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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 568 - New Manor
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They arrived at a large mansion, the place is far from the city center. Wu Zhi Xiao bought this manor a week before Zhao Li Xin and the other arrival, he knew Zhao Li Xin's preference for privacy that's why he choose a secluded area where not much people live around there.

Obviously, Wu Zhi Xiao didn't use his name when he bought the manor if not it would raise people question since his family was involved in a corruption scandal before although his family proves to be innocent, but his enemy would use this matter to brought up the scandal again and raised everyone suspicion.


The manor is old but quite large, the reason no one bought this place is because there's a rumor that the place is haunted, who knows who spread the rumor is but people in this world is very superstitious so no one dares to go near that place is also another reason why the residence around the manor moves out and it becomes abandoned area. Is a perfect location for Zhao Li Xin who hated the crowded and noisy place.

Zhao Li Xin and the others wear dark cloak when they got out from the carriage, including Wu Zhi Xiao and his subordinated, A few Hei Shen members who already there waiting for them immediately open the black front gate like normal Manor they are welcome by a giant screen wall painted with black and gold flame on the wall, a blazing fire is Hei Shen symbol it represents immortal flame that owned by Zhao Li Xin, just by the symbol itself it shows that Zhao Li Xin position in Hei Shen is absolute.

Hei Shen members simultaneously kneel on the floor on one knee when Zhao Li Xin walk to the front yard "All hail Lord Long Ming!" they shout in tunes.

Zhao Li Xin didn't slow his pace, he walks as if he heard nothing straight to the main courtyard in a steady pace, the main hall is the biggest room among other room because it used to entertain guest and ceremonial place, the room is held by four black pillars with golden fire carved circle around the pillar surface, at the center of the room a giant white lantern painted with black frame and gold tassels are draw Lory attention, not just because the size but also because the lampion didn't decorate with a beautiful painting like normal lampion should that had colorful flowers or cute animal, The lampion is cover with blank white gauze.

Lory's mouth twitches slightly, the room match Zhao Li Xin character way too much, this place is cold and imposing. 

"Lory, you better take a rest, it's a long journey you must be tired" Zhao Li Xin stroked Lory back gently, they had been travels for three days nonstop, Lory body is not like a cultivator so Zhao Li Xin worries she would feel exhausted.

"Okay, I do feel tired…." Lory nods she does feel tired, she can't wait to lay down on the comfy bed and stretch her limbs.

"They will show you our room" Zhao Li Xin snapped his finger then immediately woman with a red uniform take a step forward and bow his waist courteously.

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"Greetings Young Madam, My name Ling Zi I'm from the vermilion palace, it's an honor to serves young madam while you are here" Ling Zi politely said, the woman is seventeen years old and she has a cute appearance like a cute rabbit.

Zhao Li Xin never let a young woman enter his manor however at Yun Dao city the situation is more tensed because the Sanguan family, Jin Kai, Lao Min Na, and the elusive Lazarus are gathered at the same place not to mention this is the first time Lory came to Gui Hong continent the cultured at this place is a lot more strict and the rules are more complicated compare to Xing Fang continent so Lory would need someone who understands the intricacies of society in this city and Ling Zi is a right person for this task since she was born and raised in this place.

"I'll be in your care then Ling Zi" Lory gives formal smiles but Ling Zi was dumbstruck by Lory's reply, normally noble ladies would not reply their servant greeting so for a second's Ling Zi didn't know how to reacted.

Lory didn't understand why Ling Zi looks flustered, Lory glance at Zhao Li Xin with a questioning look however Zhao Li Xin never concern with other people thought, he ignores Lory question and patted her head dotingly "Get rest soon, I'll visit you after I'm done" his word filled with love and indulgence.

"Okay, you too, don't tire yourself" Lory reminds him. 

"I wouldn't" he faintly smiles.

Ling Zi who witness her Lord exchanged intimate conversation with his wife was dumbstruck, her jaw drops and her eyes blink dozen times in a minute "WHO ARE YOU!" she screams in her head, her Lory is always terrifying and amazing existence for her but never in her life since she becomes Hei Shen sect she was this scared.

Wu Zhi Xiao, who never interact with Zhao Li Xin also knitted his brows closely, why Long Ming is far from the rumor he knows?

 Jin Hao and the other only sigh heavily, there was a time they also reacted like Lin Zi was.

"I'll be with you then!" Ming Yue Yin follows Lory like a puppy and Ming Yue Yin subordinated had no choice but followed they're supposed to be great Empress.

 "I'm coming too!" Yang Xi Ying jogged behind them.

Li Mo Zhen who was abandoned again by his wife can only accept his fate and follow his wife who runs without looking back. He just takes one step ahead when a low voice suddenly stops him "Li Mo Zhen, you should stay" Zhao Li Xin said with a monotone voice.

Li Mo Zhen looks confuse "Are you sure, this is Hei Shen sensitive matter, are you okay to let outsiders like me know?" 

Zhao Li Xin turn around and take a sit on the main chair "You already knew the most sensitive matter of my personal life, why do I need to hide anything else?" Zhao Li Xin crosses his legs to another in a lazy manner.

Li Mo Zhen realizes he meant about Lory secret, the corner of Li Mo Zhen's lips listed. Zhao Li Xin's gesture with his hands to invite Li Mo Zhen to sit "After all if you dare to betray me is not me you should worry about…" Zhao Li Xin smiles cunningly.

Li Mo Zhen mouth twitch, how could he dare betray Long Ming, first Lory is his benefactor two Long Ming is crazily strong, and third…this is the most important reason, Yang Xi Ying would kill him!

Li Mo Zhen chuckles as he takes a seat "You right however I can say the same thing to you" Li Mo Zhen snickered.

Zhao Li Xin squints his eyes, just like Li Mo Zhen can't betray him Zhao Li Xin can't betray Li Mo Zhen either because both of them are henpecked husband.


Lory courtyard is the biggest among other courtyards, the bedroom is unnecessarily large and is decorated with blue, white, and a splash of purple colors, the decoration is quite feminine it's obviously not Zhao Li Xin taste, someone decorated this place according to her preference, Lory let out a long exhale and her lips can't stop smiling.

However what shocked her the most is a small pavilion replica on the corner of the room, at the center of the pavilion there's a small but comfy pillow, Lory stare at the weird decoration with a puzzle expression. Suddenly Girsha flew and nestle inside the pavilion, the bird lay his small body upon the pillow.

[The pillow feels good….] he sighs like an old geezer.

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"Is this a birdhouse?" Lory's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes, young madam" Ling Zi answer from behind her.

Lory startled, she forgot there's someone else inside her room. 

"Master Wu asked master Bei what is Milord tasted and master Bei give him a very long list about how to renovated the manor, I hope the room is into young madam liking" Ling Zi smiles brightly, she treats Lory with extra politeness after she witnesses how fond the Lord to his wife. The truth is even more shocking than the rumors.

"Oh, I like it" Lory nod her head with warm smiles "Master Wu is very capable but I think or Hei Shen members are very capable, none of them ever disappoint me" Lory genuinely praised them, she knows is not easy to fill Zhao Li Xin high demand.

Ling Zi wryly smiles, if they are not capable they would not stand here so they run their task as their lives depend on it because most of the time it does.

"Young Madam, can I help you with something?" Ling Zi eager eyes amused her.

"Can you prepare my bath?"

"Absolutely!" Ling Zi cupped her fist then she dashes to the door, she is too excited she almost hit Ming Yue Yin and Yang Xi Ying. Ling Zi quickly apologized but the two ladies laugh it off while entering the room casually.

Ling Zi even more dumbfounded, re all noble daughter from Xi Fang continent always this nice if that true she should ask for a transfer to Xing Fang continent.

"How are you, aunty?" Ming Yue Yin approach her with a smile, she doesn't have a chance to check Lory condition since that day, she feel sorry for her but she knew Zhao Li Xin presence is more useful than her so she didn't bother her throughout the journey, Ming Yue Yin only shares her concerned with Yang Xi Ying.

"Except my butt everything is fine" Lory jokingly said.

"Good to hear that," she said with mirthless smiles. 

That just how Lory is she will hide her pained behind jokes and smiles for someone who didn't know about her past they might think she is a bubbly and carefree young girl who never experience pain in her life, unfortunately, the truth can't be so wrong.