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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 600 - Her Past Life II
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Even before Zhao Mu Fan marry Lao Fei Yan and Lao Min Na he already has few concubines in his harem, for a woman it should give her a big warning sign that the man is anything but faithful, sadly Lao Min Na judgment is rendered by her blind love so she missed this big sign.

Finally, when he got bored with Lao Min Na he took younger women for his harem, it was known to everyone that Zhao Mu Fan is an amorous man combine with his good looks, charisma as crown prince, and his royal background it was expectant that woman throws themselves om his feet.


There is also another problem about Lao Min Na, after two years she still unable to get pregnant then the rumor about her being infertile is spread to the city like a wildfire, and this just adding Zhao Mu Fan dissatisfaction towards her then soon she lose his favor and her world just got worsen than ever be.

And one day someone visits the crown prince Manor, it was that day she met him for the first time – the sixth prince of Jiang Wei Kingdom Zhao Li Xin. Even though she is head over heels towards Zhao Mu fan but she can't deny that her heart stopped when she saw Zhao Li Xin's appearance. That man is the most beautiful man that she ever saw seen in her life, the only way she can describe Zhao Li Xin appearance is 'breathtaking' 

He is flawless like a precious jade, every features on his face, the lips, eyes, nose, and chin is perfectly carved, she can't find any imperfection on his countenance, and she is not the only one who thinks like that because Lao Fei Yan who used to pretend as reserved and shy woman can't take her eyes from Zhao Li Xin, it took Zhao Mu Fan angry cough to snapped them back.

Zhao Mu Fan then introduce who he is, Lao Min Na can't believe it that this beautiful man is the sick prince, only then she realize how pale his face is and how feeble he is when his hand trembles when he lifts the winecup, she had heard the rumor that he is not going to live long, what a pity, but people used to say that beautiful creature won't last long weather is a flower or human.

Zhao Mu Fan was approached him to support him as a crown prince, since the arrival of Zhao Yi Chen he feel threatened not to mention Zhao Li Xin brother from the same mother Zhao Qin Feng also eyeing the Dragon throne and with the help of Noble consort Ying Zhao Qin Feng ambition might not be impossible, luckily the relationship between Zhao Li Xin with his mother and Zhao Qin Feng is not good so Zhao Mu Fan want to take advantage of this.

Lao Min Na didn't know if Zhao Mu Fan able to persuade Zhao Li Xin but judging by his good mood maybe he does succeed. In the following years, the tension between the prince is got worse, a lot of people have died because of this some even high-rank officials, but no one wants to yield and for a moment the favor falls on Zhao Yi Chen.

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Then suddenly the economy of Jiang Wei Kingdom takes a nosedive, it starts with the increase of rebel outside the border that disturbs the food distribution and also trades between the merchant, the road that used to be safe suddenly swarmed by robber and thief so the merchant has to pay more to hire a guard to protect their goods.

because of that, the prices are automatically increasing then somehow the food supply to the city is gradually decreased, goods like rice, corn, potato, spices, and meat become scarce then in a short time the value increased double if not triple from the previous price and this creates panic in the city, the government tries to resolve this matters but the progress is too slow and people demand a quick solution.

In anger, people start to blame anyone, one of them is the corruption that has taken root in various government agencies and high-level officials, people also blame the royal family lavish lifestyle and the emperor's hobby to expand his harem and using the kingdom treasury for his personal matters.

At that time the prince uses this momentum to accuse each other, of course, the winner is Zhao Yi Chen who has more merits and a flawless reputation compare to other prince's. Zhao Mu Fan is enraged and panic, he doesn't want to lose his title and that's how Lao Min Na nightmare begins.

Lao Min Na is barely twenty years old at that time, she still considers one of the beautiful women in the country and despite her reputation many men still dream about her, a sinister idea pop into Zhao Mu Fan minds, to gain the official favor she gives Lao Min Na to entertain them. Lo Min Na is begging and crying to Zhao Mu Fan she rather be killed than treated like a lowly whor*.

For a man like Zhao Mu Fan, nothing is more important than power, so what if he gift one of his women, he had so many of them and he could get more in the future besides Lao Min Na is wasted who can't cultivate and also infertile so she's nothing more than an empty vase.

With the help of Lao Min Na he gradually able to rope important people to his side. To make Lao Min Na under his control he gives her a powerful drug and turns her into an addict, the drugs make her in a daze all the time, she can differentiate which one is real and which one is an illusion, she become more like a lifeless doll, Everyday Lao Min Na is surrounded by maids to cater her daily life however is not for her own good but to make sure she didn't try to kill herself, and she had tried many times but she failed so in order to control Lao Min Na behavior Zhao Mu Fan increased the dosage of the drug little by little until Lao Min Na cannot function if she's not using the drugs.

Meanwhile, the fight between the princes is getting fierce and the Kingdom's economy is getting worst, at that time the force from outside start to aim their weapon towards the Jiang Wei Kingdom, just like the wounded beast everyone can't wait to take a piece of the Jiang Wei Kingdom.

The prince knows they need help as soon as possible before it's too late, then their choice fell on the young Emperor from the Liu Yan Kingdom, name Yuan Shao. The story said Yuan Shao led a rebellion against the previous Emperor and he slaughtered all the royal family regardless of their age, Yuan Shao also killed his own family who tries to stop him, since then he is famous to be an evil Emperor.

But this evil Emperor has support from the common citizen, he becomes the voice of common people who had been oppressed by the emperor and noble people, with that Yuan Shao is crowned as the new emperor but the rumor said that the reason Yuan Shao rebel is because the death of his mother and his sister also his disappointment with his father who remains loyal to the emperor even though he knows the truth and this rumor gain Yuan Shao a lot of sympathy from the common people and his subordinate because he is not the only one who pushed around by the royal family.

To gain Yuan Shao power he sends a lot of treasure, high-grade pill, and high-level armament also not forget she also part of the bribery. Lao Min Na travel from Jiang Wei to Liu Yan kingdom, she doesn't care anymore wherever she goes it means no different to her, however, she is not expected when she enters Liu Yan kingdom palace not only Yuan Shao wh wait her but there also a man with a black robe and golden mask. 

"What is this?" Yuan Shao sits on the throne but he is not wearing the dragon golden robe but instead his armor as if he differentiated himself from the previous Emperor.

The languid man with a black robe smirk "A bribe, I supposed…"

Yuan Shao frown "Including her?"

The black robe man smile deepens "Especially her…." 

Yuan Shao's expression darkens, Loo Min Na who was kneeling on the floor tremble in fear just like a helpless rabbit in front of the beast, she glues her gaze to the floor, she did not dare to breathe too hard or raised her head in front of the mighty emperor.

Under the emperor's gaze, it was dawned on Lao Min Na's minds how small, dirty, and insignificant she is, at least the other men would lust over her body but these two men treating her like a dirty rag that no one wants.

Yuan Shao scoffed indignantly "Are all the prince as disgusting as Zhao Mu Fan?" 

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The black robe man shrug "I don't know, I never pay attention…"

"Really, even though you lived with them for all your life," Yuan Shao said in doubt.

Lao Min Na flinched, for some reason, she got curious about the black man's identity. Not long after she heard footstep from behind her and the man with red enter the room, Lao min peeks a glance at the man and she was stunned because for a second she couldn't tell the man gender only after she saw the man broad shoulder she realized that person is a man.

The feminine man notices Lao Min Na's gaze and surprised "Oh, why is Zhao Mu Fan personal whor* is here?" he asks in jest.

Even when she still under the influence of the drug she still knows when she is humiliated and the worst thing is she had nothing to refute, she averts her gaze back on the floor as her eyes moist with tears.

"Personal whor*?" Yuan Shao stupefied.

"Yes, that cruel crown prince turns his own concubine into a whor* just to rope influential people, well it does work nut I think when the situation got harsh that pervert will be the first one to betray that heartless Prince" the feminine red robe man chuckle lightly then he approaches Lao Min Na who is quiver on the floor, he kneels with one his knee against the floor and uses the tip of his long index finger to raised Lao Min Na chin.

Their face only an inch from each other, Lao Min Na face turn paler than before she wants to run away but her fright make her unable to moves her legs, the feminine man suddenly sneer "She is poison by evil flower seed" he retracts her finger from Lao Min Na chin and take a step back while wiping his finger with a handkerchief as he just touches something dirty.

"Master Bei, what is that?" Yuan Shao asks.

"It's a seed from a poppy flower, but this flower is carefully cultivated so is more poison than the normal flower, this poison is used to control people's mind by making them addicted, it's also used to increased a person desire make them more aggressive….no wonder that old pervert like her very much – however she does know as one of the Jiang Wei beauty after all, too bad she was waste like this…"