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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 540 - My Friends
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 "After I got Lazarus power, The Demon tries to take over my mind but Girsha helps me to keep the darkness at bay but still, is not enough" Lory stifles and stroke Girsha head next to her "So sometimes I'm Good sometimes I'm not…"Lory shrugs lightly as if was nothing but God knows it was the darkest times of her life where she can't remember completely, there is a few blanks in her memory which she doesn't know should she feel grateful or sorry.

Zhao Li Xin cross her arms on his chest, he stares at Lory with distraught, he doesn't know that there's a point in her life where she struggles to keep her sanity how desperate she was until she becomes like that "But Girsha with you right, you still have him…isn't it?" Zhao Li Xin narrows his eyes, he can't help to probe further about her condition at that time even though he knows it's not going to change anything


This time Girsha jump from Lory's shoulder to the chair where Zhao Li Xin was sitting "No, to blocked Lazarus mind control I used up all my power, as a result, I was swallowed by darkness it affected me so much it turns my white wing to black as charcoal and then I fall in a deep slumber for a long time.....a very long time, and when I wake up I already in this world"

"So, she was alone, all that time?" Zhao Li Xin choked from his own words. 

"Yes," Girsha reply firmly "That's why she able to devise that stupid plan" he scoffed at Lory.

"What plan?" Yang Xi Ying has a sense of foreboding feeling creep into her heart.

"To destroy her own soul the moment Lazarus devour her, she called that as the 'A' Plan, 'A' for annihilation for him and Lazarus…." he glares at Lory until now he still disagrees with Lory plan. Why all her plan is always incited her own demise, can she make a better plan where she doesn't have to die in the process?

Lory cursed Girsha inwardly, why this bird become chatty does he used to be too prideful to talk wit humans why he is talking so much today "Geeez, birdie…really, NOW?" Lory spread her hands with an upset look, this is not how she wants to explain to her friends, and definitely not to Zhao Li Xin, even at that time she didn't explain clearly to Zhao Li Xin what she wants to do and he already locked him in the mystique realm inside the ring will he locked her again?

Just like Lory expected Zhao Li Xin is glare at her furiously, he walks towards her with his hand balled into a fist "Is that your plan, Lorient?" his voice trembles as he struggles to keep the anger within him.

Lory shut her eyes, what else she could say, she slowly opens her eyes then gaze into Zhao Li Xin eyes and says: "Yes…."

Her word is like a blade that slit her heart "And you still consider that plan...even now?" he cupped Lory's eyes, he doesn't give her to dodge his eyes.

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Lory wants to say 'No' but that would be a lie and she can't lie to him. He doesn't need to hear her answer her mum explains everything to him. Zhao Li Xin retracts his hands from Lory's face, his eyes filled with sadness, pain, and anger, he takes a few steps back then let out a long heaved "I'll wait in the ship…" he briefly said and walk to the door.

"Li Xin…" Lory helplessly called him but the man ignores her and left the room without looking back, Lory watches the door close with a perplexed look.

The room become pin-drop silent, they had seen Zhao Li Xin gone ballistic, killed, enraged but they never saw him heartbroken like this before, they don't know should they feel happy or sad because their Lord gets more like a normal human.

Lory cross her arm as she looks down then she lifts her head and make half-hearted smiles "You see, Lao Min Na serves that Demon, even with all my power I don't know if I can win against Lazarus, that Demon is too strong maybe that's why the first Lucient can only seal the demon away" 

"And now I have no power, when I lifted the dark magic inside Zhuang manor I drain almost all my power perhaps Lao Min Na had predicted this, or perhaps it was all Lazarus plan, they want to attack me when I'm in my weakest state" Lory laugh her own stupidity for Lao Min Na managed to push Lory in her trap but again if she knows it will she do any different, of course not. How could she let innocent people die, This is her blessing and cursed and Lazarus know it too well.

"Something is coming after me, if you came with me, you will be implicated….you might die, that's why I want all of you to think about it carefully before you board on that ship" Lory warned them.

"And don't worry I will not think less to any of you if you decide not to go on board, the truth is….I wish none of you came with me, I had lost too much, too many friends, comrades, family, I hope in this new world I don't have to lose anyone, anymore…" she looks away as her eyes become hot again, she let out a long exhale then she clapped her hands "So, think about it, and don't worry about Zhao Li Xin, he will not punish you if you decide not to come, I will talk to him….well is he still want to talk to me anyway, or perhaps we will be punished together" Lory make dry laugh.

The air feel heavy and a little bit awkward, there's a lot they need to digest so Lory decide to board the ship first. Before she opens the door Lory turns around "Whatever decision you will make, all of you will always be my dearest friends" Lory smiles warmly, then she opens the door and left.

no one said anything after Lory left, they all immersed in their thought. Lory is right there is too much to take in for all of them, Demon, God, Spell, which craft, magic, everything they thought is only exist in fairy tales books suddenly become reality, this is not something they ever train for.

How could they fight against something that they don't understand? Li Mo Zhen held Yang Xi Ying's hand, the husband and wife gaze to each other with meaningful eyes that only they could understand.

While Jin Hao leans his back on the chair, Bei Li Yan looks down with a serious looks, and the Mong brother exchanged a quick glance as they seem already make a decision.

Lory back to her room she changed her dress into a robe that easier to moves than change her shoes into a boot, lory hears flapping wings behind her then Girsha land smoothly on the window frame watching.

[Angry?] Girsha suddenly said.

Lory stifles [No…] she replied without looking at the bird, she is clearly still upset. 

[It's the truth anyway…] she tied up her hair into a bun then put on the cloak around her shoulder and lift the hood to cover her hair.

[I cannot let you do the same mistake like before, it's my fault not tried to stop you, or not telling Lucas and the other about you, I thought is a right thing not to interfere your decision, I let you carry the burden on your own even Lucas have his Archknight to share the burden but not you….]

[I still have you!] Lory said again.

[You are, but there's something you can only share with another human being because I don't understand….I don't understand your loneliness and pain until you accept Lazarus cursed, only then I understand…..that you want to die!]

Lory didn't say a word, the bird and the girl lock each other gaze.

[I should have known, that day when you choose to follow your father order to leave him behind and save your people instead since then you are not the same anymore, I could feel it but I can't understand….how could I? I'm not human, I'm the first kind, I have no parents, siblings, or friends, I was alone for as long as I remember until I met you. I only understand how you felt when you left me behind to surrender yourself to Lazarus, only then I understand what you have gone through]

[Girsha….] Lory helplessly sigh.

[You have friends and lover in this world Lory, they care for you, don't let what happened at Verrion repeated in this world again, don't let them experience the same thing like Lucas and the other, eventually if you still end up dead just don't leave without saying goodbye"

Lory exhales as she looks heavenward [I'm not trying to die here…]

[Good, then gives them a chance to understand, let them help you]

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[Will they…?]

Girsha tilts his head [You don't know if you don't give them a chance....]

Lory sigh, she doesn't know if they think of her as a friend, people naturally cherish their owned life beside Li Mo Zhen and yang Xi Ying is a newlywed, and lory doubt Li Mo Zhen would put Yang Xi Ying in a dangerous situation not when he can avoid it, Bei Li Yan and the other also just a normal human who has so much to live for after all fighting against real Demon is not something that anyone wants to face on, so Lory didn't blame them, honestly, she hopes none of them follow her, she doesn't want them to be hurt because of her. 

Lory put on the mask and cover her hands with gloves, her appearance does make people around her raised their eyebrows and Girsha perch on her shoulder is not helping either but Lory didn't care she already has a lot of thing in her mind so she left the Inn without waiting for anyone than before she knows it she already arrived at the dock.

Is easy to find the black ship since the ship is the largest and most conspicuous among other ships, well at least her husband knows how to sail with style. Lory looks up to the ship that dark as the ebony wood then she sees Girsha land smoothly on the ship railing.

Lory crosses the bridge and when she got there her eyes bulged.

"What taking you so long!" Yang Xi Ying complains while resting her arms on her hips.

"You finally here~" Bei Li Yan roll his eyes then he waves his hand and shouts "Pull the anchor!"

"PULL THE ANCHOR!" Mong Yi repeated.

Mong Ki instructs the crew to release the sails and lift the bridged, the whole crew listening to Mong Ki's order with a serious face.

"We almost left you behind" Jin Hao grumbles while fanning himself then walks past her.

"Miss Lu….sorry, Lory right!" Li Mo Zhen grins widely "Come inside, we need to be hurry before it getting late!"

"Uhm…"Lory hasn't said anything but then Yang Xi Ying circles her hands around Lory's arms and drags her inside. Lory was still in shock, she can't believe they all here, why they all here, she doesn't need to wait. Her eyes were wet from tears but she holds it while yang Xi Ying excitedly grabs her hands.

Girsha watches Lory from the side, his green eyes crinkle as he looks heavenward [She'll be okay now, Marcus…]