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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 563 - Illegal Gambling
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It's been a week they have been sailing on the ocean then soon the overactive princess eventually got bored and in the world where entertainment is only around chess and reading Lory found herself bored to death but luckily she can't escape to the spatial ring.

For a while she does feel better, she spends her time by trained her body again, she does rock climbing, running, swimming, diving even surfing. she even finds leisure time to continue her old hobby which is drawing.


Lory spend a fun and fulfilling days until she realizes that the time outside is slower than the mystique realm, turn out three weeks inside the ring is only less than a week on the outside, Lory feel she lift a rock and hit her own legs.

"I'm bored" Lory complain while laying lazily inside her hammock, yes, she brought her hammock from the spatial ring to the ship.

"You keep saying that as if it would make the ship go faster..." Ming Yue Yin complains as she lay on the couch while reading her subordinated report while Su Feng fanning her from the side and Su Yi helps her to organize the paper report before it's blown away by the wind, she perplexed why her Empress is not working on her own cabin, its' clearly Ming Yue Yin also bored.

Meanwhile, across the couch Yang Xi Yin sits on the chair with a straight back while doing embroidery like an elegant noble daughter should "We already enter Gui Hong territory so it wouldn't be long enough before we reach Jiang Dong city, be patient a little bit Lory" said Yang Xi Ying with her eyes fixed on her embroidery, actually Yang Xi Ying behavior is improper but since she gets along with Lory and Ming Yue Yin she gradually loses her guard down and tend to forget about her lady-like education.

Li Mo Zhen watches his wife from afar, Yang Xi Ying unrestrained expression and genuine smiles make him happy but at the same time, he feel disappointed with his incompetence, because Yang Xi Ying is only able to show her real color when she's around Lory, Ming Yue Yin, and Hei Shen people, and that because she feel saver around them, she knows no one would talk behind her back or spread a malicious rumor about her slight mistake, Yang Xi Ying doesn't have to worry that someone hides their ill intention toward her.

Grew up in an aristocrat family yang Xi Ying have a full understanding the fight inside the courtyard, with so many concubines and step sister-brother who schemed behind her back Yang Xi Ying learned from the young age to watch her behavior, and one time she make mistake she almost ruined her reputation for good. 

Thankfully she marries with Li Mo Zhen but even in the Jiu Yun sect there still a few people who question Yang Xi Ying capability Li mo Zhen know he had to work harder to raise his power and authority so one dares to oppose him ever again just like Long Ming, only then he can assure Yang Xi Ying safety. Li Mo Zhen stares his wife with a warm gaze before he returns to her cabin to continue his cultivation.

"How is Gui Hong continent look like anyway?" Lory mutters.

"I don't know, I never leave the Liang Zu Kingdom" Yang Xi Ying tilted her head while examined her embroidery.

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"I never went to another continent either" Ming Yue Yin let down her hands then lift her chin "id any of you know about the Gui Hong continent?" Ming Yue Yin asks her subordinate.

Su Yi pours warm tea on the tree cup, it becomes normal for her not just served Ming Yue Yin but also Lory and Yang Xi Ying too, the Empress relationship with them is closer than biological sister so Ming Yue Yin subordinated tend to treat them with the same amount of respect, and the two girls friendly attitude only make her more sincere.

"I heard Gui Hong continent is more prosperous and cultured compare to our continent," Su Yi said.

"And the have abundant resource too so their common cultivator is stronger than our people" Su Feng add-in.

"Really, they don't look strong" Ming Yue Yin recalled Sanguan Wu Ci bodyguards, other than Sanguan Wu Ci himself none of them is strong.

Su Jing sigh inwardly "They are strong your majesty, it's the three of you that is too powerful"

"Really?" Ming Yue Yin frown in doubt.

"I did use a spell to accelerated my footwork I never thought it would be that easy though" Lory inadvertently said while swinging inside the hammock in a relaxed manner "Their movement is too simple…."

"True is like they think with their fist, not their head" Ming Yue Yin agree, they're cultivator actually not bad but their move is too easy to predict "Perhaps they are amateur?"

"Nah, they just depend on their cultivation too much, they raised their cultivation but not raised their combat ability" Lory yawn slightly as she speaks.

"Fighting is not only about who's the stronger, but it's also about momentum, you have to know where to hits when to hits, and how to hit" Lory raised her finger like an irresponsible school teacher while laying inside the hammock lazily so Ming Yue Yin and yang Xi Ying could only see her fingers.

"One of the biggest problems about cultivator that they tend to avoid anyone who has higher cultivation than them, they easily lose their fighting spirit the moment they know their opponent is stronger than them, I mean….they not even try," Lory said in baffled.

"I beg your pardon, Miss Lo…ry, why do you think so?" Su Yi still not used spelled Lory name.

Lory didn't bother too much she thought it quite amusing, Lory got off from the hammock then she massaged her stiff waist for a second then say: "Just because they are stronger than you doesn't mean they don't have a weakness, especially when you fight against a human being, human have emotion there should be a moment when they lose their guards down, you just need to be patient and observant" Lory shove Ming Yue Yin legs before she takes a seat next to her then she lifts the teacup "Learned their fighting habit, predict their movement, make a diversion, play a mind game, you know there's a lot of tricked you can do to win against your enemy" Lory chuckles then take a sip of her tea.

"In a simple way, you can cheat them?" Ming Yue Yin smirked, she remembers how Lory teaches her how to cheat in a fight.

"The history write by the winner" Lory smacked her wet lips with cunning smiles plastered on her face. For as long she can remember Lory is growing up surrounded by powerful people, her father Archkningt and his brother Archknight, every single one of them is way stronger than her, who said just because you are Lucient you become automatically strong, of course, that's not the case, being Lucient it meant you have great potential but if you don't work hard then it would be useless, just like a gifted painter who never learn to paint.

"True, just like Xi Ying" Lory glance at the elegant lady on the chair "Your attack is to honest, and your eyes would look mere two seconds to anywhere you about to hit, is lucky you haven't met strong opponent yet if not you'll be in great danger" Lory warned her with a gentle smile.

Yang Zi Ying blushed shyly, it's true she is not proficient in combat, she always ben protected by Jiu Yun hidden guard and Li Mo Zhen even when she recalled the day she attacks the Lu clan she is lucky because the situation is in chaos and the Lu Clan member already lose their fight because of Hei Shen Sect suppression, she also protected by Li Mo Zhen so nothing happens to her, Yang Xi Ying realizes she never fights one on one before and that pervert Zi Yu Tong is a weakling so he cannot be counted. 

"If that so, why don't you kindly trained me, Lory?" Yang Xi Ying eyes glint with excitement.

Lory waves her hand "No, it's better Yue Yin who trained you because both of you are cultivator, I don't mean to belittle you but you will not win against me, you need practice more and honed your instinct only then we can practice together" Lory doesn't mean to let her down but she has to be honest if she wants to help Yang Xi Ying.

"Okay then, Xi Ying let's practice!" Ming Yue Yin rose from the couch abruptly.

"Wait, here?" Yang Xi Ying stupefied.

"Why not, just don't inner force, we fight like normal people" Ming Yue Yin put down the paper report to the table, while her subordinated narrowed their eyes towards their Empress.

'Dodging from duty again, huh?'

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"Oh, okay…" Yang Xi Ying nod obediently, the Gui Hong continent cultivator is a lot stronger, what if she met with a strong cultivator alone, would she depend on other people protection again, if that so what is the point she cultivated all this time?

Lory clapped her hands as she cheering them "Come on Xi Ying, I know you can do this, kick the brat ass for me!" Lory openly shows her biased to Yang Xi Ying to teased Ming Yue Yin and of course, Ming Yue Yin pouted her lips. Su Yi and the other only sigh watching their empress childish reaction, only in front of Miss Lory their Charismatic empress would transform into a brat.

Watching their fight enhanced Lory mood she finally has something to ease her boredom, she should voice this idea from the beginning, Lory turn the chair facing them, she leaned her back comfortably while eating a snack and occasionally cheers at them, is like watching live boxing even Girsha got interested, the bird flew down and perch on Lory chair while make a few comments with Lory just like a sports commentator.

The two girls practice normally at first, they exchanged pointers than improved their moves. Turns out although Ming Yue Yin is a lot stronger and have more experience however her impatient sometimes get the best of her on contrary Yang Xi Ying is calmer so she can predict Ming Yue Yin next moves and after a day the two girls combat ability improved tremendously and it shocked Li Mo Zhen and the others except Zhao Li Xin, why? Because he is not here, he still inside the ring.

After three days a line of chairs are arranged neatly it's officially become a match now, Li Mo Zhen stop his nagged because Yang Xi Ying didn't bother him, she insists this for her owned good, to help Xi Ying Lory promised she would heal Yang Xi Ying if something happens, her power already returned and she had no problem healing external wound. 

Jin Hao also reassures Li Mo Zhen that Ming Yue Yin and Yang Xi Ying is not using inner power when their fight so most likely the wound would only a bruised, Li Mo Zhen had no other ways he can only reluctantly give in and show grimace whenever Yang Xi Ying got hits.

"Xi Ying dodged to the left!" Li Mo Zhen shouted.

"Your majesty, watch your step!" Su Feng warned excitedly.

"Who do you think is going to win today?" Bei Li Yan nudged Jin Hao's arm who sits on his left.

"Miss Yang is getting better lately, I bet 20 silver on Miss Yang," Jin Hao said with a serious face.

"Then I bet 20 silver for the brat" Lory who sits on Jin Hao right suddenly joins in.

Li Mo Zhen who sit next to Bei Li Yan suddenly heard everyone is making a bet, he furiously said: "I bet one hundred silver for Xi Ying!" he said with a smug face.


