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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 562 - The Young King
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___Herriond 'The King City'___

Five years had passed after the war ends, the scorched land filled with green grass, the crater has been patch but some other crater that is too big has become a lake, the ruined was built and people gradually returned to their beloved home, Harland. 


Compare to other kingdom and states, Harland is the fastest kingdom who had been recover, thanks to sufficient funds that King Marcus prepared for years, and Harland Loyal citizen, The kingdom rebuilt in no time even though it still not reach their former glory but Harland condition is a lot better compared to other places.

To remember and honor the sacrifices of the royal family, people gather funds to created memorial park around one of the bigger the crater that transforms into a giant lake, they created a line of the stone tablet with the name of all people who died during the war, all kings men and citizen are written on the black tablet painted with gold if they are Kingsmen and silver if they are a normal citizen.

And at the center of the lake was built the giant statue of king Marcus and princess Lorient back to back from each other, King Marcus stand gallantly as he thrust his sword to the ground with both his hands, the king's expression is solemn and charismatic.

Behind him, Princess Lorient holds her long staff with her right hand and the mighty Girsha perch on her left arm, she looks valiant and graceful just like how people remember her. The King and the princess stand back to back as if they protect each other back. The mourning citizen would fly sky lantern every year to remember the great King and the brave Princess, for their sacrifices have kept them alive.

The lake it's surrounded by beautiful tree and bluebell flower that was known as Queen Lorenna's favorite flower, when the Autumn season comes the leaf would turn red, yellow and orange engulf with melancholy color, it's beautiful but give you a sense of melancholy at the same time.

And when the spring comes the grass would cover with bluebell flower, the sweet scent floating in the air, and enticed the butterfly to adding their beauty. Memorial Park was designed neatly and carefully by the most experience landscaping and architect Harland could have. It becomes Harland's new landmark.

"Is that Princess Lorient and King Marcus grandpa!" a little girl pointing her finger to the lake.

The old man sits on the bench while nodding his head slowly "They are, don't point your finger, show your respect!" the old man reprimands his little granddaughter.

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"Oh, sorry" The little girl immediately straighten her posture then she bends her waist gracefully she put her right hand on her left chest then lift her skirt slightly and bend her knee. Only after her grandfather nodded in approved the little girl straighten her back again and run to her grandfather. The old man patted the little girl's head "You must always show your respect, it because of our King and princess our family could still alive, we owed too much to the royal family" said the old man with a grieving look.

"Don't be sad grandpa" The little girl gives her grandfather tissue with a worried look.

The old man wiped the corner of his eyes with tissue than sniffed "The world is so unfair, how could an old man like me survived while a great man like king Marcus and Princess Lorient should….." the old man can't utter the last world as he looks down and shake his head.

"Grandpa…." The little girl's eyes become wet then she complains to her grandfather "Grandpa you always came to this place every week, but you always cry at the end, if princess Lorient knows about this she would feel sad."

The old man snort "Little pumpkin you already grew up huh, who teach you talking like that" the old man messed her granddaughter hair while pretending to be angry.

The little girl knew her grandfather is only joking "Is mom!" she giggles.

"It's that so!" he lifts his granddaughter to the air then tickles her, the little girl laughter clearly heard like a little bell, people who walk pass bye would smile watching at them, it is another peaceful day for many people this day seems so far away before, it was all due to the royal family sacrifices they able to live in this dream.

Among all the people a man wearing a black hood and sunglasses sit on the bench near the lake, he hides his hands inside his jacket pocket while listening to music with an earphone.

Because of his sunglasses and hoodie, no one could see the man face but his features face, and a body built show he is a handsome young man but he looks desolated and distance it's obvious he is looking for company, exudes that kind of vibes no wonder no women dare to get close to him.

"A lot of people is looking for you, your majesty" 

Noticing someone sit next to him, he takes off his earphone then sway his chin to the man next to him "I think Jay would have known where I am right now" Lucas said calmly then he shifted his glance back at the lake again.

"True" Stephan smiles, he let out a long exhale as he crosses his legs to another in a leisure manner and rests his hands on his knee.

"How is your arm?" Lucas suddenly asked.

Stephen looks down at his prosthetic arms cover with human skin, it looks very realistic as normal hands if you don't pay attention to the non-existence faint blue veins that you use to see on normal hand. Stephan flip his hands a few times "Not bad isn't it, I can even use spoon without a problem with this new arm" he grinned widely without showing regret about his condition it make Lucas feel worst.

Stephan is the only Archknight of the late king who managed to survived but his body is practically ruined, he lost his right arm, and right eyes, it's all thanks to the technology that the National Institute of Magic and Science (N.I.M.S) develop that they able to create an artificial body part to help a lot of people who become disabled after the war, and it proves to help a lot of people to back to their normal life, at least as normal as they can get, the scar from the war would never be erased completely.

"You finally came here" Stephan sigh "You only came to this park when it grand opening a year ago but you never came to this place ever since" Stephan stare at the King statue with grief but then he averts his gaze immediately as he tries to swallow his sorrow.

"The statue is beautiful…I just realize now," Lucas said in low voice.

"People need a place to express their grievance and something to remember their King and Princess who gives their life to protect them, it's something worth to remember" Stephan take a deep breath, then he saw more people came and pay their respect towards the King and Princess statue.

"He never told me anything…I mean father" Lucas hunch his back as he rests his arm on his knee, he looks down in harrowed "He left without saying goodbye and Lory had to be there….and she has everything gone before her eyes, and I'm not there for her, I came too late!" Lucas clenched his fist in anger for his incompetence, he always feel regret for not notice the pained his sister carry, he should have seen the changed in her eyes, she is his twin sister for god sake, he should have known!

"Lory make her own decision, there's nothing you could do and your Father…he also make his decision right after you and Lory born, I don't know what his decision is but I think it's related on how he become so strict to both of you especially after the Queen is passed away" Stephan patted Lucas shoulder gently.

"You know, the Marcus that I know is a gentle person especially to the people that he cares, that's why is stunned how hard he is trained both of you when he told Zargan and Fargo to treat you like an elite soldier if not worst, our jaw is dropped" Stephan chuckles when he recalled Zargan and Fargo face at that time, maybe he make stupid face either but who can't be blamed he utterly shocked beyond belief at that time.

To trained the two adorable Princess and Prince like an elite soldier is a mind-boggle everyone tries to persuade Marcus that day even Zargan who is stricter and stern than them begging Marcus to rethink his decision but Marcus remind firm, as a subordinated what else they could do when the king given them order.

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Lucas faintly smiles when he remembers his training day, it does hard but exciting and fulfilling at the same time. For some reason he and Lory enjoyed that day more than they should, Fargo promises he would take them to the hunter guild if they able to scratch him, imagine the adventure and freedom waiting for them the royal princess and Prince take a bait just like a fat rabbit.

"Is not that hard…." Lucas props his chin with a faint smile plastered on his face.

"Because you used to it" Stephan raised his eyebrows "But when accidentally one of the King men know the training you both been through it become harsh slapped to the people who whining about how hard the training is, ever since that no one dares to complain ever again" Stephan guffawed.

Lucas only smiles slightly while his gaze fixed on the statue at the lake, it's scary how beautiful moment turns to memory and it seems far away just like a fleeting dream. It feel like yesterday when he heard Lory nagged him to take care of himself but in a split second that person has gone away, Lucas fiddle the silver bluebell necklace on his neck his eyes filled with loss and sadness.

Stephan laugh finally dimmed down then he speaks with a low voice as if he talks to himself "There was a time when Marcus block your gift and Lory was heavily hurt because she unable to heal herself and you too, at that time I am very anxious, I asked him why he so persistent?" Stephan let out a long sigh "He said this is the only way….the stronger you and Lory become the higher chance that they would survive…I asked Marcus, surviving from what?"

"What Father said to you?" Lucas curiously glances to Stephan.

"The day he would not be there anymore…" Stephan mutters.

Lucas's eyebrow frowned deeply "He knew isn't he that he wouldn't survive….that he would leave us sooner than we thought" Lucas choked as he speaks.

"I think he does, he might say this for a long time, it would explain why he insist to built the underground city L'markieth, why he is so frugal and careful when using the kingdom funds, also…..why he so hard to the booth of you" Stephan bitterly smile.

"But Lory still went, and I'm….." Lucas shakes his head, he covers his mouth as pained and regrets engulf his heart, for years he always questions himself if he pays more attention to Lory if he could understand his father more if he is being honest with his friends and Lory if he told them everything he knows if only he is strong enough, smart enough, wise enough, could he change the end result, would everything changed to the better, so many 'If' ran to his mind even though he knows it's all useless but he can't stop, 'If only' that words are like a tumor grew inside his heart.

"We all make our own decision, Lory make his decision, your father certainly make one and I…..I should have died with my king, that is my life purposed, the Archknight should not outlive their King, but your father orders me to stay, to watch over you and I will do my last duty" Stephan clenched his hand on Lucas's shoulder with a firm expression "Only then I could return to my King…I will make sure you okay, I will help you to be a great king, don't make me failed my last duty…"

 Lucas take a deep breath and nodded, they don't say more words then slowly the sun cast down and dyed the sky with orange and pink. Another peaceful day goes by.