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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 565 - The Rivalry Between Two Family
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Wu Zhi Xiao confuse with his lord mood change, why suddenly Long Ming scrunched his face he wonder if his carriage not satisfied his Lord.

"I'm sorry Milord, this carriage is the only carriage I could get it might not suit your preference but I will find the better one immediately" Wu Zhi Xiao said in regret.


Zhao Li Xin darted his gaze to Wu Zhi Xiao, he stare at Wu Zhi Xiao for three second before he sip his wine, people might not know what Zhao Li Xin gaze mean but Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan sure enough that is 'What the heck you talking about' expression.

Wu Zhi Xiao thought he do something wrong, he become anxious but then Bei Li Yan patted the young man shoulder "Don't worry, is not about the carriage, Milord is unhappy he can share the carriage with young madam" Bei Li Yan snickered and Wu Zhi Xiao not sure if Bei Li Yan joking or not.

Zhao Li Xin take off his golden mask, his handsome face show discontent for share his space with two stinky men, because he eager to raised his cultivation right a way he had no time to have intimate moment with his beautiful wife, what a big sacrifice he made. 

Wu Zhi Xiao stunned, even as a man he is mesmerized by Zhao Li Xin awe-striking beautiful face, his flawless skin, his dark beautiful eyes, his thin lips, and well defined jawline, the man is so handsome just like a painting but his soulless gaze make Wu Zhi Xiao shiver to his spine.

"How is the situation?" Zhao Li Xin's question snapped him back from his stupor.

"We managed to delay the auction a week from their previous schedule, I promised to gives them saint grade level pill and divined the frozen Snowflakes sword for auction, for that they don't mind to delayed the auction," said Wu Zhi Xiao.

"The frozen Snowflakes huh? That thing huh…no wonder they don't mind to wait" Jin Hao jeer. Frozen lake sword is a beautiful sword, it light, thin, and very sharp, it so sharp that if a strand of her fall above the sword it would cut easily.

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"The sword it's not sturdy enough and its lack of power because it's too thin, other than being pretty that sword is useless" Zhao Li Xin snorted in contempt "The name should imply how frail that sword is, I thought it was obvious...so people are stupid" 

That's right, the sword is made by Zhao Li Xin a long time ago, but he make mistake when calculated the density and it become another failed product, he cast aside the sword at the corner of Hei Shen weaponry room for years untill Wu san Bo accidently found it then he got interested with the sword beautiful appearance.

Suddenly he was strike by an idea how to make a lot money from it then he ask permission with Zhao Li Xin to sell the sword, of course, the indifferent Lord just waved his hand without care.

Wu San Bo is a great salesman he is the type of person who could transfrom a piece of junk into a precious antict, in the modern world Wu san Bo could work as an advertisement director or a conman.

First every great item should have a great story and so he creates a story about a man who make the sword for his lover but sadly his lover was killed before the man could give the sword, the man use the sword to avenged his lover and then killed himself with the same sword, it was a heart wrenching story that can moves anyone heart, especially the target audience which is women.

The sword suddenly becomes the symbol of true love and romantic item, when people heard about Frozen Snowflakes what came up to people head is not a sword who is used for combat but a symbol of true love, just like mandarin duck, there a high chance when people bought this sword they just gonna admire the sword without using it to fight. 

The Thsecond step he released fake Feozen Snow flake Sword into the market and it becomes a quiet commotion and the name of the sword rised, people then got more curious they want to know whay everyone want this sword so badly.

people got curious how beautiful the real sword actually is. Women cultivator becomes desperated to get their hands on the sword and men try to get the sword as a gift or dowry to the woman they loves to show their sincerity and undying love.

Bei Li Yan giggles "But because of these fools we can attend the auction right on time~"

"Yes, I heard the audience is double since they know about the frozen snowflakes sword, many people from other continents came for it," Wu Zhi Xiao said in delight. He can't imagine if people know that the sword that they fighting for is only a fail product that no one at the Hei Shen sect care about.

 "What about the Sanguan family, what news from them?" Jin Hao shifts the conversation.

This time Wu Zhi Xiao face brightened even more "After Zi Yu Tong lost his manhood and lose his cultivation Sanguan family madam is outraged, she pushed his husband to deal with us and Jiu Yun sect, of course, no sane man would listen that crazy request, and after all, everyone know that Zi Yu Tong tries to harmed Jiu Yun sect master and Hei Shen Lord wife and that's not worst enough he tries to harmed Liangzu Empress, I think everyone is agree that Zi Yu Tong is insist to be killed that day" Wu Zhia Xiao said with a mocking tone.

Zi Yu Tong is like cancer inside Yun Dao city, because of him Wu Zhi Xiao never let the women in his family left the manor without a bunch of bodyguard following them, Zi Yu Tong is an animal who attack any type of woman.

He doesn't care if the women old or young, married or not, as long he like them he would take them away without any regards, although Zi Yu tong would not dare to kidnapped the woman from Marquess Wu family however it doesn't mean Zi Yu Tong can't hurt their reputation after all the relationship between Sanguan family and Wu family is not good.

"What about Jin Kai and Lao Min Na do you have any news about them?" Jin Hao asks.

"Ah about that" Wu Zhi Xiao rubbed his hands together "The news is a powerful alchemist is stayed at Sanguan manor and the same alchemist lend her hand to help Sanguan Ji Sheng from his bottleneck problem, he becomes Sovereign level at perfection stage….it's bad news for our family though…" he mutters the last world.

"What are you afraid about, with our Lord here, you don't have to afraid with sovereign cultivator" Bei Li Yan raised his brows smugly.

Wu Zi Xiao's eyes widened his palms unconsciously trembles. Hei Shen sect might act like Sovereign cultivator is nothing but for the outside world Sovereign level is very rare, at Gui Hong continent there's only a few sovereign cultivators and at Xi Fang Continent sovereign cultivator can be count with a single hand and most of them came from Hei Shen Sect so for Zhao Li Xin able the reach beyond sovereign level there's only one word to describe him 'Monster'

"Par…pardon me, what is Milord level cultivation?" he whispers at Bei Li Yan.

Bei Li Yan shakes his head then he pursed his lips "I don't know, I'm too scared to ask"

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Jin Hao tapped his chest with his fan "Don't ask is not good for your heart" he seriously said.

Wu Zhi Xiao glance at Zhao Li Xin excitedly, he knows he is making a right chance when he decide to serve Hei Shen sect, the name of Hei Shen sect is not do big at Gui Hong continent only few people who know how powerful Hei Shen sect, Wu Zhi Xiao took a leaped of faith when he make that decision without his family notice but knows he feel glad he make that decision, to serves someone who is more powerful than sovereign cultivator is a blessing for anyone, not to mention Hei Shen sect had only little rules, and they are generous with their sources as long he never betray Long Ming his future will be set in stone.

"Oh, I heard Sanguan Ji Shen wanted to an arranged marriage between Sanguan Li Ye and Jin Kai. It seems Sanguan Ji sheng is quite fond of Jin Kai" said Wy Zhi Xiao.

"I thought he like Lao Min Na?" Bei Li Yan tilts his head confusedly.

"He said they're just a good friend, he brings Lao Min Na because he wants to help Sanguan family, who knows if that true or not even if it's not however if jin Kai wants to marry both of them is not wrong either?" Wu Zhi Xiao nonchalantly said, is normal for noble man to marry the woman that can help his family and then marry his lover, that might be not ethical but is not against the law either.

"True, compare to the benefit of union between Sanguan family and Misty Lake from Dong Sui continent, this temptation is too great" Jin Hao sniffle then he pours a cup of wine for himself and Zhao Li Xin.

"Sell one daughter to make a connection with the Misty Lake clan is lucrative deal…" Bei Li Yan sarcastically said, is a sad fact for anyone who grew inside noble family, it's normal for them to become their family chess pawn to expand the family power.

"And what is Lao Min Na doing there, other than choked everyone with pills?" Jin Hao scoffed, he is not impressed with Lao Min Na talent, so what if she can make a pill, just follow the prescription and that's it, if she is so talented why not make her own prescription like him.

"Well, she does make Sanguan family pay a lot of money for her assistance, she also gets a lot of rare herbs from them and…she was also introduced to Yunmo royal family"

Jin Hao leans his back and chuckles "she does gain many benefits from the Sanguan family" for once he must praise her wits.

"What should we do then Milord?" Bei Li Yan shifts his glance at Zhao Li Xin and they all simultaneously stare at the lazy mean who listening to them with half-open eyes.

Zhao Li Xin leaned his head on the arm up on the cushion, is hard to guess is he awaked or sleep from his doze off expression. He is quite for a second then lazily say: "We get the map from the auction, then killed Lao Min Na" 

Simple and clear, Zhao Li Xin had enough of that woman, he would kill that woman at all cost, if she truly Lazarus minion it would add more reason to kill her quickly.

Wu Zhi Xiao is dumbfounded he never know the animosity between Lao Min Na and his Lord, nonetheless, he welcomes Zhao Li Xin plan with joy, because of Lao Min Na the Sanguan family gradually become strong and is not good for his family, the two influential families had become rivalry from a long time, Wu Zhi Xiao even suspicious that the real culprit that hurt his family was Sanguan family but sadly not even Bei Li Yan have concrete proof.