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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 575 - Show Me The Money!
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The manager knows that many people would not be interested in the map so he deliberately arranged the map as the last item if no one raised their bid hed could close the auction immediately without dampened everyone's mood.

The manager still not sure what happened that night but his hunch said she would be in trouble if he not follow the mysterious woman's words.


The manager takes a deep breath he already braces himself if his master blamed him, oh well this is not his first mistake in this auction, he looks up to the second floor as he wonders how he could appease the anger of the formidable group on the second floor. He shakes his head with a forlorn look it seems this auction will be the end of him.

"We will start the bid at…fifty tael silver" the auctioneer shouted with a wry expression.

"Sixty silver tael!" Lao Min Na raised her voice from the third floor. Lao Min Na still gathers a lot of people's attention, they all look up to the third floor with eyes filled with admiration and shock however another voice came and make them flabbergasted.

"Eighty silver tael" a man with red robes shouted from the second floor, he smiles seductively when many people stare at him, men and women suddenly blushed despite their confusion about his gender.

Lao Min Na has expected this so her face is unfazed "one hundred and fifty silver tael"

Bei Li Yan smirked "One hundred and eighty silver taels," he said calmly.

She glares viciously at Bei Li Yan but the man himself grinned widely and wink at her. His provocation make her anger flared. This is another reason why she wants to make Zhao Li Xin unable to attend the auction, she knows he will spare no expense to get the map after all money is never been his priority.

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Soon the price reaches to five million gold taels and it didn't show any sign to slow down, everyone was dumb stricken as their jaw hang loose, they don't understand why anyone wants to fight relentlessly for a simple old map, albeit the map is true or not who want to spend their life to search another piece of that map.

Lao Min Na gritted her teeth, she slowly reaches her limit after several her business close down and the white moon tower declining because of White dragon palace interference, she doesn't have enough money as she used to and the money she had right now is the money she gains after she helps the Sanguan and royal family, Lao Min Na knew she would not win against on Zhao Li Xin in terms of wealth but at least she can drain some of his capital, who knows if this could slow down his movement.

Unbeknown to her the truth is not even Zhao Li Xin realizes how rich he is, he rarely asked since none of the King palaces ever complained about the lack of money, since he found the spatial ring contains a mystique realm with abundant treasure Zhao Li Xin never have trouble with money and after Wu San Bo joined the Hei Shen sect flourished beyond measure, not even Zhao Li Xin himself realizes how rich he is.

Lory's mouth twitches slightly and she let out a long sighs "She really wants to make us broke isn't she?" 

"Hum..." Zhao Li Xin hummed indifferently while immersed he buries his face on her shoulder and sniffing her faint scent. who doesn't care about money with his ability he can make money whenever he wanted if he lost a hundred he can make two hundred by tomorrow. in this world everything can be replaced except his Princess.

she realizes Zhao Li Xin is careless about his own money, Lory shifts the question to Bei Li Yan "Brother Bei, are we going to be broke?" she doesn't care about money but that doesn't mean she likes to waste money.

Bei Li Yan and Jin Hao who just return to Zhao Li Xin room were startled by Lory question, Bei Li Yan squint his eyes flirtatiously "Oh please~" he waved his hand "If fish would drown in the water? If the flower lose their scent? If bee can't find honey anymore? If..."

"I get it – I get it, we are not broke…" Lory raised her hand as she surrenders and relieved at the same time.

Bei Li Yan make a girlish expression and giggles softly but then he abruptly raised his manly voice

"Fifty million gold tael!"

And people make uproar sounds even the manager has to take a seat before he falls on the floor. What scares the manager the most is not just the money but he could hear the voice of that mysterious woman ring in his ears.

'I assure you, you will gain more than you ever dream for'

 And the two power she mentions before, his face turns white as paste, he doesn't know who is the group on the second floor however if they are able to throw that amount of money without taking a breath it shows how powerful they are. The manager's hand tremble inside his sleeve he realizes he just provoked someone that he shouldn't.

Meanwhile, the battle of bidding still continues, people's expression turns ugly, what kinda people throw money like water? they know the people in the room on the third floor are from or with the Sanguan family but they are clueless about the identity of the person from the second floor.

"Who are they?" one of the guests mutters with a perplexed look.

"I think they are from Hei Shen Sect?" the other guessed reply.

"Hei Shen from Xing fang continent?" another guessed gasped.

The guessed that replied before nodded "Yes, I heard the rumor about the man who wears the gold mask and dark robe….that person is probably Long Ming"

"Long Ming?! 'The Monster' Long Ming? The 'Demon Lord' Long Ming?" one of the other guests gasped.

"So, the rumor is true, he has come to Gui Hong continent and the people that come with him…." Some guests got excited, perhaps it's not a bad idea to create a good relationship with Hei Shen Sect and Long Ming.

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 "I think the woman next to him is his wife, but the other people’’.I don't know them but I convince none of them are simple common folk" 

"So he is married already, what a shame…" said one of the guests with a dejected look, the guest is a middle-aged man, he has a beautiful daughter at home maybe he can use her to gain Long Ming favor.

"Don't even think about it, some of my family from Xin Fang continent said that Long Ming hated women, he had burned, chopped, and kill all women who dare to get close to him, many of them are very beautiful and they all come from a great background but that Demon Lord didn't care he not even bat his eyelids when he killed all of them..." the other guest face scrunched up as he told them about Long Ming infamous reputation "If you care for your daughter, keep them away as far as possible from Long Ming"

Immediately the fire in their heart extinguishes, who wants to kill their own daughter even if they don't love their daughter as much who crazy enough to send their daughter to die for nothing.

"But he had a wife, how miserable that woman would be?" one of the guests chimed in

"Wrong, the rumor said he adored his wife to the moon and back despite the woman came from lowborn, they said Long Ming killed a lot of people who dare to lay their hands on his wife, never try to take advantaged of him, unlike other people he never cares with the law or common sense" the other guest gives them warning gaze.

Meanwhile, Lao Min Na keeps increasing her bid who knows if she really had the money or not however the risk is too great they need to get that map at all cost. Bei Li Yan become impatient with this endless bidding he suddenly raised from his seat and shout exasperatedly "One hundred and fifty million gold taels!"

Lao Min Na bit her lower lips in indignant, she want to say something but Bei Li Yan cut her off "Miss Lao, do you really have that much money or not, you can't keep bidding if you don't have the money, I suggest you show proof to the manager that you have enough money to continue the bidding or you will keep increasing the bid until it reaches five hundreds million gold tael, which is I don't mind as long you can show us that you do have the money and not just speak nonsense" Bei Li Yan ridiculed her I front of the people, he knew Lao Min Na doesn't have enough money he is sure she only has slightly above fifty million gold tael and she deliberately increasing the bid just to drain their money.

Lao Min Na hung her head she bite her lower lips she looks like a girl who was bullied, is no surprise a pretty woman like Lao Min Na could easily gain sympathy from the opposite sex, they all thought Bei Li Yan is too much however Hei Shen sect is not the kind of people who care with public opinion.

"Please don't act like you've been wrong Miss Lao, I just asked for fairness, I'm ready to give up hundreds of gold taels I just want to know if you ready the same, or you just said empty words?" Bei Li Yan sneers while crossing his arms on the chest in a lazy manner.

If Lao Min Na proves to be wrong Dongchen Auction has to put her name on a blacklist and when this happened her credibility and reputation would be tainted and her name would be spread among the auction house so there is a possibility every big auction would not invite her again or let her participant the auction.

not only she damaged her carefully carved reputation but it's also ruined her chance to make money because many of her pills and elixir were sell through auction since the decline of the white moon tower and trading prohibition with Lao Min Na that was released by Hei Shen sect.

In short, Bei Li Yan just cut another Lao Min Na source income, Bei Li Yan grinned ear to ear watching her smoldered in anger, who told her to provoke him?

Lao Min Na pressed down her anger, of course, she doesn't have the money she just wants to squeeze Zhao Li Xin pocket more than necessary, she thought there's nothing could happen even if they had their suspicion what can't they do, would they ask her bluntly in front of other people? unfortunately, that exactly what happened now. Lao Min Na underestimated Hei Shen's level for being brazen and shameless.