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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 580 - Birthday Banquet III
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The Sanguan family went all out for today's Banquet, the street is adorned with red lampion to the manor front gate, the family name placate is renew and paint with gold.

The firecrackers were lit continuously to make the atmosphere lively, the manor was decor with bright color especially red because is the symbol of fortune, happiness, and joy.


the sumptuous feast is laid on the big round tables leaving no gap on the table surface, the plate, bowl, and chopstick for the guest are made from fine porcelain and crystal. everything looks grand and glamorous truth to be told the Sanguan family try to make everyone forget about the bad rumor that surrounding The Sanguan family lately.

The sanguan family only invites the most influential family from the continent and a few from outside the continent, many of them are from the royal families and powerful sects. 

Shortly the sanguan family manor is swarmed with luxurious and expensive carriage and one by one the guest enters the Sanguan family manor.

Common people gather on the street they can only watch the grand view with awed and amazement from afar, there's only one family in Yun Dao city who can hold a grand birthday banquet like this and that family is the Sanguan family clan.

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Sanguan Wu Ci accepts the guest with a business smile, he already expected this so he doesn't feel impressed after all isn't this normal for someone like him. many influential families come with their beautiful daughter they introduce their daughter to Sanguan Wu Ci with the hope to gain his attention.

When Lory saw this it reminds her of the royal Ball that held at Cestine palace a long time ago, the one who hit the worst was Lucas because he is the next King, many Princess, Prince, heir, and heiress from the powerful family from all over the world would come, all of them try to make a connection with Lucient heir, Lucas too lazy to handle the over-eager father and the scheming daughter so he used to be bailed out leaving Lory with Fargo and Fred to handle the rest.

Lucas doesn't need to worry about Lory because he knew Lory is the apple of everyone's eyes, as a woman no one is more guarded than Lory especially from men and Fargo is the most protective one. 

The truth is that even without the unique condition that happened on the Lucient heir, it was certain that Lory would still become a single lady for a very long time.

behind this cheery and festive occasion, someone is deemed in a bad mood and that people is Zi Yu Tong, he came to complain about his grievance, he was crippled and turn to half-man by Li Mo Zhen and Hei Shen people not only his in-law didn't avenge him they even invite his enemy to the banquet.

When Zi Yu Tong knows about this he felt hard slapped on his face, he doesn't understand why they doing this to him, and not only that Zi Yu Tong is also unallowed to attend the banquet.

"Sister, why brother-in-law do this to me even if he doesn't like me could he not humiliated me like this?" Zi Yu Tong complains, if they saw Long Ming and his companion come to the party while he wasn't there what would people say about him, people would laughing at him and no one would respect him ever again perhaps his enemy would strike him thinking he had lost the Sanguan family favor. 

Madam Sanguan feel sorry for her younger brother however she can't refuse her husband's order, the news about her brother scandal had spread widely through all the city well is no surprise consider how brazen Zi Yu Tong behavior was. Even before Zi Yu Tong is already known as lusty, lecher, rapist, and other bad names.

It was The Sanguan family who swept the rumor under the rug and no government officer dare to touch Zi Yu Tong because of the Sanguan Family protection but now the situation is different, from all of the women in the world why he must provoke Long Ming wife, Jiu Yun sect madam and it getting better because he also provoked the Liangzu Empress.

Every single of them is bad enough but her great brother should provoke all three of them at the same time, her brother's behavior is so unbelievable the Sanguan madam convince no man in the whole world is more unlucky than her beloved brother.

"What do you expect me to do, do you know how shameful your action was? I never saw my husband angry that much? you lucky you are still alive!" madam Sanguan pinches her glabella tiredly, she only has one brother but sometimes she wishes she never has one.

"But sister, my only mistake is I didn't know who is their identity and they don't tell me, they must be planning to frame me from the get-go!" is amazing how Zi Yu Tong still insists on his innocent, Li Mo Zhen is right to castrate him because the man didn't show any remorse at all.

"Sister, at least let me attend the Banquet, people thought I already outcasted from the Sanguan family, no one respects me even one of my concubine dare to run away with my male servant" he grabs his sister's hand and whines like an old child, it's a sickening view because Zi Yu Tong is quite plump, old and ugly.

Madam Sanguan shake her hand free from her brother's hands, how old did he think he is, it's cute when he was ten years old but it disgusting when he already forty "Are you out of your mind!" she shouted "Today is Wu Ci birthday it's also an important day for the patriarch to choose a right woman as Wu Ci wife with your outrageous reputation how could you show yourself in front of all the noble ladies, would you not scare them to death with your infamous reputation!" 

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Although her words are true still is har for him hard to hear it directly "Sister, please help me one last time...."

Madam sanguan heart starts to waver but then she remembers her Son then she realizes she can't give in this time, today of all day is the most important one, she cannot ruin his Son future if that happened her husband and Son would never forgive her when that happened to whom she must ask for help.

She sadly shakes her head "I'm sorry Yu Tong, I can't... not this time..."

Ruan Qiao Qin was outside before the door almost hit her, she was startled by the violent swing then Zi Yu Tong appears with a blackened face. Zi Yu Tong also surprised by Ruan Qiao Qin's sudden arrival but he just too angry right now, without saying anything he huffed and stamped his feet angrily then left while throwing curses to the air. Ruan Qiao Qin watches Zi Yu Tong with frowned, she never likes that man anyway so she doesn't pity him too much.

"Aunty, are you okay?" she worriedly asks.

She waves her hand and sighs "I'm fine, your uncle is only throwing tantrum, how the situation out there?"

"Almost all guest has come..." said Ruan Qiao Qin.

Madam Sanguan sigh in relief, she worries because of all the bad rumors lately many people would not attend the Banquet, thankfully she is wrong "Good - good - good" she nods happily.

on contrary someone is not happy, Ruan Qiao Qin know this Banquet purposes to select an official wife for Sanguan Wu Ci, she loves him for a long time and she thought he would feel the same as her but after what happened at Tin Chu island he becomes colder and distant she didn't know what she had done wrong.

Although Sanguan Wu Ci treats her with the same gentleness, however, she realizes he is not as fond of her as he used to, her eyes become moist she realizes she would lose him completely after today, Ruan Qiao Qin bites her lips feeling hurt and indignant.

Ruan Qiao Qin is not wrong if she compares her identity with all the ladies that came at the banquet she is not their match, and Sanguan Wu Ci might look calm and collected every time, but she knew how ambitious he is he will leave no expense to get what he wants, and what he wants is to stand on the pinnacle of the world so he would choose a woman who could bring him benefit.