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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 552 - Safe At Last
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Eventually, Girsha wind gets the ship out of the storm, Lory shield disappeared and the floating ship hits the water surface abruptly make a splash sounds that jerked everyone inside. The scorching sun warmed their skin and the flock of seagull flies freely in a blue sky as if nothing happens, if not the ship is on shambles they might think they just awoke from a dream, a scary but exciting dream.

"I don't think I can stand up...." Yang Xi Yin leans her weak body to her husband's chest, she just realizes how exhausted her body is.


Li Mo Zhen leans his head on the top of her head "Me too, let's stay like this for a while…" he let out a sigh of relief while stroking his wife back. 

Ming Yue Yin is the weird one, she can't stop grinning like a fool "Awesome, awesome, I can't rest in peace now….I have seen it all" She obviously feel overjoyed.

"We already safe now your majesty, let's not try to die yet…." Su Yi leans his back to the broken drum that she doesn't know where the hell this drum came from.

Bei Li Yan nudged Jin Hao and grinned "It seems we are not going to die now, huh"

He brushed his wet hair and stifles "With superhuman Lord like them, that was expected isn't it..." Jin Hao darted his gaze to Zhao Li Xin and Lory.

Lory falls on Zhao Li Xin's chest, he finally let go of the sword and hold his princess tighter, He never felt so happy to be alive. Lory suddenly chuckles "Nice teamwork Milord!" she lifts his head and grinned widely.

Zhao Li Xin laughs softly, her comment amused him, still, he feel happy about it then he smiles brightly than the sun "You too, your highness"

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Girsha already shrunk his size, he flew and perch on Lory's head "Don't forget about me!" he snorts.

"I would never dare forget 'The Lord of the sky'…" Lory chuckles.

For a while no one is moving, it took a time that it finally dawned to them that they managed to escape death. The black ship is wrecked a little the sails are torn so they floating aimlessly at the ocean. Mong Ki and Hei Shen members pick up themselves when they realize there's a lot of things to do. Mong Liu patted his shoulder "I'm glad our robes are soaked"

"Why?" Mong Yi looks at him with a frown, he doesn't understand what so good being soaked like this.

Mong Liu face reddened then he said quietly "I think I accidentally peed myself"

"..." Mong Yi takes another step back in reflex as he looks at his friend with disgust.

The ship is wrecked the cabin and interior are shambles everything is broken and shattered on the floor, there's no cabin that they can occupy, and not forget the mainmast is broken too, the only good thing is that there are no holes in the bottom of the ship that mean they don't need major overhaul still they need to find a place to fix the ship.

Ming Yue Yin points her finger at Tin Cu island on the map, is a fisherman village is still not very develop yet but sometimes merchants visit that island for rest or trading goods so it's easier for them to find material to fix their ship and also the island is quite close it only takes two hours to get there so everyone agrees to visit Tin Cu island, other than fixed the ship they need to rest too especially for the ladies.

To docked their ship at the harbor they have to ask permission first, Zhao Li Xin not care but Lory does so he send Mong Liu with a small boat to find the head village and asked for permission, Bei Li Yan also remain Mong Liu to bring money and said 'Let the money do the talk' 

Well, he is right once Mong Liu meets with the head village, he seems warry at first but after Mong Liu shows the money pouch they suddenly forget about their worry then accept them with open arms. Lory's mouth twitched when he heard Mong Liu report, this world or that world, everything would stele with money, who can't she blamed?

As usual, the big black ship gather a lot of attention, some people curious and some are scared, but what shocked them is the people who got out from the ship, every single them have an intimidating aura and regal look, they are beautiful and refined even with messy appearance, the young village women gather excitedly when they saw a bunch of hunks got off from the ships, they murmured to each other and point their fingers rudely.

Thankfully Lory still have little mana left that she used to put on her disguised, but Lory appearance stood up like a sore thumb compared to Zhao Li Xin and the others, she would not surprised if they mistook her as a servant, oh well, she never cares what people thought about her anyway.

Yang Xi Ying who is raised with a strict manner found their behavior is distasteful, she frowns her eyebrows and gives them a cold glare, of course, the oblivious young women didn't realize or perhaps didn't care, is not every day they got handsome men came to their village, some of them already run back to their home to dress up, they have whistful thinking to marry one of the men or even taken as their servants is not a bad option either. 

Lory didn't realize what the young girls thinking not like she cares, either way, she already numb with women ogling his husband, what could she do anyway? Gauged their own eyes? Nah, she rather pretends to be blind.

They arrived at the small inn, the inn is very small that the Inn almost full just after their arrival. The only have one small bathtub for the guest and only have two young male servants. Mong ki told the owner that he doesn't have to do anything just make sure that no one would bother their Lord and friend rest.

The innkeeper bow their heads profusely, he immediately orders his young servant to dispersed the curious onlooker that stand in front of his inn, are they crazy, why they treat these honorable people like a rare animal?

Everyone had their own servant, Li Mo Zhen might not bring servant from the Jiu Yun sect but the Hei Shen sect treats them with great respect, they transform a few vacant rooms into a bathroom, the innkeeper got nothing to say after he saw the gold that they give to him. 

Zhao Li Xin and Lory went to the spatial ring, the hut she made Huo Long built for her is a lot more comfortable, so she chose to freshen herself in that place.

They all feel exhausted after facing 'the almost die' experience so they all sleep without bothering to have a meal first. The servants took shift so they have time to rest while taking care of their master. They all rest until noon before one by one finally recovers their strength. Zhao Li Xin and Lory who had cheated in their hand having the whole day to rest, so they look more fresh compare to others.

The inn has no dining room, Mong ki, and the other have to prepare an outdoor dining room cover with a tent for their Lord. It's also Ming Yue Yin subordinated the Su sister who cooked the food for them. They only realize they are hungry when they smell the food.

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The men are not too hungry because their strong cultivation but is not the same with the girls, Ming Yue Yin already finish two bowls seafood noodles, Yang Xi Ying might look elegant but her chopstick is not stopping send the food on her mouth and Li Mo Zhen didn't stop help her peel the prawn or put the food on her plate.

The same thing with Lory, she doesn't eat rice that's why she eats more than the other, Zhao Li Xin wants to remind her not to eat excessively or she would upset her stomach, Lory sends him a glare said 'Back off!' and so the great Lord sigh and sip his wine quietly.

A few hours later Lory burp, she feel her chest is hot, and her stomach got tight, because they seat on the stool she doesn't know where she has to lean her back, and so she used her hand to withstand her weight while her other hand stroke her bulging belly.

Ming Yue Yin used her fist to cover her mouth "I think I'm gonna die…" someone must carry her back to the inn because she doubts she can walk now.

Ming Yue Yin who had a better manner than the other girls patted her chest "I think I eat too much" she slightly flushed.

"I prepare Pu'er tea for digestion, and if you can't walk I will carry you" Li Mo Zhen rubbed her back dotingly.

Everyone rolls their eyes, this couple is way too sweet, they might get toothaches just from watching.

Lory nudged Zhao Li Xin's arm and pouted "Why don't you stop me, I'm overeating here!" she complains at him, obviously forgot about the glare she sends to her husband whenever he tries to remind her.

Zhao Li Xin gazes warmly at his wife "Dear my princes, sometimes I don't know if I annoyed how much I love you, or I love how much you annoy me" he said with helplessness but content look.

Lory presses her lips together shyly "Aaaw…you are so sweet" she poked Zhao Li Xin arms coquettishly.

Everyone left speechless 'Is that compliment?'