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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 595 - Grateful
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Huo Long lean his bottom on the window frame while he gazing to the horizon "How long until Lazarus regains all his power" he said without retracting his gaze from the horizon.

"He will never regain his ultimate power without Lorient soul" Arthea sits gracefully on the arhat couch.


Long Ming shifting his gaze "But why he devours all that poor soul, Lao Min Na had sacrifice hundreds of soul to feed feast that demon"

Arthea expression remain placid as the pond surface "Marcus and Lorenna has hurt Lazarus inside the oblivion adding his action broke through the realm door his condition worsens that we can imagine, that's why he hides inside the mystique realm – unfortunately Lao Min Na found him first"

"And she gives that demon the purest soul she can find – her own baby soul….." Huo Long heaved heavily. Thousand of years has passed but he still can't understand how human able to kill their own kin for their own benefit. However there also a rare human like Marcus and Lorenna who protect their own children even beyond the grave – the human heart is so mysterious.

Arthea mirthlessly smile "Nothing is purer than the soul of newborn baby, except a Lucient soul"

"Why you never told her everything, why you let her struggle to find her way, isn't that too cruel Seeress?" Huo Long was forced to keep quiet by Arthea because she insisted is for their own good however he still not understand what reason she had to confuse Lory and Zhao Li Xin.

Arthea shakes his head slowly "If I tell her everything there would be a chance that the future that we hope would change. All of us have bet everything on them – we cannot lose" she solemnly said.

Arthea raised from her seat she walks to the table where the map is, her hand grazes on the old map "Lory must remember everything only then she understand her role in this world, Zhao Li Xin is the key but Lorient is the catalyst….to change her fate she must change their fate"

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"They?" Huo Long stare at her puzzled.

Her gaze remains on the map then the corner of her lips slowly lifted "Ming Yue Yin, Yang Xi Ying, Li Mo Zhen, Yuan Shao and more of them…. especially Zhao Li Xin, someday she would understand everything – and eventually everything would come in full circles….." she looks at Huo Long with a peaceful smile.


It's been two days since everyone starts cultivated, when they are not cultivated they practiced their martial arts. After they met with Lazarus everyone was shaken with the true power of the Demon they even become more petrified when Lory said that the demon is not in his full power, everyone who was present that day was distraught, Ming Yue Yin subordinated the Su sister can't even sleep for two days.

Finally, they handle their fear just like any other warrior, which is making themselves stronger and since then everyone cultivated like never before. Lory feel sorry for them but nothing she could do except prepare the same amulet like the one she gives to Ming Yue Yin and the other to block curses. If only she strong enough she could create a Lucient barrier around the manor so no dark forces could enter like the one her father made to protect Herriond city.

Lory lay on the bench in the garden leisurely, this behavior is something that no one could see in a noble household, not even a man acted brazenly like Lory, Ling Zi was surprised at first but she got used to Lory shenanigans.

Another maid came toward the garden with a red envelope, the maid bow heir waist respectfully "Young madam there is an invitation from Royal palace"

Lory raised her back from the bench "Is never a good thing to involved with the royal family" Lory clicks her tongue. She remembers Yun Xue Liang, in one glance Lory knows that Yun Xue Liang is not simple, and Lory reluctant to involved with this kinda woman not because she is afraid but because is a tiresome job to pretense as a demure lady, she thought that day has long gone.

The maid hand the invitation to Lory, Lory open the envelope turn out is the invitation to the moon-viewing festival. Lory frown for a second then she eased up "Who else got an invitation?"

"Answer young madam, Miss Yang and Empress Ming also got the invitation" the maid answer politely.

Lory press her lips into a thin line, whenever she gets involved with the royal family nothing good would happen so she got worried a little bit, suddenly she saw a woman with a red robe with phoenix embroidery on her sleeve come towards her.

"Aunty, do you get the invitation too?" Ming Yue Yin approaches her with glee.

"Yeah, I heard Xi Ying also got the invitation" she shows Ming Yue Yin her invitation.

"It's going to be held by the Empress and Queen dowager and only women invited it, young women to be precise" Ming Yue Yin smile meaningfully.

"Is there any specific reason for that?" Lory saw Ming Yue Yin's mischievous eyes.

Ming Yue Yin snort in disdained "To check which girl that good enough to be the prince consort, I supposed" she takes a seat next to Lory.

Lory roll her eyes "They involved to much in the youngster life isn't it" 

Ming Yue Ying laughs then she took a piece of moon cake from the table "Since a long time ago, Marriage is controlled by the elder, children have no ability to refused especially women" then she chomp the cake casually.

"I'm not completely against it, I believe some parents do have good attention for their children but….it too troublesome for me, I never want to involved to anyone's relationship especially my own kid, if something happened I don't want to blame myself" Lory was pondering then she frowns "But why they invite me and Xi Ying, they know I'm married right?"

"The invitation did not close the presence of married women, but only the legal wife, concubine would not be allowed to attend such gathering" she explains casually while taking another piece of moon cake.

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Lory nod in understanding then she lifts her head and searches surrounding her "Where is your maidservant- bodyguard?" normally the Su sister would follow Ming Yue Yin like a little chicken follow their mother hen, even if they didn't show themselves they would hide somewhere nearby to guard Ming Yue Yin but today she can't find any of them near Ming Yue Yin.

"They all cultivate" Ming Yue Yin reply casually.

Lory smile wryly "They still in shock, huh?"

Ming Yue Yin shrug briefly "They get over it, my subordinate should not be a coward" 

"Silly, every normal person would not calm after experience something like that" Lory knows Ming Yue Yin lighten the situation so she doesn't feel guilty and Lory grateful for that.

"I know….that's why a let them cultivate for days"

Lory lowers her head then looks at Ming Yue Yin in remorse smile "I'm sorry – I don't mean to involved all of you – if only I'm not here…."

"I'll be dead" Ming Yue Yin cut Lory words "Uncle will be dead, Xi Ying may be married with a scumbag, Li Mo Zhen….well you know he is to soft-hearted she is, I don't think she can't bring Jiu Yun sect to this level if he still acted like he used to be, and Yuan Shao might still serve that ingrateful emperor, perhaps losing Yuan Xue An in a process" she sniffle in contempt.

"I'm glad you are here aunty, for better or worst at least I know who I gave my life for, look how happy Xi Ying and Li Mo Zhen right now, I heard Yuan Xue An become alchemist under Master Jin guidance and Yuan Shao gains his freedom and become the king of the tribe – can you see aunty, it's all happened because of you…"

Lory was dumbfounded she never realizes not even a second how much she made in the lives of people around her, it never her intention. She just follows her heart.

"So what if Lazarus is here, we are not a bunch of weak and defenseless people and I think everyone thinks the same as me, not even a second a resent you for Lazarus existence, so what if I die….I should have died a long time before if not because of you so don't let this damn creature take advantage of your guilt, I believe we can kill that thing – together"

Lory shift her gaze and laugh softly, tears brimming in her eyes "You think so?" 

"I believe so and so is everyone, why do you think we cultivate diligently" she sigh while rolling her eyes.

Her eyes wet with tears but she laughed heartily, she wants to hug that boy who sends her to this world, she wants to say thank you repeatedly to that boy, thank you for brought her here – thank you for giving her the opportunity to meet these amazing people – thank you because she doesn't have to fight alone – Thank you…..