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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 665 - Determination
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Bai Xue saw the maid left and disappeared on the corner with a guilty look, but then she retracts her gaze, and shyness in her face disappeared without a trace, god's know the reason she wants to meet Zhao Li Xin alone because she doesn't want anyone to see how cold he treated her, she feel humiliated and embarrassed she begin to wonder if she truly as beautiful as people said or perhaps Zhao Li Xin is a cut sleeve. 

When she enters the one who greets her is the same male servant and as always she asked her to wait before he asked permission to his master, it's been weeks since they pretend to be a couple but the man treatment didn't get any better, but at least lately he never refused to meet her which she takes he gets warmed up at her.


Not long after Mong Liu came again and lead her to the same small pavilion and the same small garden, he never takes her to another place is like he deliberately let everyone in sanguan manor know how close their relationship is, this is all just an act.

She raised her head slowly and she sees the beautiful man who is more handsome than painting sits inside the pavilion drink his wine in a leisurely manner, his eyes stare blankly to the distance as she immersed in his thought, he looks like a descending immortal from heaven, mesmerizing but distant at the same time. Bai Xue's heart palpitated and her blood rush to her face make her blushed like a ripe tomato, there's no one in this world that she loved as much as she hated him.

Her pace halted right before she enters the pavilion, Mong Liu bows his head and called him mildly "Master"

Zhao Li Xin blinks his eyes, he looks a bit annoyed because someone interrupts his reverie. His gaze falls on Bai Xue's beautiful face "You here…" he coldly greets her then waves his hand to sign Mong Liu to leave.

Bai Xue who already numbed by his cold treatment take a sits across from Zhao Li Xin, meanwhile, he remains apathetic even though Bai Xue is considered to be a rare beauty but Zhao Li Xin's treatment make her self-confidence gradually decreased after interact with Zhao Li Xin this past few days.

"The sanguan family is very angry because Sanguan Li Ye matters, I think your friend Long Ming will be in trouble because of his wife" she secretly probing his relationship with Long Ming.

"He's not my friend…." he answers perfunctorily.

"Oh, really….." she feel doubtful but she cannot press on since the man refused to answer her, she changes the subject again "Is it true Long Ming wife pet was ver powerful, where did he get such a beast for his wife nonetheless he really generous towards her is it not?" she smiles condescendingly.

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Zhao Li Xin naturally irked "You have a problem with Long Ming wife…." There's a subtle threat in his voice but Bai Xue who thought that just how he speaks was clueless about what happened.

"Personally no, I don't know her either" she shrugs while staring at the peach blossom tree near the pavilion. Bai Xue has strong prejudice with a woman like Sanguan Li Ye and Lory who hide behind the strong man and have zero achievements especially someone like Lory who according to her had no dignity because she seduced her own master.

Zhao Li Xin didn't care what Bai Xue thinking, it doesn't matter to him "Are you coming here just for chit-chat if you do I'll suggest you to leave" he stare at her with a mixture of tiredness and impatient look.

Bai Xue pursed her lips "You want people to believe we have a close relationship so how can we reassured them if we only spend time together occasionally" she looks at him as if he was stupid but secretly she tries to find an excuse for they spend their time together.

Zhao Li Xin movement stop for a second then he drink his wine elegantly without make any more comment, Bai Xue smile faintly she feel happy she managed to convince him, she hopes if she persistent enough she would able to dig his impregnable wall maybe someday she could make the wall crumble and she could sneak into his heart.

"Why don't you make yourself useful for change..." he crosses his leg to another comfortably while rests his hands on his knee "When Long Ming lived at Jiang Wei kingdom he was poisoned with something called 'cold poison' do you know anything about the poison?"

Bai Xue rub her chin as she contemplated then she shakes her head "No, I heard the rumor about it, but I don't know much about it?"

"Really, is no one in your great sect know about this?" Zhao Li Xin asks nonchalantly, but there's a mysterious glint in his eyes that Bai Xue failed to notice.

"What do you mean? no one in my sect ever used this type of poison beside there's no antidote for this type of poison so no one wants to use it" Bai Xue feel slightly miffed because Zhao Li Xin mocked her indirectly.

He ignores her displeased as always "Too bad, Long Ming told me he will give hefty reward to anyone who can give him information about the poison….then again what is the reward?" he tapped his index finger on the table pretend to remember and suddenly his finger stop "Oh yes, is a pill to exhilarated cultivation from Emperor level to saint level1 in one day…." He smiles mischievously.

Bai Xue eyes bulged and her hands clenched tightly, to be a sovereign cultivator at the age below twenty is like a miracle if she is able to reach that far it will not be possible she would become the next candidate as a sec leader of celestial Immortal Sect regardless she's not from the Zi clan.

She didn't want him to see her too hopeful, she clear her throat pretend to be calm "Why Long Ming didn't use the pill for himself, it's a bit wasteful isn't it?" her eyes probing Zhao Li Xin reaction, is not hurt to be more cautious especially when it involved cultivation.

"What make you think he didn't use it before, do you ever wonder how Long Ming become so strong?" he turns the question smoothly make a vague answer sound like an affirmation. 

And it works splendidly, Bai Xue's eyes brimmed with expectant and excitement, she was completely assured by Zhao Li Xin words. She believes that this must be Long ming secret to be that strong even though she only in early twenty, suddenly everything seems make sense for her and she feel exhilarated.

"If I can give Long Ming satisfied information will he keep his words?" 

"You can tell me first.." Zhao Li Xin smiled dazzlingly.

She used to be mesmerized by his beautiful face but this time she didn't sway. When ambition sprang and she could taste her long dream on the tip of her tongue, immediately she forgot about her own infatuation to the man she thought she cares very much.

"I want to meet with Long Ming personally….if you don't mind" she looks at him nervously.

Zhao Li Xin tilted his head slightly then faintly smile "Why would I, just don't forget you owe me once….." he raised his winecup to cheers before he takes another sip. 

"Of course, you don't have to worry about that!" she said with a determined look perhaps she feel a bit guilty to reject his request. However, she can't let this chance slip away even for the man that she 'proclaim' attracted to.

Zhao Li Xin sneer behind the winecup, he had expected this, honestly, she doesn't blame her to put herself before others it is human nature anyway and he can't say he is better than her, in fact, most people are like this never it bothers him before until he met Lory, however, Lory once said even she had make a selfish decision in the past which is trade her place with Lucas and let out Lazarus out of the cage but Zhao Li Xin disagrees with her.

Lory almost destroys her soul to stop Lazarus to swallow her soul and regain his power at the end she is the only one who loses everything the only comfort she got was knowing that everyone she loves live on, and that's how Zhao Li Xin know what real loves really is.

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Love is more than infatuation it more than admiration, when you love someone so dearly you will give up everything in you without need to be asked. Zhao Li Xin finally understands that no woman ever truly loves him and he hopes one day Lory would love him as much she loves her brother.

"Just make sure your information is legit, Long Ming is not patient man" he warns her calmly.

"Don't worry about it, I will not embarrass you" she said confidently.

Zhao Li Xin was silent as he glances at her indifferently, Bai Xue didn't know if that look means he believes her or he doubted her nevertheless she could feel Zhao Li Xin opinion about her decreased even further, she feel hurt and conflicted but she had no choice, her future is more important than anything not to mention she never sure if Zhao Li Xin like her or not so does not make sense if she give up her opportunity for something uncertain. 

Behind the wall he feel the present watching over him, Zhao Li Xin knew is one of Sanguan Jin Sheng henchman. Not long after that man present disappear and Zhao Li Xin knew he left to report to Sanguan Jin Sheng about his relationship with Bai Xue, it was also the reason for him to let Bai Xue stayed, once the spy left he had no reason to accompany Bai Xue any longer.

"Leave now, I'm tired" he coldly dismissed her.

Bai Xue startled, is still hard to get used to Zhao Li Xin's incomprehensible temperament "Okay, I'll see you again soon…"

"Just used your time to investigate Long Ming matter" he rejects her attention blatantly.

Bai Xue's face becomes stiff and turns red from shame, his empty and indifferent eyes make her heart twinge, she can't understand how can someone become so apathetic and cold like an iceberg, no he might colder than that.

She wants to believe that one day she could able to melt his ice wall and touch his heart but right now she's not so sure anymore. Deep down she wonders is there any women out there that can move this stone-cold man's heart? Bai Xue takes a deep breath, she shakes her head as she laughing herself for asking a stupid question, she strides out of Zhao Li Xin courtyard before she left her head subconsciously turn to where Zhao Li Xin is, somehow today she feel the distance between them is growing bigger than before, she bites her lips as she begins to question herself if she make a right decision, but she can't turn back time she can only move on.


 In ascension… Levels: Disciple → Warrior → Knight → Master → Grand Master → King →Heavenly King → Emperor →Sovereign →Saint → Sage → Immortal.

 Stages: Beginner → Transition → Core →Peak → Perfection.

I share my cheating paper with you guys, just in case you all wonder