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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 573 - A Bad Sign
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Lory folded her hand on the railing while watching the commotion downstairs, the stage is quite big and taller than the floor and the chair arranged right in front of the stage, there is a big table above the stage to show the auction item, overall is not too different with normal auction in her old world the different perhaps only in lighting and music.

"So many people" Lory mutters.


"Indeed, Dongchen house always gathers treasure from all over the world for the auction so is not strange a lot of people would come" Bei Li Yan lean his butt on the railing while looking at people downstairs with mocking eyes, compare to Hei Shen treasure that they locked inside the underground place treasury room the items that Doncheng proudly show off are nothing.

How Hei Shen managed to gather all precious treasure, simple…the have the Lord who have inexplicable luck to stumble treasure after treasure. At first, Bei Li Yan is excited for his Lord good luck but then after a while, it becomes a norm he stops being surprised and also because Zhao Li Xin never shows excitement when he found treasure gradually the excitement cooled down and it becomes a normal occurrence.

"Who are these people anyway?" Lory leans her cheek on her palm lazily.

"All distinguish people from all over the place, but mostly from Yunmo kingdom," said Bei Li Yan.

[Lory look up] Girsha perch on the railing, his green eyes peer to the third floor.

Lory calmly shifting her glance then a pair cold eyes stare back at her, Lory smiles indifferently [ Ooh someone can't take her eyes off me] Lory didn't hide the smirk on her face, she looks at Lao Min Na defiantly.

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Lory's expression irritated her even more, one thing she had the most about that woman that he never shows fear in her eyes, even when she beat her at that time her expression remain calmed as if she had expected it. She hates how Lory remains unfazed no matter what she does as she knew that she will always above her, she hated how Lory make her question her self-worth.

Suddenly Lory figure was hidden behind the long dark sleeve, Zhao Li Xin glared viciously his eyes filled with blood lust and rage, Lao Min Na stupefy she never seen so much hatred in someone's eyes, he utterly despised her, why? Is it because she tries to take advantage of his condition, is it because she forces him to marry her, or is it because of that despicable woman?

They share intense glare for sometimes until Lory pulls down his head "Stop looking at her" she complains. For whatever reason, she doesn't want Zhao Li Xin to give Lao Min Na attention. 

The coldness in his eyes disappear when he stares at Lory's eyes "I wish I could gauge that woman eyes and cut her neck and burn her to ashes "rage flowed through him like lava, that woman is the biggest threat to Lory safety so how could he bear to see her breathing even for a second.

Lory pursed her lips "I know but I don't want you to think about her, you can't think about other women other than me" her voice filled with jealousy, she doesn't care about other women who try to get close to Zhao Li Xin except for Lao Min Na because Lory knows if she was not here there's a possibility That Zhao Li Xin would marry Lao Min Na regardless he has feeling for Lao Min Na or not and that wishful thinking enough to flooded her veins with anger.

Zhao Li Xin rarely hear jealous with him, the corner of his mouth lifted and he can't stop grinning from ear to ear, his princess is so adorable when she jealous "Her highness are you jealous?" he teased.

Lory pouted her lips but her face turns red like a ripe tomato. Too many dog food Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan can't stand it anymore they leave the room in hasted and crammed themselves inside Ming Yue Yin room and not only them Girsha also move out to the next room, it becomes too uncomfortable.

Lory might not realize that her room was empty but Zhao Li Xin does, he praised his subordinated understanding and make a note to reward them handsomely after this but for now, he rather teased his adorable wife first.

"I don't like her, why he looking at me as if I steal her husband, she really pissed me off" Lory scoffed in indignant.

Zhao Li Xin stifles he obviously enjoyed this rare moment "You want me to burn his room, I don't mind…." he devilishly smile.

Lory knows he is not joking in fact Zhao Li Xin never jokes when it coma taking someone else life if he said he will do it, no doubt he would do it eventually. He is someone who trues to his words when he make a decision nothing can't sway him except Lory of course.

"No, I rather do this…" she pulls Zhao Li Xin collar then pulls up his mask slightly and gently pressed her lip on him, Zhao Li Xin stunned for a second but then he joyfully smile and hold Lory head in the right position so she can savor her delightful lip. Lory just wants to give him a light kiss but a certain Lord refused to let her go easily, in one swift move from Zhao Li Xin the curtains fell down and block their figures but Lo Min Na already saw what happened before the curtain block her sight.

Lao Min Na face turn ashen, she grips her armchair tightly until her knuckle turn white, anger welled up on her chest, WHY – WHY – WHY? That's all she can scream to herself, why Lory could have everything, she born as a princess, she has loving parents and brother, all of her life she is surrounded by people that care and adored her, never in her life she ever betray by anyone who close to her and even after a series of misfortunes she came to this world she gains that splendid man loved and once again she is surrounded with people that adored her, why is that woman life is so easy, why love come naturally for her? 

What about herself, why she must struggle to get anything? All that men only love her face and talent and when she got nothing no one spare her a glance, why no one loves her for who she is? Why?

Lao Min Na's eyes were glossy as she fighting back her tears, she felt her heart is bleeding from a thousand paper cut. She always questions herself if she loves Zhao Li Xin but she never had the answer, if she wants to be with him and conquer the world together with him then the answer is 'Yes' however if the question if she wants to bear his children and become an obedient wife who taking care her husband and child then the answer is a 'No'.

She doesn't want that life in fact she despised that life, she doesn't want to become another beautiful vase on the corner that only be enjoyed once a while by the owner, she knew that life, and she doesn't want to repeat that life ever again.

 While Lao Min Na is smoldered by rage someone was also uncomfortable "I never thought the cold Long Ming can be so affectionated with his wife but their behavior is quite indecent don't you think?" Zhuang Wu Ci's expression darkens when they saw Lory and Zhao Li Xin was kissed each other although their figure blocked by the curtains but is enough to run his imagination wild.

"She only a vixen that crawl on her master bed, if she not shameless how could she become Long Ming wife" Lao Min Na scoffed in disgust "Long Ming only play with her soon he will throw her away when he got bored, you'll see" she sneers.

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Zhuang Wu Ci didn't refute Lao Min Na, the truth is he doubt Lao Min Na words, Long Ming is not someone who likes playing with women if he does who can count how many women he would have right now moreover that woman called Luo Ri Yi doesn't look like a vixen, she has beautiful clear eyes that far from guile compare to Lao Min Na the disparity is too obvious but of course he can't say this in front of Lao Min Na that woman truly can hold a grudge.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Chendong auction house!" the manager greets the guest with a big smile.

Lory push Zhao Li Xin face from her "The auction starts…" she panting heavily, only now she realizes she was taunting the beast.

Zhao Li Xin clicks his tongue exasperatedly "They would make random speak before they start the show, now come here!" he moves her from the chair to his lap then continue his making out session.

Lory scared someone would listen to them, her friends are in the next room their place only divide with screen divider and curtains not to mention cultivator have a sharp hearing, one soft moan and they would know!

She wants to say stop but her lip is caught by his, Lory try to push him and hit him but it only makes him more excited, something is wrong, is he accidentally drink aphrodisiac or something? Is he forgot they are in public, should he be more reserved?

"We feel honored and blessed by all of your presence….." the manager continue his speech just like Zhao Li Xin said. When everyone listening to the manager's speech with a solemn and proud expression some people got overly excited as they got busy with themselves.

Somehow it remained Lory about Fargo who disappeared with the female teacher during the school ceremony, ironically that female teacher is teaching social etiquette, at that time the twelve years old Lory doesn't understand why at the end the ceremony the female teacher came with a fluster look while fixing her dress and hair and why Fargo give her and Lucas a thumbs up with triumph smile. Only years later Lory understands what happened and why the female teacher always extra nice toward her and Lucas although the rumor said that teacher is very strict with her student.

"Our first item will be…."

This time Zhao Li Xin stops kissing her "Oh, it finally starts" he casually said.

Lory could feel her lips are swollen and she panting trying to catch her breath, her eyes slightly moist as she looking at Zhao Li Xin with a blaming look.

"Why don't you see what this place could offer and if you see anything you like just tell me" he smiles dazzlingly, he is in a great mood after the steamy session. There is never a dull moment when he with his princess, however, he still not satisfied but he will hold himself until they got home, after all, he knows the longer he holds the sweeter it becomes.

All of a sudden Lory touches her chest, why her heart suddenly race could it be is a bad sign?