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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 741 - Compassion II
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The emperor brought the empress dowager to her own room then summoned the head healer to check on the Queen Dowager, unexpectedly the Queen Dowager's condition was not as bad as it seemed, apart from malnutrition which caused her body to be weak she had no other problems, not even a scratch mark on her body. This shocked Princess Youya as she was sure she saw the Queen dowager's palm injured when she stabbed the young maid with a knife.

The emperor, crown prince, and Princess Youya exchanged confused looks because they all heard that the Empress Dowager used to injure herself when her mental become unstable, and by a large amount of blood on her body, they thought that the Queen Dowager would be covered with many ugly wounds all over her body, but who would have thought that the old woman's skin looked smooth without any wounds. Simultaneously they turn their head towards Lory as they thought the same thing.


'Is it her?'

Lory didn't say anything, she didn't confirm or deny it, she just tilted her head slightly and smiled meaningfully at them. Suddenly a revelation flash in their minds, there is no need for an explanation, they don't know how Lory did it but there is no doubt that Lory was the one who healed Queen Dowager.

Her job is done, Lory nudged Zhao Li Xin's arm "Let's go home" she smiles.

"En," his eyes filled with admiration and love that no words could describe.

Halfway before they left the inner gate of Yunmo Palace, Yun Fang Zi and Yun Xue Liang rushed towards them. The servants and eunuchs looked at them in a daze, they had never seen the royal family run inside the imperial palace before and without care of their image. They looked like a funny sight as their servants and bodyguards also ran behind them. 

Lory looked at them confusedly. "Crown Prince, Princess Youya" Lory wanted to pay respects to them but princess Youya quickly stopped her. 

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"Madame Zhao, please don't!" He held Lory's palm "You are our benefactor, how can I let you bowed down in front of me" Princess Youya felt ashamed, she remembered she did not treat Lory well before, even though she did not bully Lory directly, but she never stopped people mocking Lory at the banquet nor did she tries to stop the bad rumors about Lory outside even though she knew it wasn't true. 

"It's okay, I'm just doing what I have to ..." Lory brushed it off like it was nothing, Lory didn't think the princess needed to thank her.

Lory's relaxed words only made him feel even more guilty but Lory didn't know why Princess Youya looked sad, she wondered what she had done or said that make this beautiful girl looks sad? " Her highness, are you okay, is there something wrong?" Lory sincerely said. 

"Madam Zhao, I want to apologize about the Queen dowager and the behavior of the Empress last time at the moon-viewing banquet, it was our mistake for believing outside rumors and Lao Min Na's poisonous words so that we thought you are a  bad person, I hope you can. forgive us" She lowered her head in shame. 

"Eh?" Lory stared blankly at Princess Youya, it took another second for lory to process her thoughts, and she finally remembered "Ohh ... it's okay, I've forgotten it, you don't need to think about it, Your Highness"

Most women pretend to be compassionate, and generous for the sake of maintaining their image as virtuous women however, Lory's expression is too sincere and honest that Princess Yoya has no doubt that Lory was truly forgotten about the past grievances between her and the royal family, Princess Youya was touched by Lory generosity. 

For the first time in her life, she felt so low "Madam ... you truly returned grievance with kindness, I ... I felt so embarrassed" others thought she was a kind and generous woman. but only she knows how cunning she is. In order to survive in the imperial palace she lived her life based on loss and gain, she would never help someone if she didn't get anything from them, and she never thought she was wrong until she met Lory, then she begins to question her own way of life.

Lory scratched her nose awkwardly, "Uhm, you don't have to say that, it's no big deal…." But Princess Youya still looks sad, Lory doesn't have many close female friends other than Ming Yue Yin and Yang Xi Ying, and Yang Xi Ying can't be said to be gentle, she may look gentle on the outside but on the inside, she is quite scary. Lory even afraid of her sometimes, because Yang Xi Ying reminds her of the strict teacher she used to have in school. In short, Lory didn't know how to coaxed a delicated lady like Yun Xue Liang.

"Hmm, Princess… actually you don't need to feel bad about me, it's not like I have grandiose reasons or whatever and I'm not as good as you think I am, I'm just helping because it's the right thing to do, that's all? Lory shrugged her shoulders, Lory simple reason moved Yun Xue Liang's heart in a way that Lory couldn't understand. 

"Let's go home…" Zhao Li Xin wrapped Lory's shoulder.

"I'll excuse me first, Princess Youya, Crown Prince, take good care of yourself" Lory lowered her head politely, and then she circled her hands around Zhao Li Xin arms and they both left the Imperial palace just like that after she's done great merit for the Kingdom. She didn't ask for anything in return, nor did she care about people's recognition of her abilities. one could only believe she actually came only to help, Luo Ri Yi is such a strange woman 

"Imperial sister, we owe too much to Madam Zhao and Long Ming, and not only us, but also all the future Yun clan descendants." The Crown Prince stared solemnly at the place where Lory and Zhao Li Xin had gone. 

"Yes, Imperial brother if it weren't for Madame Zhao helping us, our enemy would use the Queen Dowager issue to discredit the entire Yun bloodline, it is not impossible in the future our enemy will use this matter to make it difficult for you to ascend the throne as the next emperor. Princess Youya's expression darkened as she imagined the bleak future they would face without Lory's help.

The Crown Prince could agree more, he knew there were some people who disliked the Yun clan thriving. "Thanks to her we were able to avoid this big disaster," he said with a heavy tone. 

"Now, it's time for us to tell people who Lao Min Na really is, we can't just leave Lao Min Na unscathed, after all, that she did to us, we have to make sure that every continent knows about Lao Min Na bad deeds and at the same time, we can use this opportunity to repay part of our debt to Madame Zhao as well. "Princess Youya's eyes glinted mischievously. 

The crown prince chuckled, he never realized that his younger sister could be so cute "Good, I'm sure the emperor's father will agree too!" The Crown Prince smiled slyly, he would not let go of the culprit who nearly destroyed his entire clan and Yunmo kingdom.

Lory never realizes she has change another person's fate. Yun Xue Liang and Yun Fang Zi relationship were never intimated like normal brother-sister because of their upbringing, is easy to describe their relationship as a business partner where their relationship base on mutual benefit, when Yun Fang Zi become the next emperor he would marry Yun Xue Liang with foreign Emperor for the kingdom benefit, Yun Xue Liang had no choice but to follow his brother orders. 

In the foreign country, Yun Xue Liang didn't have family or family to back her up because of that her life in the foreign country was not easy and she died very young at the age of twenty-five after she gets birth to her second child.

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But his fate changed when the relationship between him and Yun Fang Zi grew closer, after they experience thick and thin together they became very close and Yun Fang Zi began to see her as more than just a pawn and Yun Xue Liang stopped using his brother as a golden thigh, When sincerity and love grew between them, of course, Yun Fang Zi would not have the heart to let a younger sister marry into a foreign country, and he ended up marrying his younger sister to the honest and loyal Wu Zhi Xiao, but that was for another story.


After he left the Lory Imperial palace, she didn't want to go home yet, she wanted to take a walk in the city first, after the matter of the Sanguan family finished and Lao Min Na left she didn't need to be cautious anymore so she decided to spend her time taking a stroll around the city, of course, Zhao Li Xin didn't miss the opportunity to spend his time with Lory, he finally, have private time with his beloved princess.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Zhao Li Xin wears a half mask that covers her eyes and nose and only exposes his sexy lips and perfect carve chin, even with a little exposure he doesn't fool anyone, everyone can see that Zhao Li Xin has a handsome face. behind the mask. , But because of his intimidating aura, no one dared to stare at his face for too long. 

"Where do you want to go, Lory?" Zhao Li Xin walked hand in hand with Lory without care of other people's gazes. 

"I want to try cold eel noodles!" Lory exclaimed excitedly. 

"Oh ..." his eyes immediately looked for a restaurant that served the food. 

"Have you tried before?" Asked Lory. 

"Not?" she replied shortly, Zhao Li Xin never cared about food until she met Lory. 

"Xi Ying said, there is a famous shop that sells delicious cold eel noodles." Lory was also curious to find the restaurant, but the city was too big and she was already hungry. "Let's ask other people" she pulled Zhao Li Xin's hand.