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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 550 - The Storm Is Coming II
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Lory was changing her clothes, the clothes she's wearing is from special material, is light but warm and most of all is water resistance it won't get soaked easily and if it does it would get dry faster than normal clothing, she also changed her to anti-slip boot, not to forget she slip his twin dagger in both her arms.

She tied her hair into a sleek bun before she got out of her cabin, outside she met with Yang Xi Ying and Ming Yue Yin who wear the same type of clothing like her, Lory approaches them in hurry "Tie your hair, you don't want your hair blocked your sight" she reminds them.


"Oh yes, you right!" Ming Yue Yin immediately ties his hair in the same way as Lory and so is Yang Xi Ying.

"Should we stow the sail?" Yang Xi Ying asked while tying her hair.

"I think we should be headed to Wei Cu island first" Lory saw Mong Ki steering the wheel.

"I don't get it, why not we land on Wei Cu island to hide from the storm?" Yang Xi Ying who never experience a storm in her life was rather confused with their decision.

"First the island is too small, and you don't want to stuck between the land and the sea with wind push you onwards, it would wreck our ship if not flip it. It would be an open sea through the Wei Cu island, is a lot safer facing the storm at the open sea compare to Lang Guan passage that had to many reef and sandbanks" as the Empress who had one of the strongest naval armies in the continent she had a profound understanding about marines issues.

 Girsha suddenly dived from the sky then flew toward Lory in high speed, he stops right in front of Lory and their eyes against each other, Lory raised her hand then Girsha perch on her arms, Lory walk to the side of the ship "I don't think we have time to hide, the storm is coming…." Lory gaze to the sky then the sounds of rumble coming from above follow by grey clouds.

Zhao Li Xin quickly stands beside her "It's coming" he mutters.

Her eyes glistening as she watches lightning flashed across the sky "Li Xin is bigger than I thought…"

Li Mo Zhen held Yang Xi Ying's hands tightly, they exchanged warmed glance at each other that only they could understand.

"What should we do Milord?" Mong Ki came from behind Zhao Li Xin.

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"Prepare for the storm" he hissed.

"Understood, Milord!" Mong Ki turn around and waves his hands then everyone scattered to do their jobs.

Su Yi and the other female guards stand behind Ming Yue Yin "what should we do your majesty?" Su Yi asked in a calmed manner.

"Hold on…" she said with a low voice.

The blue sky gradually tainted by dark grey cloud, the strong wind push against the sail as a sign what may come, the thunder is getting louder then the rain starts to drop, like a bullet it gradually soaked the deck. Lory and the others lift their hood above their head. Ming Yue Yin looks above the sky and the raindrop hits her faces harshly. 'It's going to be a violent day' she thought, she is a worry but excited at the same time, she unconsciously smiles, not even her knew the reason why.

The wave slammed vigorously fortunately the ship remain stable, but this is only the beginning everyone holds into something. The rain gets heavier and the black sky sprawl across the sky leaving no light to shined and it turns daylight into night. The wind pushes the sail with full strength, the crew painstakingly try to stabilize the sails. Mong Ki is steering the wheel as he tries to sail at an angle along the waves with the stern that is the strongest part of the ship as it aimed at incoming waves.

Thankfully they had known about the storm before hands so it gives them enough time to change the sail to a better sail that more durable and unlikely shred during the storm like this, and everyone has a chance to change their clothes and shoes that appropriated at the situation like this so everyone could move faster and agile on the slippery surface like this.

Zhao Li Xin is staying beside Lory, he covers her from splashing water with his sleeves although is not help too much because water is coming from every direction, suddenly the head of the ship is lifted fifty degrees on the air, everyone is screaming in panic, fortunately, the ship didn't flip backward but it bounces back to water surface vigorously, make everyone inside the ship jolted.

A lot of people throw backward, because the array that plant before hands a lot of people is stopped by something like thin glass, they sigh in relief then immediately grab a rope to make sure they did not fall for the second time because no one knows how long the array could stand another impact.

Lory is hugging Girsha with her hands while she was hugged by Zhao Li Xin, she begins to doubt if they could survive from this storm at all, then what she scared of happened.

A column of rotating wind appear from the sky into the ocean as it grows bigger and bigger, it changes the ship course, Mong Ki tries his best to control the ship but is hard against the nature wrath.

[Lory the ship wouldn't take much longer!] Girsha shouts as he warns her.

[I know, but what can we do, we had no sufficient mana!] Lory feel angry and defeated.

Suddenly the ship mainmast is broken the giant wood fall and it would wreck the ship if it hits the deck, at that time Ming Yue Yin, Li Mo Zhen, Jin Hao, and Bei Li Yan hits the falling mast with all they got 'BOOM!' the mast is shattered into pieces.

They don't have time to cheers because without the main mast they lose the mainsail, leaving only the foremast to control the ship, it's possible in normal weather but is impossible in a violent storm like this.

As if the hope has gone they hold on each other tightly, there's nothing else they can do, Lory swept her gaze to her beloved friends she can't believe this is how it ends, she refused to believe it "Mother what should I do?" she whimper.

Zhao Li Xin suddenly recalled the woman with hair like a sun lights and eyes as clear as a blue sky, then he remembers about the bluebell flower that he stores inside his ring when her cursed lash out, he stores that flower because Lory condition always gets better whenever that flower appear, he keeps the flower just in case.

"Lory, if I have the bluebell flower would that help?" Zhao Li Xin suddenly asked.

"Yes, it could restore my mana!" Lory said firmly.

"Do you have it, boy!" Girsha shouted in excitement.

"Yes!" he nods firmly.

Lory's eyes widened in shock "Why don't you tell me!"

"I forgot, and you never ask," Zhao Li Xin said in guilt.

"How do I asked something I didn't know!" Lory raised her voice from annoyance, the truth is she's not angry on the contrary she is happy she just annoyed she doesn't know it sooner.

"That because I'm more concern about your cursed!" he justifies himself.

"Get the flower, FIGHT LATER!" Girsha shouted impatiently and the stupid couple.

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The wind howling and cries like a wounded beast the waves grew so large it make the giant ship looks like a toy floating aimlessly on the sea, everyone tightens their grip as the wind and rain hit them mercilessly, even with special clothing they still soaked but thankfully the warmed jade and crystal fire in their possession warmed their body at least they are not freezing to death by now.

"Lory, another waterspout!" Ming Yue Yin screams as she points her finger to the water pillar at the ocean, everyone follows her direction and stunned for another water spout appear one by one just like a mole.

"We are SO DEATH!" Bei Li Yan laughs crazily. He is crouch on the side ship while holding onto the rope.

Jin Hao is next to him, this is the first time he looks so messy "Damn, I don't want to die with you!" Jin Hao laughs back at him.

"Well, at least we died with our Lord here!" Bei Li Yan grinned widely, he doesn't look scared as he accepted his faith.

"Don't worry, I don't think he would die easily" Jin Hao laugh heartily.

"Good to know!" he genuinely happy to know it.

Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin takes out the whole bluebell power from her spatial ring, the flower turns to hundreds of flicker light, suddenly the deck is illuminated with blue light, everyone watched in awe.

"What is that?" Su Yi flabbergasted.

Ming Yue Yin laughs then cheers in joy "We not gonna die, Xi Ying hold on a little longer!" she screamed at Xi Ying who is holding tightly to Li Mo Zhen's arms.

At the same time, the ships suddenly spin as it sucks to the water spout, without the mainsail Mong Ki cannot fully control the ship. Mong Ki screams frantically.


"Li Xin, I need more time to absorbed the flower!" Lory cried worriedly, she felt the ship is sucked by enormous power.

"I give you time!" Zhao Li Xin presses her lips as his eyes glint with determination "You stay here!" then he screams at Mong Yi "Mong Yi protect her!"

"Yes, Milord!" he trotted his way to Lory.

Lory reaches her hand and grabs Zhao Li Xin soaking sleeves "What would you do?" she shouted anxiously.

Zhao Li Xin smirked, "The only thing I really good at, I Burn everything!"