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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 586 - A Joke
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While Zhao Li Xin and Jin Hao are having a conversation with Sanguan Jin Sheng and Sanguan Liu Wei, Lory is left with Bei Li Yan while Ming Yue Yin and the others are surrounded by a bunch of people eager to curry their favor non even Yang Xi Ying is spare because she is Li Mo Zhen wife but no one is bothering Lory for two reasons, people didn't take her seriously because she is so ordinary they thought soon or later Long Ming would abandon her despite all the rumor about how fond he is toward his wife but rumors are deemed to be exaggerated so is hard for them to believe it completely, and the other reason is that because Lory didn't show any interest to mingle with them and Bei Li Yan who think in line with Lory also feign ignorant towards them as if there's an invisible bubble around them that make people hard to approach them.

That's how Lory finds her peace, she always hates this type of gathering weather in her old world or this world she never feel comfortable, in her old world she came because is part of duty but now she only came for the food at least the food is not disappointing.


They served a lot of authentic sweet from Yun Dao city, she ignores everyone and focuses on her food while occasionally chat with Bei Li Yan who leisurely drinks wine without care, both of them giggle and laughing while ignored curious gaze towards them.

"Miss Luo is the food suit your taste" 

Lory lift her head and saw Sanguan Wu Ci stand across the table with a gentle smile, Bei Li Yan frowned but he doesn't say anything, Lory put down her chopstick and nod calmly "Everything is good, first young master Sanguan" Lory answer politely at the same time draw a line between them, as a married woman she can't be too friendly with an unmarried man, unlike Bei Li Yan who is Zhao Li Xin subordinate no one would question their relationship and Bei Li Yan feminine look raised the question about his sexual preference. 

"I'm glad to hear that" Sanguan Wu Ci smile gets wider as if they were a close friend which make Lory feel uncomfortable because their meeting is never been peaceful.

Sanguan Wu Ci feel the warry in Lory's eyes and it make him slightly dejected, if it trace back to the previous incident it was never him who provokes her first, it was Zi Yu Tong and Lao Min Na deeds he just the unlucky companion who had no choice but support them for his family sake. 

"Miss Luo, I apologize again for what happened in the past, please believe me when I say is not my intention to harmed you" He bowed his head slightly he looks genuinely remorse.

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"Is fine, let's bygones be bygones" Lory smile faintly, what else she can say when he already apologizes in a public.

Sanguan Wu Ci beamed in delight "Thank you for your understanding Miss Luo" he earnestly said. 

"Hum" Lory nod respectfully, she doesn't know what Sanguan Wu Ci up to so she decide to play along. Since sanguan Wu Ci was still stood there Lory feel awkward if she didn't say anything "Uhm, I haven't congratulated you young master Sanguan, happy birthday" Lory cupped her fist as she shows him respect.

"Thank you, Miss Lao" he replies in the same manner.

"Young master, I heard today also the day you choose for a wife, I wonder which lucky woman who gain your attention" Bei Li Yan suddenly chimed in. 

"Well, I leave that matters to my parents as a Son I just believe my parent's judgment," he said casually. Since he was a child his father has taught to put family interest above the rest, this is the faith for anyone who born into a noble family however he doesn't think is a bad thing after all he allowed to marry more than one woman so why not keep the woman who can benefit him as a wife and his lover as a second wife or perhaps concubine if her position is not high enough.

"You don't seem to care, young master?" Bei Li Yan props his chin with his palm on the table while Lory enjoys the sweet in front of her while watching Ming Yue Yin dark face when she saw young women swarmed all over Yuan Shao, looks like some quick-witted women changed their aimed when they saw the competition to be Sanguan Wu Ci wife is too fierce so they change their maneuver to get the 'King of the tribes' instead.

Yuan Shao could feel the cold glare on his back and he doesn't need to guess who was it, although he is elated that Ming Yue Yin cares about him, but he doesn't want to enrage her too much because he knows how hard to coaxed her later.

However, compare to Ming Yue Yin Lory more scared with Ming Yue Yin. Jiu Yun Sect is quite famous at the Xin Fang continent, their proficiency in a sword art has no equal and recently the power of the Jiu Yun sect is increasing tremendously it becomes the most powerful sect in the Liang Zu kingdom.

Li Mo Zhen who is still young and very handsome attract a lot of young women not to mention Li Mo Zhen only have one wife he hasn't have second wife or concubines so there still a chance for them since most man like Li Mo Zhen will not satisfied with only one wife, some women who thought they don't have a chance with Sanguan Wu Ci shift their attention to Li Mo Zhen and this infuriated Yang Xi Ying to the bones but amazingly she still able to remain calm only her smile is a little bit scary.

For anyone who knows Yang Xi Ying closely they all could feel her boiling rage and inwardly lit a candle for Li Mo Zhen, someone would sleep alone tonight. Li Mo Zhen could feel his wife's anger, he already draws a line between him and the other women but sadly the young women didn't care about it, they keep persistent sending a coquettish smile and acted shyly.

Lory sigh inwardly 'Godspeed, brother Li'

In a meantime, Sanguan Wu Ci is engaged in a light conversation with Bei Li Yan, he answers Bei Li Yan's question calmly "What matters the most as a child is being filial isn't it?"

Bei Li Yan guffawed "Well, if you said so, but we are Hei Shen member will never let anyone decide who we will warry" he folded his arms casually on the table as he appears eased and carefree. 

Bei Li Yan words attract many people a lot of them disbelieve and many are envious, most of the people who come to the Banquet come from well-respected family it means they all have burdens and reputation to keep, who doesn't want to live a carefree life but in exchange for wealth and fame, they must sacrifice some of their freedom and that the price they must pay.

"Long Ming sound like an easy-going person?" Sanguan Wu Ci praised hint with mockery, he thought an easy-going person wouldn't able to take his people to the higher place, he believes if Long Ming still acted wilfully soon or later he would lead his people to their doom.

"Easy-going?" Bei Li Yan raised his brows and chuckles "More like indifference, he doesn't like interfere his subordinated personal matters is also vice-versa though" he waved his hand aimlessly.

"But I heard that long Ming have short temper and he provoke a lot of powerful people, it might be okay for now but one day he might provoke someone that he should, should you as his subordinated has obligation to remind your Lord" Sanguan Wu Ci might seem to show his concern but at the inwardly, he warned Bei Li Yan to control Zhao Li Xin.

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Bei Li Yan scoffed, this is not the first time someone threatens him "Thank you for your kind reminder, but our Lord is not as reckless as you think" he smirked then open his arms and give half-shrug "And is not my place to explained my Lord decision…"

It was expected for Bei Li Yan acted arrogantly, the Hei Shen was known as an unruly and willful group of people especially the King palace, none of them acted in the norm as if rule and common sense are not applied to them.

Such behavior would only incur trouble, later on, Sanguan Wu Ci believes that the Hei Shen sect wouldn't last long especially at Gui Hong continent when much stronger people gather in this place.

Suddenly he shifts his gaze towards Lory who has been quiet all this time, maybe she scare to voice her opinion still he questions her just to see her reaction "Miss Luo what do you think?" he secretly wants to see her flustered face because he never saw her lose her composure.

Lory raised her brown while still munch her food like a squirrel, everyone was staring at her with an expectant look. Lory swallows her food unhurried then she drinks a mouthful of tea to clear her throat, she hit the teacup on the table and sigh. She glances at Sanguan Wu Ci for a second and said "No problem when something happened I will protect him" she casually said then chomp another red bean cake.

Everyone was stunned for a second then suddenly the sound of laughter broke out, every people who heard Lory words are burst to laugh whether is men or women, old or young, all of them laugh out loud, it was obvious Lory has no Qi circulated around his body which make her as a waste so how could a waste protect a cultivator, this is the most ridiculous thing they ever heard!

Sanguan Wu Ci covers his laugh with his fist he wouldn't have guessed that Lory would crack a joke with him.

While Bei Li Yan who had witness Lory power during the storm throws a meaningful smile at Lory. Ming Yue Yin once told him that Lory power is incomplete and her real power is more powerful than they can imagine, Bei Li Yan had no doubt that one day Lory would able to protect his Lord, isn't she the one who safe Zhao Li Xin live before that mean Lory is already protecting Zhao Li Xin from the get-go.

Lory stare at Bei Li Yan and shrug lightly 'Is not my fault they don't believe me'

Sanguan Wu Ci surprised Lory is remain calmed while people laughing at her, she doesn't look flustered, embarrassed, or angry, he even caught her smiles faintly while eating her sweet indifferently, he tries to read her expression but he is not sure the woman seem expected this, perhaps she is joking but there her eyes show she is serious however she only a waste so where she got the confidence is she hiding her power?

His eyes bore into her face, what a peculiar woman she thought he never met any woman who is more interesting than her and he had seen many, he wonders what kinda secret she hides.