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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 536 - Secret Informant
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Lory feel relief beyond believes she feel very fortunate to meet someone like Yang Xi Ying and Li Mo Zhen, she didn't expect they would accept her without hesitation, Lory already prepares for a long explanation about her situation and where she came from but turn out they already feel satisfied with Bei Li Yan and Jin hao explanation witch does not give too much clarity about who she is because Lory rarely talks about herself.

The explanation is quite simple, Bei Li Yan only said that Lory is cast away from another world because she protects her family, and she doesn't know why she was here in a first-place so to avoid other people suspicion Lory disguised herself as a humble maidservant, one day she saves Zhao Li Xin life and he searches for Lory for two years and when he found her he took her in and the rest is history.


Li Mo Zhen and Yang Xi Ying never doubt Lory's character, besides if Lory wants to take advantage of Zhao Li Xin she will not make him search for her for the whole two years, doesn't she afraid he would forget her after he failed to find her, two months is still okay but two years? who wants to play hard to get for two years? it's obvious Lory never intended to meet Zhao Li Xin again. Thankfully Zhao Li Xin able to find her.

next morning Lory is having breakfast with everyone at the private dining room, while they have breakfast, Yang Xi Ying blatantly staring at her like she's a rare animal, she props her chin on the table with both her hands as she looking at Lory without blinking with her mouth slightly open. Lory scoops her porridge and feigned ignorance.

"You have dark hair but when light touch your hair it turns to blue....it's beautiful, your hair is wavy and full just like flower petals unlike me, my hair is straight and limp" Yang Xi Ying eyes flickered in envy as her eyes scrutinized Lory's hair.

Lory feel very awkward, she asked Li Mo Zhen for help but the man looks helpless, this is also the first time his wife didn't pay attention to him, Li Mo Zhen feel sad and jealous but what can he do?

on contrary Zhao Li Xin doesn't care so much, because first, Yang Xi Ying is a woman and second she is her wife best friend, he knew Lory always feel apprehensive, to tell the truth about her to yang Xi Ying, that's why she dragging this matters for so long. Thankfully the problem is solved on it's owned and Yang Xi Ying doesn't turn against his wife so Zhao Li Xin feel happy for Lory even though his face might not show it.

"Your skin is so white, is like snow..." Yang Xi Ying said again with deep admiration as if Lory is a piece of art that needs to be praised from top to toe.

Lory's mouth twitch slightly, Lory never likes the color of her skin, just like any normal women she also has dissatisfaction about her appearance, and what she hate the most is the color of her skin, she always thought is too pale just like flour, and whenever she looks herself at the mirror she always thought she looks like someone who got deficiency vitamin D.

Lory was jealous of people who had natural smooth yellow skin like Yang Xi Ying and Ming Yue Yin, in Lory's eyes, they all look very beautiful with lustrous skin with a little blush on their cheeks make them look pure and fresh as flower buds.

Stop it, Xi Ying! you just never seen people like me before that's why you feel that way, just give it more days and I guarantee you will get bored over me!" Lory rolls her eyes.

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Lory's clear big eyes and purple iris mesmerized Yang Xi Ying even more, she ignores Lory's words while gazing to Lory's eyes with adoration "Your eyes...I can stare at your eyes for the whole day..." 

Lory can't take anymore, she glares at Yang Xi Ying "Xi Ying, what I said about being creepy!" Lory pushes her face away lightly with her hands, she feel bad for Li Mo Zhen okay! the man looks sour like he was drinking a jar of vinegar.

Bei Li Yan chuckles watching Li Mo Zhen sorry looks.

Yang Xi Ying finally realizes she make Lory uncomfortable "Fine, I will not look any more" she reluctantly shift her gaze from Lory's face, but secretly peek at Lory from time to time.

After they finish their breakfast Mong Ki enters the room, he cupped his fist and said "Milord, madam Zhuang, and Third master Zhuang is pleading to meet you and young madam, would you like to meet them?"

Zhao Li Xin glances at Lory for an opinion, Lory then nods her head.

"Prepare the private room, we will meet them in the minute," Zhao Li Xin said. 

"Yes, Milord!" Mong Ki bows his head and left the room.

"What do they wanted?" Yang Xi Ying said with wary looks.

"Showing their gratitude perhaps?" Bei Li Yan raised his long eyebrows.

"If it's only Zhuang Mu Zi I understand but why the madam of Zhuang family also came?" Yang Xi Ying shows her doubt and worry.

"let's see and found out then..." Lory raised from her seat but then Zhao Li Xin holds her hand.

"You want to see them like this?" Zhao Li Xin raised his brows in question.

Lory unconsciously touch her face, she realized her look might scare other people, unlike Yang Xi Ying and Li Mo Zhen other people didn't know her so is easy to raise their suspicion if they see how she look "You right, but I can't use shapeshifter spell yet" 

"Let me help!" Yang Xi Ying smile excitedly.

"Oh, okay," Lory said with a blank look.

"I'll meet with the Zhuang's first, you can come when you are ready," Zhao Li Xin said.

Lory wants to say 'yes' but she already drag by the excited Yang Xi Ying to the other room, the one who left behind is Li Mo Zhen, he only sigh and continue with his meal.

'Wife you ditch me again...' he laments to himself with a perplexed expression.


On the other room Zhuang Mu Zi is on the wheelchair with Yu Qin serving tea for Jiang Yu Ran, she immediately put down the teapot and stand behind Jiang Yu Ran chair when Mong Ki and Mong Yi came in and open the door.

Zhao Li Xin enters the room, he still wearing his gold mask and luxurious black robes the man look indifference and distant, he only gives her a glance before he strides to the chair opposite them. The man walks at a calm pace not to fast and not to hurry. Zhao Li Xin takes a seat while Mong Yi guards the door and Mong Yi pours a glass of wine for his Lord.

he doesn't drink his wine but cross his legs and clasped his hand above his stomach, he leans his back on the chair, his dark eyes behind the mask stared at Jiang Yu Ran. As a noble lady, Jiang Yu Ran has a knack to read people's expressions, and body language but in front of Zhao Li Xin, she could decipher what kinda man he is. 

Jiang Yu Ran feel slightly nervous in front of the man who only a few years older than her own Son, she composed herself then bows gracefully in front of Zhao Li Xin "Greeting Lord Long Ming, My name is Jiang Yu Ran, Zhuang Mu Tao official wife" she introduces herself politely.

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Besides Jiang Yu Ran Zhuang Mu Zi sit on the wheelchair "Lord Long Ming we meet again" Zhuang Mu Zi cupped his fist courteously.

"Your legs still not healed yet?" Zhao li Xin slightly tilts his head.

Zhuang Mu Zi smiles, he slowly step on the floor with Yu Qin holding his arms he raised from the wheelchair, Zhuang Mu Zi although he still wobbles however he managed to stand with his own feet, he obviously looks overjoyed and so is Jiang Yu Ran, she barely can't hold her tears.

"Mother said is better to hide my condition, so she will have reason to send me away from Zhuang Manor" Zhuang Mu Zi expression softens when he looks at his step-mother.

"The situation in my manor is not..peaceful if they know Zi'er condition improved he would be involved in the family affair once again, unlike my biological son, I know Zi'er never want to stay forever at Zhuang Manor, he just like his birth mother....he not supposed to lived inside the golden cage like Zhuang manor" Jiang Yu Ran said with bitter-sweet expression.

She loves Zhuang Mu Zi like her own Son, of course, she doesn't want him to leave Zhuang Manor but she realize she could only protect him so far, if Zhuang Mu Zi becomes useless he would be thrown away but if he could prove to be useful he would be taken advantaged until he broken, at the end as an illegitimate son who had no support from the maternal family he deemed to have terrible faith, letting him go is the only thing Jiang Yu Ran could do to save him.

"And you here for what reason?"Zhao Li Xin sips his wine, he looks aloof and indifferent.

"Zi'er told me that your wife is the one who heals Zi'er legs, and Lao Min Na is the cause of it" Jiang Yu Ran grit her teeth in anger, she can't believe Lao Min Na can't be is more vicious than she thought.

"Lao Min Na is more vicious than I thought, soon or later she would harm my family, that's why..." Jiang Yu Ran brace herself "I will tell you everything about Lao Min Na and Jin Kai plan, and I will continue to send you the information about them, I give everything you want about her"

"Mother!" Zhuang Mu Zi stunned, he can't believe what his step-mother said. If people from Zhuang manor know about this, Jiang Yu Ran life will be worst than death, he doesn't understand what his Mother thinking.

Jiang Yu ran glare at Zhuang Mu Zi to shut his mouth, then she looks at Zhao Li Xin with determined eyes. while Zhao Li Xin remains calm, he doesn't look elated or suspicious he sips his wine slowly then put down he twirls the winecup in his hands with an indifference look.

"You want to become my informant?" Zhao Li Xin narrows his eyes.

Jiang Yu Ran nods her head firmly "Yes!"