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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 556 - Meeting With Pervert
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The middle-aged lady suddenly whisper at one of the young boy nearby, she said a few things then the young boy nods his head and run in a hurry soon the middle-aged lady back to the grill and continue with her jobs, she might never think that this morning she would have big order from three beautiful ladies.

Yang Xi Ying takes a seat in front of Lory and Ming Yue Yin. The three girls already have a tacit understanding, they only eat little during breakfast so they can enjoy the street culinarily. For Ming Yue Yin and Yang Xi Ying who are grew up with luxurious food all their life, they are eager to taste what commoner had.


Because their status they don't have any opportunity to experience common delicacy, they only got intrigued after they met Lory, unlike them, Lory didn't raise inside the palace, the truth is the time she spends her time outside more than inside Cestine palace, and her experience as a hunter make her tasted the good and the worst of common people food. And after famine hit the whole world Lory become even less picky with food.

She even created her own motto when it comes to food, it goes 'As long it didn't kill you, EAT IT!'

Not long after a young girl about fifteen years old came in hurry, she washes her hands quickly and helps the middle aged-lady, they face is quite similar so Lory knows that the young girls is the middle-aged lady daughter, so they joined forces to feeding them huh? Only know she feel slightly ashamed.

"Please enjoyed!" the young girl served multiple plated in front of them at the same time.

Ming Yue Yin's eyes widened in delight, just from the smell she knew that the food must be delicious. Yang Xi Ying is more calmed, she takes a small bite with a chopstick, immediately her eyes sparkles.

"It's good isn't it?" Lory chuckles watching Yang Xi Ying's reaction.

Yang Xi Ying nods profusely "It is! This is the first time I try grill seafood, it's very good!" Yang Xi Ying beamed while swiftly moves two prawn skewers into her plate.

"You never eat grill food before?" Lory looks at her with a surprised look.

"No, I never taste anything like this before, this is so good!" Yang Xi Ying eyes glint with excitement.

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"This is....so….good!" Ming Yue Yin shriek.

"I know, but don't talk with your full mouth!" Lory reprimands her like an over-excited kid.

"Let's buy more and save it for later at the ship, I think Brother Li would love this too," said Yang Xi Ying again with a blushing face.

"Sure, let bought everything for everyone!" Lory agrees immediately.

The middle-aged- lady and her daughter can't stop smiling, they feel flattered the beautiful lady loves their food so much, for a cooked this is the highest compliment for them. The young lady came again with warmed tea, she even more polite towards them after Yang Xi Ying and the others didn't stop complimenting her mother cooking.

A half-hour later they ravaged the whole dish on the table, then waited for another dish to take out. The mother and daughter face lit up like a torch, who knew they would sell so many dishes in less an hour, with this much order they could relax for a week.

"Hey, I think I saw a good souvenir over there, I'll be there for a while!" Yang Xi Ying raised from her seat then went to a small stall that sells seashells as souvenirs.

"She looks very happy" Lory chuckles while sipping her tea quietly.

"She never has a chance to be free like this, is not easy to be noble daughter" Ming Yue Yin prop her chin with his palm as she watched Yang Xi Ying's exciting figure, she looks like a fish in a river.

"You lucky your place has not much restrained" she looks Lory in envy.

Lory stifles lightly "But not every kingdom raised their heir like that, that's why my brother and myself never fit in with other royalty but ironically we don't fit in with commoner either, we pretty much alienated and we never have close friends…."

"Really, I thought with your attitude you will have a bunch of friends everywhere" Ming Yue Yin blink her eyes in surprise, she doesn't expect this.

"No, just…..acquintance, and friend with mutual benefit, they help me and I help them....that kinda relationship," Lory let out a deep exhale as she recalled her past "Other than the Archknight that I grew up with, I don't have close friends…."

"Well, you have me and Xi Ying know" Ming Yue Yin clink her teacup against Lory teacup.

"Cheers, for that" Lory raised her teacup with bright smiles.

Suddenly they hear a commotion, people gather and murmured to each other not long after Lory and Ming Yue Yin hear Yang Xi Ying shouted, they throw each other quick glance then dash to where the sound came from. They push the crowd away as they move forward and then they found Yang Xi Ying quarrel with a middle-aged man.

"How many times I tell you, I don't want it, please respect yourself!" her nostril-flaring she stood there with fist clenched beside her. 

But the middle aged-aged man acted like he doesn't hear her "Beauty, why are you so angry I just want to buy the souvenir for you, I don't mean harmed" still her small eyes leered on Yang Xi Ying chest.

"Where do you looking at, you old pervert!" Yang Xi Ying covers her chest with both her hand in reflex.

The man didn't feel embarrassed in the slightest "I didn't see anything, I just marvel at the beautiful scene in front of me" he licked her lips in a disgusting manner while staring at her with lustful eyes.

"Xi Ying!" Ming Yue Yin pulls her behind her back to hide her from the pervert man. Lory stands beside Ming Yue Ying, both of them make barricades to hide Yang Xi Ying.

"Hey, OLD SH*T! this is not the place to pick up girls, go to the brothels if you want girls, this one is out of your league!" Lory put her hands in her hips as she mocking the pervert with harsh toned.

"Yeah, our Xi Ying is too good for you, the toad wanted to eat the swan huh?" Ming Yue Ying sizes the pervert with a ridiculed face.

Yang Xi Ying's anger instantly dissipated when her best friend protecting her, Yang Xi Ying's face lit up in joy and she can't stop smiling. It feel so good no matter how many times her friend protecting her.

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The pervert feel humiliated, his hand shaking in anger, he glares furiously at Lory and Ming Yue Yin "You….you insolent fool, do you know who I am, you brazen little girl you should not provoke someone that you shouldn't!"

The onlooker suddenly worries for the girls, the man looks like someone from an influential family judging with so many muscular bodyguards behind him and the lavish clothes he is wearing, they feel pity for the girls, but they just commoner there's nothing they could do.

"Why they always asked that?" Lory said with a perplexed look.

"What you mean?" Ming Yue Yin casually asked.

"Is like we should know their identity before we fight with them, should we introduce ourself then?" Lory eyebrow knitted, this is not the first time she heard this line so she wonders is there any rules she doesn't know about?

When Lory put it that way Ming Yue Yin can't help feel hesitant too "Uhm, I don't know….should we?" Ming Yue Yin ponders, then turns her head at Yang Xi Ying asks for her opinion but then Yang Xi Ying shrugged, she not sure either, this is not part of her lesson.

Because of Lory words not only Yang Xi Ying and Ming Yue Yin other people also start to ponder, what lory said is quite reasonable, a lot of people said this before a fight, maybe is not a bad idea to introduce each other before they fight, maybe this can't avoid a lot of trouble if they knew each other background.

Girsha who is watching Lory from afar, rolling his eyes. Sometimes he afraid how Lory's words could influence other people easily.

The pervert pointing his trembles at Lory "You dare to humiliate me again, you really don't know what's good for you, aren't you, FOOLS!" his chest moves up and down as the anger surged within him like a tide.

"Our noble master fond with your friends, he wants to take her as his concubines. She should feel grateful and yet she dares to act rude in front our master, is none of you knows what manners is" one of the perverts subordinated twist the situation make Lory and the other looks like an ill-manner woman. 

"My friend here is already married and even if she doesn't, please Look my beautiful friends here and look at your master….. isn't it obvious why my friend rejects your master" Lory state the fact with a firm face.

"You master UGLY!" Ming Yue Yin adds in nonchalantly

Lory shrug with a nonchalant attitude, is not like she can't sugar-coating that fact.