long sleeves, there was embroidery of spider lilies in gold and silver thread, half of his hair pulled into a top knot then covered the hair with a golden crown, the man looked dignified and glamorous with an overbearing aura radiating within him. 

"Are you sure?" he asked again,

"Of course I'm sure!" the women feel offended he kept questioning her, "I'm the one who fought with Long Ming, remember!" 

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"Zi Quan Mei, mind your words…." his voice was gentle and soft but his eyes filled with blood lust.

She knew she was overreacting, she quickly changed her tone, "So… sorry Zei Tian, it's just that my condition has not been good recently." she meekly said.

The man in front of her was Wei Zu Tian, ​​the 'Sun Emperor' of the Heaven's Gate sect, from the outside he looked like a proper gentleman who couldn't hurt flies but Zi Quan Mei knew better what kind of man he was. hidden under that pretty face, Wei Zu Tian is a cruel and vile person even compared to Zhao Li Xin, he is still much worse, at least Zhao Li Xin only attacks when he is threatened but Wei Zu Tian is different, he would kill others for trivial reasons sometimes without any reason at all.

So how did Zi Quan Mei know this man? The reason for that was the classic 'beauty saves heroes', Zi Quan Mei once saved Wu Zei Tian's life. She noticed the identification of Heaven's gate sect on the young man's body so she decided to help him simply to make good relations with the strong sect and the beautiful young man's face only added her motivation.

When Wei Zu Tian woke up he was greeted by the alluring face of Zi Quan mei he was immediately attracted, even though Zi Qua Mei was much older than him but cultivators aged much slower than normal people, the higher their cultivation the more they were able to maintain their youth. Especially back then Zi Quan Mei was only in her early twenties so she was still very young.

Soon their relationship rose more than survivors and saviors but ... this was far from love, it short is just lust at least temporarily, Zi Quan Mei was Wei Zu Tian 'first' bed partner so the boy was eager and curious, however, Wei Zu Tian liked Zi Quan Mei like a child liked their new toy, while Zi Quan Mei didn't have any real feelings either she liked the boy's beautiful appearance but what attracted her the most was Wei Zu Tian position as the next heir of Heaven's Gate sect and that's how two people who had their own motives were involved in each other's lives.

Not long after his passion died down, but still Wei Zu Tian kept Zi Quan Mei like a child who kept their old toy and didn't let anyone play with it, and this was the real reason Zi Quan Mei never married even though no one knew about their forbidden relationship, but it doesn't matter, she already belongs to Wu Zei Tian since she caught his attention.

Wei Zu Tian is a creepy pervert, he likes to collect people that pique his interest, whether their female or male, young or old, as long he liked it, he would keep them. of course, he used various reasons to maintain the sect's dignity, for years there are only a few people knew about his perversion.

Being the strongest person in the continent he always got what he wanted but there was one person who slipped through his fingers, for Wei Zu Tian this person was more special than any collection he had accumulated over the years in fact he would give up all his collection only to have this one person and that person was Zhao Li Xin.

With Zhao Li Xin he didn't just want his body, he wanted to trample Zhao Li Xin arrogancy and dignity that way he can completely manipulate him, that's why he wants Zhao Li Xin to come to him on his own accord, Wei Zu Tian knew it wouldn't be easy for a stubborn man like Zhao Li so he gives Zhao Li Xin all the times he needs.

He knew it wouldn't take long because Zhao Li Xin's body could endure too long with the cold poison inside him, as long as Zhao Li Xin was still affected by the cold poison he believed Zhao Li Xin would come looking for him sooner or later. Wei Zu Tian imagined Zhao Li Xin exhausted, weak, and desperate, begging him to save his life, she was sure after that Zhao Li Xin would be completely his.

But who would have thought that Zhao Li Xin would suddenly marry a woman and live well with her, Wei Zu Tian felt like a cat whose fish was suddenly stolen by a wild cat, this feeling is indescribable. 

"Who is Zhao Li Xin wife?" his eyes darken like the bottom of the abyss.