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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 599 - Her Past Life
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Not far from the lovely couple an owl watching from the tree branch and the bird's eyes glow dimly in purple color, later the ow; blink his large eyes and soon the bird iris turn normal again then the bird flap his wing and flew away. 

In another room, Lory's eyes glow the same way as the owl then she blinks her eyes and the glow dissipated leaving a pair of purple gem color back to normal.


[It seems you will have another supporter] Girsha teased her.

Lory smile wryly then she sipped her tea slowly, Zhao Li Xin who sits beside her sees her complicated look "You don't feel happy?" he asks.

Lory didn't answer she look down and take another sip again.

"You don't want him to get involved isn't it?" he guessed.

She make a mirthless smile and shakes her head slightly "I wish Yuan Shao could persuade Yue Yin to stay away from this…matters" she gazes outside the room with mixed emotion.

"That brat adored you too much, not even me could get rid of her, I think if Yuan Shao insists her to left you that brat would cut her relationship with him" Zhao Li Xin stifle.

Lory pout her lips, she would feel awful if Ming Yue Yin breaks up with Yuan Shao, that man is a good match for that brat, he is strong, loyal, and honest, in every world is not easy to find someone like Yuan Shao. If that really happened she would disown that silly brat.

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"Don't angry with me, you know how is that brat character" he chuckles lightly.

"I know, and I feel happy and grateful – I truly am. It just that…I'm scared I'm not strong enough to protect them" Lory said in forlorn.

Zhao Li Xin raised her wine cup "Welcome to my world then…." he also engulfs by anxiety for not strong enough to protect her. Girsha also snickers at Lory, is not a bad thing for Lory realizes how he felt all this time. Lory twitches her mouth knowing everyone is teasing her.

She rolls her eyes and whines "Okay, I'm sorry for making all of your worries" then she puffed her cheek in upset.

Zhao Li Xin laugh, he found her very cute when she upset, he pulls Lory's hand and make her back lean against him "I forgive you my princess" his hot breath blow her ears and Lory feel shiver all over her body but that sweet moment disappear when Girsha complain abruptly.

[I don't!]

Lory stuck out her tongue at Girsha and the bird scoffed and flew outside the window not because he angry but he can feel the heat from Zhao Li Xin body, as an animal one can detect when another animal in heat because in that situation animal tends to be aggressive, however, this thing happened once a year or twice a year for some animal but that young man…..

Thankfully he has good self-control and busy cultivated if not Lory would be overwhelmed even with her healing gift.

Zhao Li Xin wrapped his hand around her tiny waist then he inhaled her unique scent from the top of her head and his body gradually feel tense. Lory is oblivious she is to occupy with everything that had happened, she failed to notice Zhao Li Xin's hands are wonder around her body.

"Do you think the queen dowager would deliberately make things hard for me?" Lory ask.

"Hmm, I think so, what powerful figure hate the most is someone who dares to cross them" Zhao Li Xin's voice a bit heavy but Lory still not notice it.

"Do you think is because Lao Min Na matter?" Lory heard that Lao Min Na is quite close with the queen dowager after she healed the queen dowager old illness.

"They say if you beat a dog you must know the owner, we beat Lao Min Na regardless of her relationship with the Queen dowager is no surprised the old lady would feel offended," he said while sniffing her neck, Lory was immersed in her thought didn't realize a certain beast roaming behind her.

"I wonder if I met anyone from the sanguan family, you better wear your mask all the time the similarity between you and sanguan Jin Sheng is hard to denied although my husband is a lot more handsome" Lory chortle but then realize someone hand already inside her collar.

"Hey, Hands Off!" she smacks his naughty hands from her chest "I'm being serious here!" Lory glare at Zhao Li Xin, although she looks carefree but that doesn't mean she never thinks about her situation and calculated what move she must take in the future, as matter of fact Lory never stop thinking because she worries about everyone safety however she was used to keeping everything to herself and pretend to be fine.

This is also the root for her nightmare night and insomnia, Zhao Li Xin also knows that's why he asks Jin Hao the relaxing tea to help her sleep better, the tea can make her sleep but sadly it can't stop her anxiety so Lory still have a nightmare so sometimes when it feel Lory is overwhelmed with her problem he must find the other way to distract her attention from her problem for a while, what else could be better than doing 'that'

"You don't have to worry, we can do our best and let the rest take it course naturally" Zhao Li Xin whisper in her ear with a raspy voice that could melt any woman's heart. He embraces her from behind and let out a long exhaled "Let me guess you worry about Lazarus possessed that Lao woman right"

Lory pouted her mouth "Of course I'm worried, Demon or God can't interfere with the human world without a bridge that's the rules, but Lazarus forces his way" Lory rest the back of her head on Zhao Li Xin chest "Even Lucient need years of preparation until the day they carry out the 'King Trial' but still the amount of grace they could accept is various in each king, my father bless with four God sword and that already exceed all his predecessor so when Lucas was grace from seven swords I know the prophecy is true, he won't make it alive…."

"Lory…" Zhao Li Xin holds her tighter.

She patted his arms "I'm okay’’" she softly said, "What I mean is, if Lucient who is chosen by God himself need this so much preparation since the day they were born, so what it is the cost for Lao Min Na who is just a normal person to let the most powerful demon possessed her body?"

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At The sanguan manor, late at night, Sanguan Wu Ci visits Lao Min Na courtyard. he clasped his hand behind his back then Lao Min Na put down a green jade bottle on the round table "This is Ping Yu pill, it will promote you instantly to sage level at beginner stage"

Sanguan Wu Ci eye glistening, although he feel excited however expression remains calm "I hope you right about this" he looks at Lao Min Na suspiciously "If you can concoct this type of pill why you never used it to yourself?"

"My foundation is not stable from my last breakthrough besides I still not reach sovereign level yet, the pill would only harm me if I used it now" she explains casually while pouring herself a cup of warm tea.

He saw nothing suspicious on Lao Min Na's face, he holds the jade bottle and smiles amicably "Thank you miss Lao, you will handsomely reward" then he turned around and left the room.

The door is softly closed leaving Lao Min Na to sip her tea alone, the air around her feel stagnant she looks down at her half-full teacup in her hand, her beautiful eyes reflect nothingness, she doesn't feel excited, happy, or proud for what she had done, the Ping Yu is a high-grade pill that no alchemist could make it for the last five hundred years, she is sure not even Jin Hao the white dragon palace could make it. She should feel happy and yet she feel nothing.

She reminiscence the day she met with Lazarus in her previous life, at that time she is a weak woman who falls in love with the wrong person, she bet all her life for that man, she knew that she would never be his only women but she accepts it. A great man like him would never satisfied with only one woman especially a woman like her.

She thought her life couldn't be worst after years of living like a doormat in Lao manor but she is wrong, she is terribly wrong. She has lost her dignity in front of society since the day she asked her father to let her married Zhao Mu Fan, she was portrayed as a shameless, and disgusting woman for eyeing her own step sister husband, no one would guess that it was Zhao Mu fan himself who persuade her to make the request because he doesn't want to ruin his reputation but it was okay if it was her and he assured her he would treat her nicely.

Young and in love she believes everything he said and then she had to pay the praise. She never knows a woman without reputation is like a man enter the battlefield without armor and weapon so when she entered the prince manor she was beaten down even before she enters the front gate.

The Emperor and empress despised her, the other prince and princess demeaning her even servant mocked her, and for years she was forced to swallow the ridiculed and humiliation that people throw at her, on the other hand, Lao Fei Yan reputation soared as a kind, benevolence and pitiful women who let her owned sister to marry her own man, and Lao Fei Yan took that as her advantage, it gives her permission to humiliate, degrade and ridiculed her in every occasion. 

It's fine, she understands why Lao Fei Yan hates her, and she does feel guilty for loving the same man as her sister but what can she do, a heart wants what it wants and so she graciously accepts her step-sister wrath, she can handle it since Zhao Mu Fan still treat her same way as before then few years go by and the fire that once burns gloriously slowly dimmed, slowly Zhao Mu Fan came less and less before she knows he did not visit her for two months and this only happened after they married for two years.