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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 535 - My Angry Girlfriend
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The light gradually dissipated, it took a few seconds for Jin Hao and the others to adjust their sight from the blinding light. Each of them rubbing and massage their eyes, the one who got affected the most is Yu Qin, no matter how many time she blinking her eyes she can only white spots.

"Master, am I going to be blind?" she worriedly said.


"Don't worry, it just our eyes try to adjust from the bright light…" Jin Hao said while rubbing one of his eyes.

"You'll be fine Yu Qin" Zhuang Mu Zi stroke the little maid head to comfort her then he shifts his glance at Jin Hao "What is that?" 

Jin Hao who already got his sight back to normal stroking his chin while pondering then all of a sudden he hit Zhuang Mu Zi knee with his fan, Zhuang Mu Zi startled "Ouch!" he yelp loudly but then his eyes bulge widely in shocked "I….I can…I can feel my leg" then he hits his other leg but this time harder than before, he feel a twinge in his leg, and his mouth quiver.

"I could feel both my legs….this….this is…" Zhuang Mu Zi lost his words, he cried in joy.

"A miracle…again" Bei Li Yan let out a long exhale.

"The dark magic is lifted, Miss Luo did it again" Li Mo Zhen smiles his face fill with admiration for Lory.

"Is Ri Yi okay? We need to check on her!" Yang Xi Ying dash into the wrecking room without waiting for Li Mo Zhen's answer.

Yang Xi Ying moves startled everyone, and so the other follow her suits, the bedroom door is falling before Yang Xi Ying touch it, then inside the room, they saw two giant white wings cross together as it protecting something on the middle. Slowly the wings open up and inside there was Zhao Li Xin holding Lory who is fainting on his chest.

But Yang Xi Ying didn't recognize the woman inside Zhao Li Xin embraces, who is that woman and why she had giant wings on her back?!

"Madam, Milord!" Mong Ki and mong Yi are the first to run towards Zhao Li Xin side then Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan follow.

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"Milord, how is madam?" Mong Yi asks anxiously.

"I don't know…" Zhao Li Xin tightens his embraces at Lory listless body, he hopes she wouldn't ben in a coma again or something worst.

The wings on Lory back dissipated then the white orbs emerged from Lory's chest, Girsha moves carelessly then land on Lory's shoulder "She's fine, she only need to sleep for a few days, you don't have to worry….I need to sleep too" after he said that Girsha turns to orbs again then melting on Lory's chest.

This is the first time other than Zhao Li Xin heard Girsha speaks directly to them, they never knew Girsha's voice can be so charismatic despite his cute appearance.

Meanwhile, Yang Xi Ying and Li Mo Zhen froze, is that woman Luo Ri Yi?


Two days later Lory finally awoke from her sleep and what greets her first is Zhao Li Xin lay next to him, he props his head with his fist and smiles dazzlingly at her, for Lory his smile is more blinding than any light she had ever seen, she feel make under his intense glance.

"You finally awoke my dear princess," he said softly while caressing her cheeks.

"How long I've been sleeping this time?" her voice slightly horse so Lory knows she sleeps at least more than a day.

"Just two days…" he gently tugs the strand of hair behind her ears "How is your body?"

Lory tries to feel her mana but then she feel something off then she realizes her Mana is close to zero "Damn, I think I exhaust my mana" Lory was bewildered, how could this happened, is it because she used trinity fragments?

"Is that bad? What would happen to you?" Zhao Li Xin raised from the bed with an anxious face.

Lory pull Zhao Li Xin collar before he jumps from the bed in panic "I'm fine, it just takes some time to gather my mana again….don't the worry I'll be fine after a few days" 

"You sure?" he scrunched his face.

"I'm sure" Lory reassured him.

"She's fine!" Girsha abruptly chimed in from the table near the bed "Goodness, I thought Clift is the worrywart one" Girsha grumbles while eating grapes. Lory might not know because she is sleeping but Girsha is having an earful from Zhao Li Xin endless question. When she awake? Is she alright? Why she fainted again? Is she going into a coma again?.... And it's on and on and on until Girsha can't take it anymore, he flew away and only return an hour ago after he predicted Lory would be awake not long after.

"Yo, birdie, looking good?" Lory raised her chin.

"I'm good, but you look like SH*T" he mercilessly said.

"Feel like one too…" Lory answers casually.

Zhao Li Xin realizes why they like to talk in their Mother language is because the way they talk is very rude, can a princess talk like that in her world?

Zhao Li Xin forgot that even though she is a princess who grew up in a strict manner but Lory spends her last decade as a professional hunter, not to mention since adolescence she spends more her time at the hunter guild than the school so sometimes, the hunter's brutish behavior influences the way she talks especially when Girsha teasing her.

Zhao Li Xin help her to sit then arranged pillow to lean her back, for gifted people live with small mana is like someone who used to drink coffee suddenly stop drink coffee during the deadline, she forgot how uncomfortable her body would feel after she regains a little bit of her power she begins to use to and suddenly she left with very small mana in her body Lory feel lethargic.

"Tired?" Zhao Li Xin feel sorry for her.

"Uhm…" Lory nod then she notices the bluish dark hair draped on her shoulder she realizes the shapeshifter spell is nullified again, such an unreliable spell no wonder people in her world rarely used this type of spell unless urgent. Lory wants to activate the spell again but realize she only has little mana so she better not waste it.

Suddenly she heard knock on her door "Come in…" she weakly said.

Turn out it was Yang Xi Ying, surprised with her sudden arrival Lory reflex cover her face with a blanket, Yang Xi Ying faces turn sullen "I already saw it you don't need to hide it…"

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Lory peeks behind the blanket as Yang Xi Ying pursed her lips with a dejected look. Lory bit her lower lips, this is not how she wants to show her face at Yang Xi Ying, Lory didn't know what Yang Xi Ying would think about her, her power already weird enough and now adding her strange look, she hopes Yang Xi Ying would not treat her like an alien.

"I let you both talk" Zhao Li Xin unexpectedly become sensible and left the room before Lory could stop him. Lory berated Zhao Li Xin thousand times inwardly, since when her husband become so understanding!

Lory and Yang Xi Ying is left alone, they look at each other awkwardly. Leaving with no choice slowly Lory is lowering her arms "I…I hope I'm not scaring you" Lory wryly smiles.

Yang Xi Ying beautiful eyebrows knitted closely "Why you never told me!" she shouted angrily.

Lory becomes speechless "I…..I…." she averts Yang Xi Ying's gaze.

"I thought you are my best friend" Yang Xi Ying cried as her eyes damped with tears.

Grew up surrounding with Men, Lory weakness is woman tears, Just like Fargo when she saw women tears is like the sign to run, she really feel helpless "You are….You are my best friend!" Lory raised from her bed and make long strides across the room towards the crying Yang Xi Ying.

"So, why am I the last one to know!!" she said with grief.

"No, is not like that, I don't mean to hide it, it just…..I don't know what would you think about me?" Lory holds both Yang Xi Ying's hands just like a manly boyfriend coaxed his upset girlfriend.

Yang Xi Ying sniffles "Don't you trust me, you are not just Brother li benefactor but you also my benefactor, if not because of you I probably still begging that 'Jerk' to be my husband and I will not marry Brother Li, and if not because of you I might lose the love of my life, my life will be miserable if I never met you! You are my best friend, how can you not trust me!" yang Xi Ying cry even louder while venting her anger.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, I know it's my fault" Lory hugged the crying Yang Xi Ying and patted her back gently "Don't cry Xi Ying, please don't cry…..when you think again, you are not the last one to know, there also Li Mo Zhen isn't it" Lory try to comfort her.

But Yang Xi Ying holler "He doesn't count!"

Li Mo Zhen who was eavesdropping with Bei Li Yan and Mong Yi suddenly feel stabbed in his chest, why does he felt he was betrayed by his wife, Bei Li Yan and Mong Yi also look at him with pity.

'Wife, please don't ditch me…'