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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 543 - She’s Coming
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In another place on the ship deck there's a place cover with medium sizes tent and at the inside, Lory is seat comfortably on the couch cover with a soft cushion, beside her Yang Xi Ying is lean on the couch lazily and Bei Li Yan sits on the stool across the table, he is in the middle of teaching Lory how to play 'Go'. 

Zhao Li Xin taught her once at Ninjing Manor at the time then again she never practices again and she eventually forgets the game rules. as she becomes bored and got nothing else to do she asked Bei Li Yan to teach her about the game, sadly Lory doesn't have a knack of it, she ends up slaughtered on a board game while Yang Xi Ying watched her with giggled.


"This is the tenth time you lost but your mood still good, I taken you already made up with the Lord isn't it" Bei li Yan wiggled his eyebrows as he teasing her.

"We sort things out and everything is good.... for now," Lory said in jest.

"Good to hear, Is not good when our Lord is vexed…." Bei Li Yan unconsciously shiver whenever he recalled Zhao Li Xin furious episode before Lory came to their life sometime he wonders how he remains alive for all these times?

"Lory, can I braid your hair, I can't take it, your hair is so beautiful" Yang Xi Ying stare at Lory's hair eagerly like a pervert staring at young girls with lecherous eyes, is quite weird if you are not used to it, in this cased Lory is used to her beautiful but weird friend.

"Sure…"Lory shrug casually.

Bei Li Yang watched them with big smiles plastered on his face, is rare to see a genuine friendship between woman even steps sister has rivalry going on between them, but Lory, yang Xi Ying, and Ming Yue Yin relationship are very close just like a sister, lory is the easy-going one, Yang Xi Ying is the gentle one while Ming Yue Yin is the 'energetic' one, somehow they complement each other, too bad Ming Yue Yin is not here with them if not the journey become merrier than it is.

"How are other people react when they saw your real face?" Bei Li Yan snickered, he means is the other shadow guards who now become the crew ships.

Lory's mouth twitches "Well….they don't surprise as much as I thought, perhaps Mong Ki and Mong Yi already remind them about me" Lory make another move on the board where Bei Li Yan block it easily, Lory then click her tongue annoyance.

"I don't think you are that weird though, like a sea blue dragon" he raised his eyebrows as he praised her.

"Really, is a blue sea dragon. huh?" Lory genuinely flattered, that doesn't sound bad.

"No, is a slug actually" Bei Li Yan reply casually.


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"Yes, and that creature like to float upside down" Yang Xi Ying chimed in innocently.

"Sound like a weird creature" Lory now feel slightly offended.

"Like you!" he clapped his hands excitedly.

Lory narrow her eyes, now she utterly offended, she stomped her feet then leave with a pout, Bei Li Yan tries to salvaged the situation he screams "But is blue, like your hair!"

Certainly is not make Lory feel better, Lory turn around and glare before she left. Bei Li Yan sigh then mutters "That creature feisty too just like her" 

"Keep saying that and she would throw you off the ship" Yang Xi Ying gives him a warning look.

Of course, Lory not seriously angry, she leaned on the ship railing enjoy the breeze, then she sees Girsha glide with the wind her long golden tail glimmer under the touch of the sun lights, the bird then flew higher before it dives to the sea making a big splash before he pierces to the sky like a cannon. 

 It seems Girsha is in good mood, well, she's happy if he's happy. 

"Is Milord cultivating inside his ring now?" Jin Hao suddenly appears beside her.

"He is" Lory reply with nods, since he knew about Lazarus Zhao Li Xin become more diligent to raised his cultivation it's almost like he was obsessed with it.

"So why are you pouting before" Jin Hao lean his arms on the railing.

"Someone said I look like a sea blue dragon slug" Lory scrunched her face in upset.

Jin Hao size up Lory up and down then rub his chin "I can see the resemblance" he said with a serious face, Lory squint her eyes totally disagree with Jin Hao's comment.

"Can you see I feel offended too" Lory glare at him as she pretense to be mad.

With the same expression, he nods casually "Obviously" he jokingly said.

Lory turn around then rest her back on the railing "You guys really don't know how to flirt with woman, huh" Lory said with genuine concern while crossing her arms on her chest "Thankfully all of you got the looks and the money too" she teased

Jin Hao chuckles "It does give an advantaged isn't it" it's hard to disagree with her.

Both of them laugh how vain human is, they always say what's inside is more important than the outside but the truth is once they see the unappealing outside no one bother to check the inside, that's why makeup is invented isn't it.

Lory looks up to the blue sky the weather is so clear without much of clouds, it quite a lovely day although is a little bit hot.

"You missed your old world?" Jin Hao suddenly asked.

Lory fixed her eyes to the sky as she makes melancholy smiles "Everyday…but I missed the people more though"

"Well, that expected…" he mutters to himself, Jin Hao takes a deep breath then he stares at her curiously "Will you return to your old world if you have the chance?"

Lory eyebrows furrow she ponder for a few seconds then says: "If you asked me two years ago I will say 'yes' in a heartbeat but now…." Lory let out a long exhale "I have Zhao Li Xin, that annoying brat, weird friends like you and don't forget I have a very cute disciple, I can't abandon them now do I?" 

Lory chuckles slightly then she presses her lips together "If I could I would bring all of you to my world then I don't have to choose" she grins widely, Jin hao is not sure is she joking or not.

Jin Hao raised his chin "That's one greedy wish don't you think?" he reprimands her but didn't reject the idea either, deep down he doesn't think is a bad thing to wish for.

"It's human nature to be greedy, humans is selfish creature after all," Lory said with mirthless smiles.

"And yet you give up everything just to save your brother even your soul…" he said with a solemn look.

"Who said is not a selfish wish, there nothing noble about what I had done, I did it because I'm too afraid to live on my owned although the joke is on me now…" Lory shrug as she make self-deprecating jokes to herself.

"I think your family and friend would understand that" Jin Hao comfort her.

Lory shakes her head "The moment I enter Lazarus cage I had betrayed everything I know, my lineage, my legacy, my responsibility, I against everything that my father taught me, well he might forgive me but forgives yourself is a different matter"

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"I think you too hard to yourself," Jin Hao said, normally he is not someone who easily pity other people however for Lory he has a great amount of sympathy to her, and he doesn't understand why she blamed herself so much.

"Do you bring the silver pendant that I give you before" Lory suddenly said.

"The silver pendant? I have it with me all the time" he shows Lory the pendant with green jadeite stone on the middle and circle with a weird rune around it, Lory had given this pendant as a protective amulet to protect him from cursed.

"Look behind it," Lory said again "You see the drawing behind it?"

Jin Hao flip the amulet "Ming Yue Yin said this is your family insignia"

"It is, do you know what it means" Lory expression turn bitter "The sword means power that was granted to my lineage, the wings behind the sword means peace and protection, it's a symbol that our power is used to protect other people, and the chain that binds the sword means that we are bound by morality, duty, and responsibility as an heir of Lucient, that means we cannot abuse our own power for personal gain and benefit" 

Lory stare at Jin Hao deeply "You understand now? that day when I decide to risk the safety of the world and everyone who lives in it just to saves my brother I had betrayed my own belief and my family.

Even though No one said anything, not even Girsha, but I know what I have done" Lory turn around again and she folds her arms on the railing "But, what done is done, there's nothing I can do about it….just try to make things right this time and hopefully live through it..... because a lot of people are insisting for me stay alive" she complain but her expression turn warmed

"Well, is good to be alive" Jin Hao make a simple comment.

"I guessed so…." Lory rests her chin on her palms while gazing aimlessly to the ocean. a minute later Lory's body flinched and her head rises abruptly then she points at the few black dots that march toward them at high speed "What the heck is that?" Lory yelp.

Suddenly from the crow nest, someone is shouted loudly "There's a ship coming towards us!"

Yang Xi Ying and Bei Li Yan jump from their seat and run to the railing, Li Mo Zhen also got out from his cabin in a hurry and hold Yang Xi Ying shoulder in a protective manner.

"Whose ship is that?" Mong Yi screams at the crow nest.

The person on the crow nest adjusts his monocular then shout again "Is Liang Zu kingdom flag!"

Lory and yang Xi Ying exchanged a glance in shock, both of them feel foreboding sensation crept to their heart.

The man from the crow nest shout again "There's a woman wearing a red dress at the front deck!!" then he adjusts his monocular again to see clearly then shout once more "She looks angry! Perhaps she's enemy!"

immediately everyone on deck facepalm at the same time.

'She's coming!'